Friday, July 16, 2010

Coming to a town near YOU !

Thanks to our leader keeping the border wide open. These aint the sounds of carpenters hammers. Keep your head down and enjoy.


  1. if6turnedouttobeneinJuly 16, 2010 at 1:35 PM

    You sure that's not semi-automatic nail and impact guns working on the immigration fence?

  2. I can only wish it was true.

  3. It really does sound like construction going on in parts of that video. Damn, that's a lot of ammo...

  4. Actually its de-construction. Two cops got it today in Juarez and a car-bomb went off to boot.

  5. I have a friend who wants to vacation in Mexico.. should I tell her to go to disneyworld instead?

  6. hi jersey, naw, just send her the vid clip:-)
    I had to stop it partway through, my dogs went troppo!
    they are either lousy shots or someone had a full on group battle?
    no wonder they wanna leave. I cant imagine having crap happen like that daily, and having kids to worry about getting shot by some of these bozos.
    if usa wanted to invade and "sort out" someone, I reckon this would be the place to start.
