Saturday, July 31, 2010

A Tale of Two BP Wells - Are they Scamming the Public?


  1. Well well...dangit

    Video eats my web time faster than a roulette wheel at Vegas.

    But I know the synopsis.

    Can idiots be scammed? They're more like tokens on a game table being moved around by the players.

    Sometimes I wonder if the majority of them are like digital extras in some cosmic software game.

    Of course, that gets into the philosphy of consciousness and being, fractals and the big projector at Source central...sort of like fractured fairy tales [or fairy tails, depending on your sexual orientation]

    Anyway Deb....maybe this is as good as it gets.

  2. I dont think many of will be surprised at this..I have sent the link to more tech minded friends

  3. I suspected the well they were showing us on the teevee was not THE well. We'll see how this pans out.

  4. I can see another Moon Landing like the one we had in the desert forty years ago.

    Not a shcker for this cotohead.

  5. It seems that at this point, Aug. 7, that BP is claiming the well head hs been sucessfully sealed.

    Yet a large group of scientists are claiming that this is all smoke and mirrors on the part of BP and the Obammy regime.

    One thing, I guess most or all of us here have firmly under our caps is that, when their mouths move they are lying.

    Seems the space shots of the area are showing huge expanse of 'plumes' covering thousands of square miles of ocean.

    I'm just wondering when HAARP us going to direct a big hurricane over this shit and dump it on the Gulf coast.

    Is it a matter of "if"? Personally I think it is a matter of "when". But I am known for such cynicism...grin.



    "There's a lot of . . . smoke and mirrors in this report," said Ian MacDonald, a professor of biological oceanography at Florida State University. "It seems very reassuring, but the data aren't there to actually bear out the assurances that were made."
