What we know now is the COMMITTEE is all in this game. The Senate unanimously voted to expose the details of the Fed's emergency lending during the financial crisis, though I don't expect it to uncover anything.Ron Paul's bill has been there for so long they have had time to get their ducks in a row and administrators up to speed.
In a unanimous voice vote, the Senate specified that money recovered from bailed-out banks should go toward paying down the ballooning budget deficit, rather than job-creation efforts or other new spending. The keyword here is job creation. There will be no job creation policy or programs, no domestic manufacturing growth or entrepreneurship and no administration effort in this sector of Obama's agenda.
They have spent twenty years orchestrating this power failure of the American spirit and resilience. Fake fiat and fantasy finance were just tools. An invention, not for the benefit of the wealthy Bankers and Greedy Corporations was this conceived, but for the means to put you in debt and slaving for survival.
But more importantly, this is a war on the spirit. This long-term plan to slowly accustom the power middle class to struggling as the norm. It works like any other habituation forced on us by the all-powerful and controlling government. We have not quite reached Communist Russia or China's absolutism, though there is something far more insidious about our committee's brand of tyranny and how they intend to finish it.
As the final installments of the financial collapse are playing out, the rapid changes to personnel are happening now. All current puppet leaders and key administrators will be exiting. Karzai was my pick for this year, but the exit of Gordon Brown was far more rapid than anyone expected. Mending a fence or just on queue? Merkel may be next in line.
Once the committee has sufficiently hijacked the economy, sabotaged any recovery, funneled the assets to the grid and faced the final judgement they will all disappear as those in the past. Bush, Clinton, Bush, Greenspan, Wolfowitz and all the current players will be replaced by a specific hand picked crew of real magicians. This troop will be the real brain trust and power for the world order transition and UN based OZ.
The level of intelligence of these who are lying in wait will be the very deepest of the committee. They will come out of the blue with unlimited charisma and power during the most difficult time in our history.
They will admonish all previous players, sooth all partisans and offer a wonderful plan. These figures will be perceived as greater beyond all previous greats. Beyond FDR and beyond Lincoln and I use those two because we will have a WWIII and a civil war here at home.
From what we can glean from the MSM, it appears Sec. Hillary is very happy with the sluggish efforts of Pakistan and Afghanistan to get control over their nations and people including headway in finding the elusive ghosts of al-Qaeda. More recently she seems to be turning her focus to homeland terror projects that the committee is likely briefing her on daily.
Along with the rapid changes in the southern border, I expect the Martial Law surprise could come from this front versus some successful middle eastern flavored staged attack. Either way the event will happen this year and into 2011. This timing will solve two problems, that being taking the eye of the financial terrorism until they have sufficiently sucked it dry and to lead in the final phasing out of the dollar and a new financial plan.
When Mr. Lincoln arrives, Barry Soetero will leave for U.N. duty. He hates America anyway and will be glad to get out of the nasty job he was groomed for. Unlike Dubya, he's not megalomaniacal enough and just merely a narcissist who hates to be criticized. Africa may be where he get's to rule in popularity providing counter therapy for his damaged psyche, who knows yet?
War will be the rejuvenation for the economy after virtual collapse. Two fronts may be four by then and I expect Israeli administrators to have the financing and motivation to initiate the means for real war with Iran and Syria to add to this Af-Pak affair. Iraq will pay off. Are they willing to war with Iran? Check your history on that.
Now at home we may have to reinstate the draft. Anyone surprised at that? I doubt it. Enlistment for border protection may be the community service Obama was eluding to. Time to clean out the anarchists. The mexican anarchists? Maybe or maybe the patriots, oathkeepers, constitutionalists and anybody who want's off the global grid.
"But I just want to cancel my credit cards and grow a garden."
"Terrorist pig. You die"
You get it. A homegrown brownshirt standing army. Ready to make you love the presidents programs and have you follow the new foreign Supreme Court rules. And they are officially foreign now with Kagan joining the group. This possible justice is right out of the committee corporate Fabian farm, Neo liberal and Corporatist all in one.
Some won't believe the coming winds of change for the economy, the grid and the rationing and shortages they may include in this final phase to grid living. When you decide to stuff your mattress and stock up on supplies, remember to hide it very well.
Sinking into the sublime...
ReplyDeleteSome welcome the rapture.
Many will resist the loss of oxygen.
It will not take our breath away, only give us reason to inflate our lungs and SCREAM! Then act in unison.
The Giant is Awakening...
Kagan's a ridiculous Joke, a Klown, a Plant, and so is the Liar who chose her. By the company one keeps, by your actions, by your choices you tip your hand.
ReplyDeleteThis is one more tip from hireling that the administration is most certainly not about the people's business, but about corporate business and the committee's business.
It's almost shameless flaunting in this hijacking administration now, Boom. Transparency is one thing he did not lie about.
ReplyDeleteAye, you're so right -- anyone not "mesmerized" by the cult of personality can see right through the lipstick, makeup, and pomp-us-ness.
ReplyDeleteHey, check out the photos of the plane crash here:
Yeah...actual "plane wreckage" is right there in your face. Ought to keep pointing out the quackery and con regarding the 9/11 Pentacon and PA flights "lack" of wreckage.