Copied from Justice Publications.
We understand that this has been rejected by OEN, so this gives you an idea of the stature of both it and OEN.
Would you say that the most rational thing in the world would be to acquire a substance that is physically injurious for your health and that of those around you, to put said material in a tube, stick said tube in your face, set fire to it and inhale its provably noxious fumes into your very lungs? Was that, No? Not even when 'they' make it so easy for you to acquire and set it afire by the mere exchange of some trivial metal or paper they have given you in exchange for a little of your time and sweat? No?
Yet a mere forty or fifty years ago it was the most natural thing in the world to do and to expect others to do. So much so that you were considered a trifle 'odd' and even 'suspect' if you did not.
Then why was that?
Because when you went to 'the flicks', as then everybody - naturally - did, then all the actors and actresses were doing it all the time. They hardly did anything else apart from slug bank-robbers and restore the swag to the benevolent bank presidents. Why, with hindsight, you might almost have thought the films existed for the sole purpose of showing people practising this strange habit. And then TV only came along to confirm the same message. So all the parents did it, so to all their children it was natural and expected of them.
Nicotine is a genuine-enough pesticide. Perhaps you did not know that. You dab it on a hen's private parts so that theoretically the pests that infest it will quit. What happens in practice is that they climb off and infest you, but it gives you an idea of what even bugs think of nicotine. But you, Reader?
Did the actors and actresses - presented to you as heroes and heroines - know what they were doing? - Well, you might care to ask any who have not coughed their way into early graves.
But actors are strictly controlled and directed. They didn't just happen to feel like smoking - or now eating and drinking, even driving cars - when the camera happens to be rolling. So 'those' who commissioned the scripts, and directed and produced the films, they knew exactly what they were doing. You betcha. Still do.
Song and Dance
Song, as practised by song-birds, probably taught us the attraction of music, and those of the past showed how even humans could produce sounds of real worth as ennobling factors in our mundane lives. You would never want to use that as a weapon, would you? But 'some' do. Now the deliberate dissonance currently produced and peddled as 'serious' music you would have to be seriously deranged to describe as 'music' rather than 'offensive ugly sound'. And for the young, battalions of automatons in unison grin frenziedly to-camera or, to exercise control and evidence contempt, from-camera while vermin you would not allow in your house yowl and scream 'lyrics' advocating sex and violence and whole arenas-full of the young wave helpless little arms as though mindlessly drowning in the raucous ebb and flow - Which we may suppose they are. - Yes, how well I remember the expression of disgust and contempt of a well-bred youth as one of 'their' professional bitches instructed a group of infant hopefuls in a TV 'talent contest', "You've got a pelvis - Use it use it use it;" while demonstrating her fluent mastery of the pelvic thrust.
Yes, we do understand that 'dance' is merely a sequence of postures as an exercise of display. In Africa, folks jump, to prove their physical ability, though even our professionals hardly ever get their heads more than another foot higher above ground level, despite pretending more by raising their legs somewhat. Adult folk of polite society had rationalised dance to a social pattern of well-groomed couples circling in pleasant social ambience. Then 'their' two cheap cynical films in the mid-'50s fixed that, so now even infants writhe in simulated orgasm as no 'savage' ever did, urged on for cash by ambitious painted 'moms'. Very edifying, eh?
Food and Drink
Similarly, forty years or so after 'they' told you that butter was 'bad bad bad' for you, and that you must all eat the much healthier margarine, and nightly on TV you saw these stupid broads who couldn't even 'tell Stork from butter' - Alistair Cooke one night said in amazement, "And do you know what was the most damaging of all? . . . . Margarine." 'They', now personified in the moguls who dreamed up and manufactured and pushed this subtle hydrogenised health-assassin, were those who seven times blocked Dr.Johanna Budwig's justified nomination for the Nobel prize for her cottage-cheese-and-linseed-oil cure for cancer. You might almost wonder why they would want to do that, mightn't you?
Then again, 'they' are also the same Big-Pharma bosses who - fifty years ago and still today - moonlight on the FDA to stop any natural remedy for the ills that their pals in the junk - sorry - 'processed'-food and drinks rackets cause by deliberately crippling your immune-systems. The results of their lobbying activities - let's be honest and call that 'bribing legislators', shall we? - include jailing sundry doctors who practise or even publicly profess any natural alternative, while they themselves amass monstrous profits from their own industries' products that vary from 'ineffective' to actually 'harmful'.
To battle - "Everbuddy's doin it, doin it doin it -"
Again, 'their' armaments industry does not exist exactly to do anyone any good, does it? In fact, it is hellbent on producing materials which can do the very most harm possible to as many folk as possible, as witness their use in certain downwind Middle-East countries where lives don't count except as numbers that each day have been stopped forever. Now computer-adept kids are trained to sit in armchair comfort and hourly without a qualm with their little fingers wipe out innocent women and children on the other side of the planet. - That is what 'they' deem Progress!
And the more active military, in which the malleable young are systematically trained to kill others to order or be killed without protest, and to do both unquestioningly while those who order can keep hands and bemedalled uniforms clean and a whole skin, these are used to depose governments and install puppets more to 'their' liking and to the populations harm while the desirable natural resources therein are annexed and magicked away. And if the said young are remorseful later, when they leave and have time to think, well that's just tough luck, and it gives society something to think about, rather than noticing what 'their' pals are up to in their latest financial shenannigans to rape the populations worldwide.
Besides, wholesale slaughter is the name of the game. The real aim of modern war is to kill as many as possible on all 'sides' or just 'on the planet' - simply because they are there - because we are here. You see, that is now the problem: we are here. Hence, nuclear weapons for all, kill as many as possible everywhere, and 'they' will pop out of their bolt-hole burrows in a thousand years time to reclaim the planet for the chosen, with any survivors as their slaves.
Yes, all this and our passified acceptance of it has been done by methodical training. So by whom done? Who are 'these', 'they' and 'them'?
The Wherewithal
Consider, if you will, 'those' who fund any activity requiring major finance - from resource acquisition and industrial agglomeration to world wars and financial manipulation to ruin empires and bring down civilisations. 'These' are they who invent 'the money', who thus hold the purse-strings of the world and who guide the major tides in world welfare or illfare. For them to make whole continents dependent on money, then ruin their currencies and cause their destruction - this is child's play. The money 'they' control is in their tax-exempt 'Trusts', into which all the proceeds of the world are channelled and funnelled in return for 'their' routine lending of a little ink by their 'Central Banks'.
Countries that thus far had resisted pressure to have a Rothschild 'Central Bank' to enable this one-way flow ten years ago were Afghanistan, Iraq, North Korea, Sudan, Cuba, Libya, and Iran. By sheer coincidence of course, that hit-list of additional countries to be attacked that Wesley Clark referred to after 9-11 consisted of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Somalia, Sudan, Libya and Iran. Well, we know that Afghanistan was specifically hit to enable the Caspian Basin pipeline, for which the 9-11 excuse was appropriately provided - with Iraq thrown in for 'Why the hell not while were about it - Don't they have oil and ain't they in the way of our expansion?' So that now leaves Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Cuba, Libya, with Syria and Lebanon just because they're right on the doorstep anyway.
So war, too, is routine, 'natural' and to be expected, is it? - Well, sure, if you are stupid enough to harbour these vermin and accept 'their' laws. - Such laws that govern even simple arithmetic: x = 6 million, so x-2.5 million = 6 million. Don't call mentioning that 'snide'. Face facts and call it a fact.
And face another brutal fact, the fact that this is genocidal war against the rest of us.
So, what we have to understand is that all these factors - wars too - are forms of pesticide, and the fact that they are most partially so used against the vast majority of humanity by a very small minority of humanity, indicates very clearly who are 'the pests' in the minds of whom.
However, since this minority has no divine mandate to think and act in this way other than that invented by themselves to enable them to exercise their murderous genocidal impulses against the rest, it is for the majority in its own interest to rouse itself and lean on these hyena few and squash them and their impulses out of their malignant existence.
So, who
So who are 'they'? Well, not to put too fine a point on it, they are the villainous Rothschilds and Rockefellers and all those who aid them, with their totally criminal banking and financial systems and the 'institutions' and preferential 'laws' that enable them. Two hours or so on the net will give you all the evidence you need to convince you. Also watch and keep this and understand that it is these vermin who are determined to eliminate ninety-five percent of us by all and any means in order to retain their power over the survivors via the fiction of their 'economy'.
But as 'our leaders', military and law-enforcement agencies for some unimaginable - but all too evident - reason are not doing anything to prevent them, but rather are accepting their fictional largesse to snuggle up to their worst and totally criminal intentions . . . ?
Folks, rouse yourselves. It is time for us to use our pesticide. Get leaning and get squashing.
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