We can make a relatively easy transition from monetary manipulation and the fiat illusion, to the trance-formation of human cognition to commerce. When looking at the committee processes for achieving the fiat based rule for the monetary system of existence, it had to start with power.
Owning the resources was the first step. The orchards, lakes, minerals and forests were the banks and power was the purchaser. War was the contract and the armies supplied the financing. How did the King-Bankers manage to get the financing for these contracts? Just as we see today, they create it out of thin air. Thin air can make one very dizzy, unbalanced and faint but that's irrelevant to how the Bankers built their banks.
You must reason that the original finance for the bankers is still today the only real asset they have. We are all property of these contracts and therefore in the fiat control of the original Kings and their heirs. From birth you now know the certificate indicates by capital letters, your contract with the Lords of Nations and International Commerce. You are now a negotiable instrument of the Federal Reserve, identified as the holder of Corporate Bond and is on record with the Department of Census.
In the original process since the days of Abraham, it required a far less paper trail. But as it was back then you had to voluntarily submit to be an instrument of commerce for the Banker Kings. It was achieved through patriotism, collusion with heretical church and corrupt state and tyranny or threat. I remind you again that nothing has changed other than a more elaborate bureaucracy and paper trail.
The fact is you are free, your are not subject to these contracts by law, nor are you under any obligation. The strawman is a forgery, the laws, even those of the constitution are not binding to your inherent rights of birth. The bogus registry is held in trust for the Federal Reserve at the Depository Trust Corporation at 55 Water Street in New York City and they are all forged documents.
Any contract you have signed whether a Promissory Note, Bill of Exchange, Letter of credit, Deed and IOU are just another example of negotiable instruments as the Strawman of your bond held within this counterfeit vault. This reality represents the first illusion of the grid. When you are comfortable with this arrangement or unwilling to accept your inherited independence, free of incumbrances by counterfeit contract and under no guarantor obligation, then you have become the asset of the King Bankers and are ready to become a performing stock or bond for their benefit.
The next step is how they will keep, trade or bundle you into their manipulative derivative scheme. This includes visceral and Pavlovian techniques in alpha and beta programs and your own vices. Gathering and gleaning information for the Bankers is invaluable and critical for specific customized utilization of the asset.
When you hear the word troops, assets, forces, funds, constituent or surety you should understand that the references are to mean less than human or non-human and merely a component of the banking mechanism. Slave, indentured, chattel, and domestic are unused terms these day yet they offer more human connection and reference as do these new terms for your person. This is an example of the visceral alpha programming that perpetuates this banker and property relationship.
In the true Elitist sense they cannot treat the terms in any other way. Against all desire to try to fake this view, they will not give you human or equal status. Therefore the terms used now reflect legal terms that equate to the true meaning and philosophy of the banker regarding their view on you not as a person, but as their property.
In this first brief, I have tried to initiate the escence of us. The fact that we transcend not only the committee's designations but equally we are bound outside the realm of the republic, constitutions and all declarations of such government creation.
TODAYS HEADLINE FROM ESPN: Prokhorov gets control of Nets
[The Nets hope Prokhorov's wealth -- estimated at $9.5 billion through his banking and metals businesses -- will be used to help them bounce back from a 12-70 finish that included an NBA-worst, 18-game losing streak to open the season. The team was ruined by cost-cutting moves under Ratner, who signed off on the trades of Jason Kidd, Kenyon Martin, Vince Carter and Richard Jefferson.
"We anticipate that his passion for the game and business acumen will be of considerable value not only to the Nets franchise but to the entire NBA," commissioner David Stern said.]
Elitists and Corporates of the Banks trading assets for the pleasure of Kings. Regardless of the salaries of these endentured gladiators, they are just negotiables and chattel for the purpose of the banking game.
Maybe, Puddy. But you don't have to accept it. You can recognise that all finance is only a fiction, that its manipulators are only devious schemers and, though you may have signed this or that, you can always change your mind and opt out.
ReplyDeleteYou can always appreciate that all law and politics and most of the activities of society as we know it are mere symptoms of group deranged mentality and tell all their practitioners what to do with their schemes.
'The elect' and their accomplices never knew what reality is anyway, and their greed has blinded them to anything other than the mechanisms of 'take'.
So, establish the basic physical realities, and work upwards from there. We may have to do that soon anyway when the proverbial hits the fan.
It's really about finding your most valuable possessions which are not these that illusionary greedmongers spend billions to program you to pursue.
ReplyDeleteIt's about rejecting, detoxing from the basic lowest instincts and denominators we percieve as the path to happiness.
Step 1, you know well. The majority of your focus has been on the banking and financiers. I know you are on the frontline of tearing them down. I stand with you on that 100%.
But my expectations and prognosis for such an outcome are very low. There is a better direction and opportunity to tear it down from the bottom up. The tools to do this require all to determine the very basis of this relationship.
Whether they think I am full of crap, so be it. They should evaluate for themselves if they agree with me that we are "0" on their scale or somewhere between that and 10. 10 being the idea that they would sanction us for tank tread lubrication under the admitted "useless eater" term if we were not a performing asset in their portfolio.
I must admit to extremism on this view. I have been slowly sickened to the highest possible contempt watching my friends and neighbors lose everything they thought was important. I have read my last newspaper article on an elderly suicide resulting from a tax-difficient or second mortgage siezure.
When you decide to kill yourself over a pile of bricks and sticks or kill your fellow man for a NY Giants Jacket then you have sufficiently performed as an asset, investment to term and removed non performing chattel out of the portfolio. PERFECTION!
My little area in NC here has all the real misery of Haiti with all the visceral trimmings provided by the committee.
Thanks for the email Flak. When I do get out for awhile it's to deliver dog food and some supplies. That's my only perspective right now. I'd like to go to New York and stop into Cipriani Wall Street and listen to the gossipers and geckos laughing at my neighbors 401K's but the Martini's are $14.