Saturday, July 31, 2010

Country wrecking 101

I remember it as if it were yesterday. Who knows what might have been if hoods had not threatened the life of his children. Go under the fold for vid


  1. I liked Perot too until he came out and endorsed George W Bush in 2000.....

  2. Many of us fell into the lesser of two evils quagmire. I am hoping Ventura will run in 2012.

  3. Amen to all of the above. Prior to the above debate, in the primary season, I worked for Jerry Brown (D-CA) to become the Democrats' nominee.

    By that one move, I opposed BOTH George Bush Sr. and Bill Clinton. I was certainly for Ross Perot in 1992.

    The heroes subsequently fell down on the job of heroism. JG mentioned a demerit for Perot, and I'll mention one for Brown: He eventually began to parrot the talking points of the free trade agenda.

    I also like Ventura. I think he's fiscally conservative and socially liberal, which puts him in the right general vicinity. But, I am not so sure about him when it comes to trade. If memory serves, he was in favor of the Chinese trade deal... (That's if memory serves. I'm not firm on that point.)

  4. Well.....I'm a confirmed anti-vote messinger.

    Last time I voted was for the high school president, who I had done the poster art campaign for. Hey, he won too.

    But the stupid twit joined the Marines right out of HS, and volunteered for Nam.

    Dummy, I woulda had him in the White House by now.

    But seriously Stealing hubcaps is probably more productive.
    Or lighting a bag of dog shit on a neighbors porch, ringing the bell and running.
    Much more exciting....and you don't add to their delusion of authenticity.

  5. The corruption of the electoral system must be exposed. This can only happen when a candidate has a large majority of the vote in polls but cannot beat an establishment candidate.

  6. I think the corruption has eaten too big a hole in our electoral process for our votes to count. The elections will always go the way they want because they're paying' for them and they control the media.

    As much as I like Ventura, if he ran it would just be another exercise in futility to campaign or vote for him. The msm will marginalize him by making him look like a conspiracy nut and he will go down in flames like all the other 3rd partycandidates.

    It took years but I've finally learned my lesson. I agree with Will. I won't waste another minute of my time standing in line to vote for a candidate that doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of winning.

  7. We must have a landslide for a 3rd party candidate to expose any corruption. Dont throw the baby out with the bathwater. If we dont make an attempt at legitimate change we will not be justified if the hammer has to come down.

  8. boomerangcomesbackAugust 1, 2010 at 7:36 AM

    We be the hammer Mr. Korn.

    I'm with the Hybrid. I cannot justify voting for the lesser evil.

    I do believe in voting all incumbents out however, just to punish them and throw them out.

    ALL of our "systems" are corrupted beyond salvation. A re-boot is necessary. To me, that means boot their criminal asses out into the street where the ropes are ready. Cancel their security details, and make them face the wrath of the scorned and abused.

    Unfortunate mishaps may generally occur to them when least expected. I could see the elevator cable separating while Rockefeller ascends to his penthouse office, plummeting 50 floors, as gravity sucks him down into the basement where he belongs. Splat! That would be fitting. It would be where the means justify his end.

  9. Me in 1992:

    "All of these issues, and what happens? I mean, we elect politicians to try to help solve these issues; we keep doing this; we keep electing them -- nothing happens."

    -- Seen in the video above

    Me in 2010:

    "U.S. presidential elections had already become fraudulent occasions of fakery. Americans do not get what they vote for. They vote for change, and what happens is more of the same."

    -- My latest item published at COTO2
    (looking back at the 1992 election)

  10. Too bad they threatened the lives of his family. He went south. Chicken. Southern fried.

    NAFTA was the top agenda. Can't collapse a republic if everyone works, reads and saves. There go the three campaigns for America's Sayonara!

    MADE IN AMEROLAND coming to dollar store near you.

  11. Plowing through all the chemtrails info an links here... most seem to filter down to "call your representative and demand..." at which point I close the link and sigh a heavy sigh. How about... "go into your bathroom and demand your toilet grant you three wishes?"

    There is no “government.” There is no “political process.” There is no “country.” The great collective that passes for the USA is merely a network of corporate fiefdoms controlled by professional looters who are turning imaginary paper into machines, food and protected territory as fast as they possibly can… because they know the approaching die-off will convert monetary feudalism to the real feudalism of fortresses, food and weapons.

    That's The Terrible Truth.

    I "supported" Jerry Brown until he was pushed out of the memory loop. I actually "voted" for Ross Perot (he was on the ballot here in crakkkerland)... 18 years ago... before I learned The Terrible Truth. I will rally for any speaker who tells even a small portion of The Truth and doesn't talk like a fucking sausage.

    I even "vote" (for ENTERTAINMENT purposes ONLY). It matters NIL what sock-puppet is "elected" to distract the Proles. You can't stop what's coming (the die-off). You CAN begin to educate yourself so that as a Survivor (which I will NOT be) you can avoid abject serfdom and slavery.

    We ARE the HAMMER. That's why as many of us must be eliminated as possible as quickly as possible. Even so, this will not stop the HAMMER from striking.

    "Each at his forge must do their duty,
    And we'll strike the iron while it's hot."

  12. I would never lose the opportunity to go to the polls. In the last pres primary I went to vote for ron paul and in eagle Pass Texas there was not a repug party ! i went through the roof,then asked for a dimwit ballot and niether kucinich or Gravel were on the stinking ballot,I went through another roof and bitched at the election officials then threw the ballot at them. In our new town here I go for every election. I feed the ballot into the machine and then go behind the machine and look as if something were missing. I get a real rise out of the sheeple zombies.All of this is necessary to put a seed of doubt in the "minds" of the establishment morons.

  13. I always ask if they know who owns Votecount Inc.

    On 8/1/10, John Riggs wrote: > > I would never lose the opportunity to go to the polls. In the last pres > primary I went to vote for ron paul and in eagle Pass Texas there was not a > repug party ! i went through the roof,then asked for a dimwit ballot and > niether kucinich or Gravel were on the stinking ballot,I went through > another roof and bitched at the election officials then threw the ballot at > them. In our new town here I go for every election. I feed the ballot into > the machine and then go behind the machine and look as if something were > missing. I get a real rise out of the sheeple zombies.All of this is > necessary to put a seed of doubt in the "minds" of the establishment morons. > > > >


  15. How do I get this stupid green face offa here?

  16. your'e right isnt your best side:-) and green isnt your colour :-)
    somewhere on wordpress, on your page? from memory is a get Gravatar option..
