An MSM expose' (Surprise!!!) of the financial fraud perpetrated upon the American people is presented on the Dylan Ratigan Show on MSNBC of all places. This is actually Very Good!
Rep. Alan Grayson and Bill Fleckenstein offer comments against Capo Alan Greenspan's flatulent denial of responsibility for the policy that allowed this treasonous fraud to come to fruition. Is there any other name for it?
Will Americans hold Congress' feet to the fire and demand recovery of the stolen funds from the Federal Reserve thieves and other banker criminals? Staying silent is condoning your own rape -- how's that sound to every American?!
here's another corporate bailout, aka class war bomb:
ReplyDeleteMonsanto stands to get $billions:
Global Food Security Act, S.384, to give $billions to Monsanto, other GMO producers
The blatant pilliaging and tyranny is rampant, and it appears there is nothing we can do about it.
ReplyDeleteUnited we stand divided we fall? Come on now all of you credulous, ignorant, apathetic proles, let's get on the ball
It was clear years ago with the Greenspan bubble. That's why I sold my house and equity only paid cash for my next one.
ReplyDeleteI wrote the X-factor years ago. Everyone exposed them then. The idiots kept electing the shills.
They'll never come around. You can forget it.
Operation Cleansweep was an indictment of everyone in Congress who voted for NAFTA and Gramm-Bliley-Leach. That was proof positive that the two party criminals dominated.
Why blamed the FED and TREASURY when "we the idiots" clearly laid back and snoozed like they did in 1913 when this shit parade started.
I protested the WTO. I sent faxes to Congress on Glass-Stegal killers. They stole your money legally. It's gone!
All you can do now is not give them anymore. It requires everyone to send their reps and senators a mandate for no new taxes, no healthcare scam, no carbon taxes, no more PONZI's or you lose your F-king job next election.
Anyone that owns a home needs to file a land patent and everyone needs to file a UCC-1 strawman, refuse to pay income taxes and march.
Even if you could get the mindless drones to act, they'll drop the REAL BOMB and that will end that. Better just buckle up and hunker down. You all know it's coming, best to leave the sheep to their ignorant end.
Today was a bad day (tax day) to get me going. Not my best behavior.
Notice though, these folks still don't know about the 'fractional reserve lending' that enables the banks to invent and lend nine times the amount of the original ink that they first receive from the Fed., or that it all goes back to the Rothschilds, who simply lend back more ink, and stash the receipts in their tax-exempt 'Trusts'.
ReplyDeleteBut the COTO members know, because they saw
Maybe someone should tell them what COTO knows.