Inspired by "The Division Bell" by Pink Floyd
While many, very many are still caught up in the division bell lowered over their heads by The Committee and their minions, another force, one much greater than any V-twin model I've ever had the pleasure of guiding is casting a very large shadow (VLS) over greater Europe as we speak, or as I type, whichever way you prefer to see it. Either way, this is really happening and there is absolutely nothing any of us can do about it. Let us NOT get used to it. After all, nature takes its' course but the MSM exploits "her" to the max.
Why on earth would anyone in their right mind fly into Heathrow, of all places? My guess is that we could ask a large number of people the same question and each and every one would have a good answer. Heathrow can be a real pain in the south side. On the other hand, I have fond memories of a very pleasant experience there. My Boss and I arrived shortly after 9 a.m. He had no idea what to expect as I had arranged for everything while he was filing his nails in his "Glaskaste". Managers are far too comfortable these days. They let people like me do all the work while they relax behind their desks. Little do they know that in doing so, they're slowly but surely taking a good saw to each leg of their easy chairs.
Carry-on was all we had with us. I made my way through the control areas flashing my US Passport and my totally British name as we came to an area that smelt of automobile exhaust. Talk about a bad odor! People were standing around holding self-made signs up. One such sign had a Company name on it, another a person's name. I made my way around the room, looking back to be certain my Boss hadn't gone astray (duh, lotta good your diploma didya in London, duh) until I saw my name on one such sign.
There was no overlooking it. That was our car. The chap holding the sign was pleased to have found his temporary cargo, almost as much as I was pleased to have found him! So off we went into the wild blue yonder of England, on a business trip which turned out to be quite successful despite my (German) Boss at my side making an arse of himself at each and every opportunity he could find, regardless of how many times I had told him to......
Anyway, long story, short winded, I booked another flight into Heathrow today. Got a decent price, I should say. And what's this? The world is falling apart. The "news" reads;
Are these people serious? Is the sky falling? Already!!???
People, triangulate. Read between the lines. There's not much there but one thing is for certain for me, the big Gore lie was almost erased by another volcano. Todays news is damage control + a great deal of disformation of what is real and that which just might move us to believe we are a species under protection - of some kind.
Right! - Bill Cosby
P.S. pardon me for "dropping" this so rapidly, please pardon any typos and such. This is just another Blitzwrit from your tony.
Oh, I almost forgot, be scared, be very scared! You're supposed to be.
Smoking cigarettes polutes the environment?
ReplyDeleteFekkoff, ya bloody pirate! Onwithyer. Move on!
May favorite line from "The Butcher Boy"......
"Hey Fish! Fekkoff!!"
double P.S. and this is for "writers" only, not meant for dontcha fekkers be readin' this, you FISH!!!
ReplyDeleteAboot the Butcher Boy:
The novel is written in a hybrid of first-person narrative and stream of consciousness, with little punctuation and no separation of dialogue and thought."
This impressed me. I wonder when I'll be able to turn the impression into a glazed product!
Neveryamind. I enjoyed that book almost as much as I enjoyed the film "No Country for Old Men". So getyaz ready....I'll be soon writing me arse off feryaz. Meanwhilez, tell the "news" and the "Poli-Tics" ta
Fish they are. No bedderthen yer common fish.
Icelandic Volcano Eruption Intensifies
ReplyDeletegreat picture here
I was ready to post the coto obvious and I went flat!
ReplyDeleteMysteriously, the little whitecoats of the committee could have their little dirty hands in this ash fart, but it might be God, in infinite power and omnipotence.
Somedays, much like that day I see a simple case of, having eating chemtrails, radiation poisoning and tons of spoiled meat the committee buries secretly in their dirty wars that he just has to belch some out.
Then again, the committees little issues with Iceland, Russia and Poland make this little scalar opportunity irresistible.
The triad of chaos, so very important, so very complicated but mostly so very diversionary are these controllers.
What are the chances we could ever get the core committee all on one plane? Sorry.....just daydreaming.
Can't see any ashes here but the skies are very quiet. They've shut down most every major airport all across europe because of this. I'm wondering if Ratzi is gonna make his flight to Malta on time for his 5th.......OR if he's gonna "take the 5th".
ReplyDeleteGood One Curt. :)
ReplyDeleteIceland's disruptive volcano - The Big Picture -
Frankfurt (FRA) had planned on opening up again today, in about an hour and a half, but have now decided to remain close until tomorrow 14:00 GMT+2.
This is the largest no fly zone the world has seen since WWII. Already, Billions of Euros have been lost. Thousands of travelers are currently stranded, including das Ferkel, Angie Merkel. The main train station in Frankfurt was a place of absolute chaos yesterday afternoon with further reaching trains packed to the point of people passing out.
I've heard the French Revolution was triggered by a similar yet much more severe situation. French farmers were no longer able to grow crops after ashes from an icelandic volcano covered many parts of Europe. Millions died as a result (if I heard correctly).
For now, all is well. No ashes falling here, nothing out of the ordinary except a very quiet sky.
So where are the reports of this eruption where Gore's big lie is challenged? And where are the damage control propaganda reports that will play this event down and boost Gore's convenient lie back to the pole position? Have YOU seen any?
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to imagine that a Photon stream that brings down a Polish Airliner can disturb the volcano. NOT!!!
Whether ELF,VLF, Micro, Infrared, X, or Gamma,
the dangers are not known and the fools playing with it have done some damage.
The NASA history has been predominately for Tesla research. Therefore no moon landing ever was completed. The radiation in Tesla's research and the radiation of space prevented it. The faked pictures are obvious as well. WIND IN A VACCUM?
Be aware that they do plan on really doing it this time though now that they have the radiation issue resolved, at least in their minds.
Meanwhile the masses just graze. Baaaaaaahh!
"Gore's big lie?" What does this mean? Is it anything like Goretex?
ReplyDeleteWhathehell ever happened to oilcloth, anyway?
The green lie, the most convenient lie. In order to reach their goal, the players, Gore "inklusiv" have hijacked the CO2 ship, heaved a flag of lies and are playing us like a fiddle for two reasons. One, to milk us. Two, to accelerate the move toward a one world Gummit. One common enemy, one common Gummit.
ReplyDeleteThere already IS a "one-world gummint." Definition(s):
ReplyDeleteGovernment: A government is the organization, machinery, or agency through which a political unit exercises its authority, controls and administers public policy, and directs and controls the actions of its members or subjects.
"Politics is a process by which groups of people make collective decisions."
The "groups of people" ARE making "collective decisions" (see Bilderburg list) - which has only a nodding relationship to the "collective" that is actually making "decisions."
"To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated, but not wholly unfair."
"...It is unavoidable and it doesn't matter. There will always be people who believe in conspiracies but things happen in a much more incoherent fashion...When people say this is a secret government of the world I say that if we were a secret government of the world we should be bloody ashamed of ourselves."
Whether it's the "world peace" lie or the "freedom" lie or the "green" lie doesn't matter. Whether the liars themselves are aware that they are lying or whether their intent is genuine or not doesn't matter. The "ideology" fails and becomes a lie if it threatens to stop the MOP... Maximization Of Profit.
The real "rulers" probably don't know they "rule," and would not care if they did... because they serve a conscious system of human components that is itself not human. The "Committee" is a strand and servant of the MOP.
MOP has embedded itself in millions of human brains like a lancet fluke and changed the collective behavior!