PD: So aren't you afraid?Jan: Yes, I guess I am a little. I think about it all the time. PD: Just a little?Jan: Okay, I'm afraid.PD: You ought to be after all they have done. You have two young daughters and you are a single parent, correct?Jan: Yeah, but I am making ends meet alright and my parents would help if I needed it.PD: You come home everyday alone and I guess you don't go out much unless your date is paying?Jan: Uh huh.PD: You watch TV or read?Jan: I don't watch TV.PD: Good. There's nothing but gratuitous violence and someone told me there was about fifteen Crime Scene Investigation programs now. Is that true?Jan: I don't know. My parents watch a lot of TV. When I am there they always have some crime drama on.PD: Why do you think they program all that crap? You think they are de-sensitizing the masses to expect that these vicious and exotic murders happen everyday?Jan: My parents are addicted to those shows. I think they are brainwashed. They used to go out and eat and see shows and music events at the Kravis Center. Now since the financial collapse they stay home and watch TV. They lost a lot of money.PD: The Committee is pleased with that. Your dad was a banker wasn't he?Jean: He was a financial manager for American Express and later retired as President of a small banking group in New York.PD: They live in a nice development in West Palm Beach. I used to play golf there. Does it have a nice club membership?Jan: yeah but they don't belong. My dad doesn't play golf or want to get involved in the membership. I think he's depressed and he hates Obama.PD: Too bad he doesn't know the truth. Obama is a shoeshiner and confidence man. Your dad lost his money to the banking oligarchs. The Rockefellers, Warburgs and Rothschilds. They own the banks. They tell Warren Buffett and Bill Gates how much money they can make. Your dad is not depressed, he is scared.Jan: I had to take the girls out of the private school. They started public school this year.PD: How is that working out?Jean: Elliana has already brought a friend over. Pat, she looks like a hooker. She's fourteen and looks like a hooker. Ellie asked if this girls mother could drop them off at the mall for a few hours. I said no way if her mother wasn't going to be with them.PD: The Malls are the best places to abduct kids.Jan: I know. I can't believe this girls mother drops her daughter off there and goes off to Pilates or the spa.PD: See you are afraid again right?Jan: Yes. Florida is full of wierdo's and pedophiles.PD: It's a good thing you don't watch TV since they love to do crime dramas on child abduction. And during the show they love to play the Brinks -Broadview ads showing nice white women getting a home invasion from white men. They don't show these ads with black or Hispanic perps. They are always white. That's part of the beta programming your parents and the masses are getting. Right now there is a major campaign going on to vilify the white race. I know your dad is a Republican but he better wake up to the fact that Bush-Clinton- Bush-Obama is a project and that Bush-Bush was designated to vilify white people directed at the world and Clinton-Obama vilify them here at home.Jan: My dad thinks Obama is a socialist.PD: Your dad didn't think Bush was capitalist warmonger did he?Jan: No, but I don't think he liked him.PD: He wasn't supposed to like him. He was just supposed to be afraid. That's all these guys do is administrate fear. And fear is the game. Your dad is afraid of Obama so he will take another warmonger capitalist over his fear. The other side will take a welfare tax state over their fear.Jan: I told you about my new church in Boca didn't I?PD: YesJan: I sent you link to view the sermon of the minister. Did you watch it?PD: Yes I did and I have to say it was pleasing to hear your minister speak to the world order. You have always shut me down when I tried to talk of these things.Jan: Yeah, yeah, I know. I told you I hate politics. I just don't have time to get involved in that.PD: I know. So I was grateful that your minister gave a very nice but very basic presentation of these things I have tried to tell you.Jan: I am sorry I did not give you more of my time. You have always given me good advise and support when I needed it. I should have paid you back by listening.PD: You have told me how badly you want to meet someone and have a marriage again and it hurts me when you tell me that the men you meet there are such pathetic candidates. I left Florida because I had to but I never regretted leaving the South Beach mentality. I grew up and the men there never did. Florida and Miami were a boys dream for a place to live in the sixties, but it steadily went downhill from there. But I know you would never leave it would you?Jan: Probably not.PD: Then make sure you stay close to your church, your close friends and your parents. Protect your children now that they are in public schools. The teachers will not protect them and will hurt them. You are the best mother I have known and I miss taking you and the girls out for Barbeque Shrimp.They are getting older and they are at risk.Jan: I took your advise on the flu shots.PD: Thank God for that.Jan: And I got Savannah checked for that stomach problem. It is gluten and diary she is allergic to.PD: Get her off that crap as soon as possible. Did she go for the almond milk?Jan: Yes, but the bread is harder. I buy gluten free but she won't eat it. I am trying rice cakes. She eats those. She's better now but still has some problems in the morning.PD: Before school?Jan: YesPD: She's scared. Find out why. Does your ex help you?Jan: No, he's still making excuses though he just moved to a rental on the intracoastal waterway. Same ol' Brian.PD: He's afraid too. I think he's the most insecure guy from the stories you tell me.Jan: He doesn't act like he's afraid but he looks terrible. He drinks all day long while his workers are doing all the painting. He's only 40 but I swear he looks older than you. No offense. [giggle]PD: Yeah. right. Well, I think he's afraid. Afraid like everyone else. They make you afraid. Day and night they tell you what's coming. I told you that another 911 is coming and this one is going to be much larger. Jean: You're the one making me afraid.PD: You don't watch TV or read a paper. If you did you would hear more fear mongering than I could ever give you. I tell you this so that you know if and when it happens, it will be serious and change this country like no other event in our history. You tell your minister that you know a full-blown tin-foil conspiracist who can take his sermon and provide an hour on each of the ten points he discussed. Tell him I can provide government documents telling us exactly what is coming. And most importantly, tell him he will have to come up to the plate like it's the bottom of the ninth inning to hit the grand slam or it will be game over. And it has nothing to do with losing money, lost freedoms or lives, but souls.Jan: I can't tell him that. I just started going there. He'll think I am nutjob.PD: Well at least tell him you want to hear him talk more about the changing world and it's consequences. More people will die in the next five years than all the deaths to date in history. A million and a half have died in Iraq and Afghanistan and I bet your congregation hasn't a clue to that.Jan: They might. They are a pretty savvy group there.PD: Then I am so pleased that you are there too.Jan: I am going to get ready for bed. I'll call again soon.PD: Hug the girls and kiss that little spider monkey Savannah for me.Jan: I will after I check my email.PD: I have to get to my TV. CSI Toledo is about to begin.Jan: What?PD: Never mind. I love you guys. Goodnight. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If interested in a world order sermon: Dr. David Nicholas founder of Spanish River Church, Boca Raton Florida
Hit the Speaker tab and select Dr. David Nicholas and select connecting the dots and select 21march2010_connectdots_pdn
You'll have to listen to a few songs by the players and deal with a little Savior talk. If you want you can take a break while it's playing or attempt to fast forward.
I listened to the first one, and that was enough.
ReplyDeleteOK- let's assume sin and death. OK- let's assume that it's a "theological" problem. My problem- really BAD theology. It starts with mangling the ALLEGORY of Genesis and the Fall of Man...proceeds to some really whack metaphysics... deteriorates further with some extremely shabby and simplistic "history" (in order to push the "abortion" button)... then collapses in a steaming heap exhorting "Christians" to be "politically active."
How? By "voting" for the "candidate" who supports "freedom" and the "founding fathers" yadda yadda blah de fucking blah blah blah. Afraid? You bet I am. I'm afraid of THESE fuckers.
I came home to dominionist krakkkerland from south Florida over 30 years ago... but I knew the WPB-Boca-Jupiter strip quite well. Went back about 20 years ago and it turned into a strip-mall megalopolis all the way down to Miami. I bet it's REALLY loony now.
Now... Patrick- mah MAN... "Right now there is a major campaign going on to vilify the white race." Do you actually BELIEVE that? You know, of course, that there IS NO GENE for "race." It's an illusion... just like the false dichotomy between "warmonger capitalism" and "welfare tax state."
No matter what "candidate" gets "elected," we're going to get war... not "welfare," and we are going to get looting... whether it's "taxes" or or "capitalism" or they get tired of that scam and just send the goons to kill you and take anything that's worth anything... to the Committee.
We are FUCKED no matter what... and filling people's heads with this comic-book "theology" probably won't help much.
The Committee has had them strung out on that "god" dope for thousands of years.
...doin' the best I can, boyo... and admit it aint much. I tried to put all that on one page here: http://waldopaper.wordpress.com/
ReplyDeleteyeah i know you know about all that... and ye got me on that one... some weeks a few beers and hatred of the fats IS all that keeps me going... but then- i don't hate everybody with lots of money (cough cough...some of my best friends...etc.) i'm more in line with this guy: http://exiledonline.com/confessions-of-a-wall-st-nihilist-forget-about-goldman-sachs-our-entire-economy-is-built-on-fraud/
"perfected man philosophy?" i'm not sure what that is... but i suppose i do. tend to be a "secular humanist," in that i believe in the basic good in humanity... and that we are hard-wired for co-operation... not "competition" which tends to be more "learned." "evolution" does NOT always equate to "progress" or "perfection" (whatever that is)... and i believe attempting to jink with Mom Nature is done at our great peril.
i just told about 100 students that "al quaeda" does not exist... in the sense that we THINK it does... and that's about as radial as i'm gonna get for now. i don't buy into a lot of the NWO dogma because Nature as i know it seems not to work that way. i am betting all my cookies on only one "sure" thing:
the shit IS going to hit the fan... it has already... and there is nothing "we" can do to stop it. how far it is going to go, i cannot imagine... well- yes i can and it's fucking horrible. i believe it can possibly be mitigated somewhat... but cannot be stopped. reverend doctor noodle is one leg of the "triad," and it doesn't matter how much he points to "Rome." oh- and yeah- i subscribe to "revolutionary theology" big-time.
i would that the congregation could see the greasy lie right in front of them than some theoretical NWO on some Illuminati Olympus pushing buttons. Not that that couldn't be possible... but as the Teacher said... get that beam out before ye tries to remove that mote.
In this case... they gotta get the mote out before they can even SEE the beam.
Well, let me start off by saying if Christians really practiced what Christ preached this world would be a much better place. Unfortunately, there are more religious posers than there are Mother Theresas out there.
ReplyDeleteI am a spiritual person who thinks the bible was written by the same type of people who are in control today to keep the masses in line way back when. I despise ALL organized religion but do believe in something more powerful than us even if it's just the energy in the universe.
Having said all that, the rev gave a pretty good sermon but I wonder if he was preaching in this same vein during the 8 years of the Bush regime? My guess is that he wasn't. When he talks about how horrible govt controlled health care is and how awful it will be for drs, he should also mention how awful health care is now under the control of the insurance company hmos and how drs are giving up their practices because some idiot adjuster behind a desk is making medical decisions for their patients instead of them.
That bothers me. It bothers me that many of the tea partiers are only protesting now that their nemesis, the democrats are in control. Where were they when the Bush crime family was shredding the constitution? My republican friend is finally agreeing with me about the horrible state the country is in. During the Bush years she didn't want to hear about it and would stare blankly at me when I tried to explain what the patriot act and military commissions act means to the average citizen.
It's the same ole bs with so many of these people. They are blinded and caught up in red team blue team crap and those types piss me off more than the ones who don't give a damn and remain glued to their teevees.
Btw, I wish that young woman and her children well. I AM afraid mostly for the youngest amongst us.
I remember that post. It was great.
ReplyDeleteThe Author:
Saying shit on the internet since 1988
That cracked me up WP.
But that was back in June. How long must we wait for the next?
We agree on the shit hitting the fan. For me it's gut mainly. My food tastes bad, my sleep is crap and the sky and sunlight don't feel right and that's enough for me. Add to that the ten thousand things we know are happening, none of which are positive and that tips the scale for me. We agree.
But if doctor noodle and the dalai and everyone else who is talking peace, love and pointing to the FAT's, their government henchman, their wars and profits, who's going to do it. You and all the other pre-fessors?
If you think man can perfect himself into a peaceful, productive, paradisiac proletariat collective under secular humanist ideology then point out any group, tribe or nation that has made this a reality.
If you have to a reasonable conclusion that al-qaeda does not exist then why can't the same technique be used to spoil Hindi, Buddhist, Christian and Muslim theology?
If the supreme creator is fiction, then why do they go to such lengths to discredit these faiths with all the same tools they use to operate the al-qaeda false flag? It would work in false faith and false patriotism as well.
If revolutionary theology is what I think it is, then it sounds like another french or russian revolution on a nice idea that ends up with a few taking the power.
You don't like the terms welfare state or nannie state but it best describes what happens when you sanction a redistribution of wealth to those who don't want to pick themselves up.
Whatever you give them they do not appreciate. That's basic psychology. Unlike the first used car you worked your tail off for, you appreciated more than the little silver spoon shit that daddy gave the beamer to.
So when I look at Government or Corporates as the ones to handle that one task, I can clearly see that it is the last thing they want to accomplish. It tells me that these secular humanists cant get the job done.
Separation of Church and State has serve this failure very effectively. Too bad they can't fall back on the secular humanist approach as there is no rule on that one as far as I know.
I'll say this Waldo, I'd take you under your SH or Dr. Noodle under his Christianity in the white house over the Olympian Elite Illuminati who have confirmed their existence by twenty years I have spent predicting their moves.
As I said before I am neither a prophet or psychic. I just read the best book on conspiracy from cover to cover.
I have to say I disagree that he was slanted right. He never mentions Obama or Bush and really just covers the shadow players in history. Like I said it was a feeble attempt to cover the tip of a large iceberg. He needed to cover the Iraq thing in his unfits as he did the blacks.
ReplyDeleteI think the teaparty is completely controlled in hierarchy by the left and are manipulating the weakest core of the extreme rightwing idiots.
If we were out of these two illegal occupations we'd have no problem giving free healthcare to everyone.
I think the only thing in the healthcare bill should have been a public option run by a NGO. Not the government or the big heathcare corporates. That's all. One bill, one thing. Obviously, the way to kill progress and good bills is to add an extra thousand of pages that make the single aim so toxic that nobody want's it.
ReplyDeletePuddy, you've forgotten again.
Abolish finance, and most of the need for a living wage - and job to earn it - disappears anyway.
Easy to do . . .
I agree flak. But even if you go back to the old barter system there will always be someone with more of what the people want who will take advantage.
ReplyDeleteThere will always be the greedy that rise to the top ready to exploit those with less who are willing to be exploited in order to get what the greedy have.
Unfortunately, it's human nature. Perhaps someday we will evolve beyond keeping up with the Jones'.
Patrick, I was just wondering if this minister gave a similar sermon during the 8 years of Bush. If he did, then I wholeheartedly applaud him and his ministry with a standing ovation. If he didn't, then yes, I would categorize him as another blind right wingnut.
ReplyDeleteAs for health care. I totally agree I've said the same thing over and over to friends when we discuss it. Without wars and our billions in handouts to wall street and Israel every American could have free health care. I liked the old blue cross blue shield style. No copays, no money up front. You just handed them your card at the drs office of your choice. It's what our supposed "employees" have(congress). We should have the same.
But of course we know why we don't and never will.
ReplyDeleteSlap dap bingo and on that we agree more than anything. Big time. This would solve most of the bullshit we face... and there's PLENTY of work to be done. All we gotta do is kick "shareholder value" to the curb... because, in truth, the fats don't give a shit about 'shareholder value" any more than they give a shit about anything else other than lining their own personal fat blubber-ass pockets.
Is this"socialism?" We don't need to fear socialism if we live in a social democracy... real elections... with all collectives (from family to state) fairly represented.
No WP, I don't think that is socialism. At least not socialism defined in historical context.
ReplyDeleteFlak it's not the finance I dislike, it's the financiers themselves. We know they are ruthless killers, vicious human racists, slave traders, eugenicists and viral scum spreading toxic interest rates.
Every citizen should be granted an acre and have it patented by the federal government never to be taxed, liened or siezed.
Everyone should have a house built by American citizens, with American finished products and financed by American banks.
Anything else we can trade back and forth with other sovereign nations who meets the US terms for trade. That is after we abolish all current trade bills.
No Central Banks, just a treasury because Central Banks hold and transfer funds to slave and rogue regimes. The international wars all start there.
Revamp IMF's GDP system to PPP fairly.
No foreign Military bases. Embassies would be restructured to protect National Interests and monitor human rights in these trading/relation countries.
Military service is reconstructed as peacekeeping, logistic and engineering support in times of national or international catastrophe or foreign aid.
Military service term provides free education while in service.
No foreign aid in currency. Goods and services only.
No unions, period. No monopolies either. All disputes are abitrated on state or local levels except those that are federal operations or programs.
Prisons are working facilities only. They are mandated to be self-sustaining only and produce goods to be purchased by the goverment for distribution to the challenged population, poor and needy, foreign or domestic.
All weapons manufacturers pay 'death potential' tax and tariffs which is collected and used for "life giving" services. If they opt to retrofit their manufacturing to green friendly sectors then the federal accountants and our consumtion taxes will finance it long term and interest free.
Trading partners will have to do the same. It will be much easier for them as we currently top that list and therefore we should initiate it.
Healthcare is free. Why? Because if we eliminated the committee's subtle poison campaigns and went to acre farming and Italian type local organic markets and shut the door on big PhRMA we'd have little expense there.
Let's get that HAARP rainmaker working to make the third world a real food and medicine forest again.
Two problems:
(1) What to do with the criminally insane financiers, their corporate sponsors, their military cutthroats and their consigliere snakes in the grass?
(2) What to do with these empty FEMA camps and D.U.M.B.'s?
Hmmmm? Any ideas?
p.s. (yes, somewhat simple minded and pipe dreamy I know)
ReplyDeleteI won't ever believe we are "done".
What I do belive, having witnessed the chain of events, is that it took only a few bullets to suck te life and drive out of our worlds (JFK, MLK, RFK) and set us on this course. I believe this undeniable.
In that vein, I believe that a few more well placed bullets will do a world of good in setiing us back on the right track.
You know that I'm not a cerebrially expressive man, I believe in cause and effect. This being said, elininating the elements of the world who are creating this false apocolypse and creating the death, destruction and fear will open the channels for proper growth and drive the remaining vermin underground in horrific fear, where they belong.
They scared us, now we scare them.
If I only knew where to aim...........
Eat the fuckin rich.
ReplyDelete"...a redistribution of wealth to those who don’t want to pick themselves up." I call that the "stock market." of course the idea is "redistribution of wealth" to those who CAN'T "pick themselves up." "Seed wealth" to those who would use it to create is one of the wisest investments there is.
Naturally I see much of this (because if your only tool is a hammer...etc.) as primarily a "language problem." Like "secular humanism" that gets bandied about aplenty... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secular_humanism ...largely by folk who have no idea what it is. Nobody... "secular humanists" included... socialists or anybody else... has come up with a way to falsify the "Iron Law of Oligarchy." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_law_of_oligarchy
So naturally the Oligarchs see this as "God's plan" and give plenty of gold grinkles to the stooges who say so. I take issue with their stooges on their sloppy-ass comic-book metaphysics. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metaphysics
...as most philosophy is co-opted by the oligarchs whenever it gains some kind of traction... which is exactly why "revolutionary (or Liberation) theology" probably is "...nice idea that ends up with a few taking the power."
As an agnostic-deist, I would never say that a supreme creator is "fiction" (although I have a great respect for fiction)... but would argue vigorously that anybody's ability to know "god's will" ...or even more ridiculous... god's "plan" is horse exhaust. Most tweedle-noodle "interpretations" of the Sacred Text(s) would be laughable in any respectable school of literature, and are usually unwitting compromises to the oligarchy (ie- the FATs- Fat-Ass Theocrats).
There have been many collectives (Shakers, Quakers, etc.) that have been peaceful and productive... "paradisiac," I don't know... one Teacher told us His "kingdom" (there was no other word in those days... or should he have said "republic?")... is "...not of this world." In the metaphysical sense, I would have to agree. One or two swords may be necessary... but the US military fetishism http://www.nytimes.com/2007/01/27/opinion/27wills.html?ex=1327554000&en=5b8f7083944b1473&ei=5090&partner=rssuserland&emc=rss is NOT.
It's no secret that I wish most people who call themselves "conservatives" had a giant feather up their ass. Somebody even took the time to write them an "open letter:" http://tpmcafe.talkingpointsmemo.com/talk/blogs/a/m/americandad/2010/03/an-open-letter-to-conservative.php ...but when those same folk insist on calling me a "liberal," I usually respond with- "I don't know what that word means... and I don't think YOU do either."
Then they open their pie-holes about "...limited government, free markets and personal liberty..." which is really amusing since they have never seen ANY of those things in their entire fucking lives... and neither have I. Talk about pie-in-the-sky... how about if most of us just stop being total fucking assholes and just be nice to each other? So i take issue with most preachers who exhort the peeps to become "politically active" by "voting" for "candidates" who... are ALWAYS co-opted by the oligarchy... otherwise you couldn't "elect" them.
NOT the same as "liberation theology." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberation_theology The oligarchs and FATs rely on magical thinking. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magical_thinking Otherwise, dr. noodle would be planting permaculture plots and rain gardens instead of "planting churches." That there is a conspiracy among the FATs, I have little doubt.
Rev. Dr. noodle is their unwitting tool.
PD- I think that's the soundest most realistic proposal for the future I have ever read!
ReplyDeleteI would speculate that after the crap hits the wall... a very similar system will evolve naturally. Whether it will take 100... or 1000 years is anybody's guess.
Hell... it aint NEARLY as pipe-dreamy as “…limited government, free markets and personal liberty…” although all those things would be a by-product of your proposal.
I stand in AWE!!!
Hi Peter, nice to see you buddy. Your words are always honest and that makes them perfect. I have the curse of believing we will never be done until it's over. I am personally, critically impaired in the use of Weapons of Human Destruction though they could be well placed in these times. But i did some boxing in my youth and with success. I never hesitated to introduce a timely left in the right situation.
ReplyDeleteI can confess to you that I have lusted for the opportunity to knock the stink off smurks of some of our beloved committee members. But for me it's best to let them shoot themselves in the foot first for all to see, then provide them the proper pain reliever ;) and a little Obamacare.
As for where to aim, my advise is stay focused on the truth and scatter your fire from your heart. That ammunition is toxic to our enemy bro.
Okay Waldo it's settled. I'll get you on the ballot in 2012 as a the first Secular Humanist candidate to run in history.
ReplyDeleteI'll structure the campaign based on the fact that right off the bat you didn't lie and say you were a Presbyterian and therefore have no religious dogma pointing you to kill jews, muslims or buddhists.
Your campaign slogan: A Chicken in every Pot and a Fat in every cell.
Start getting your ducks in a row Mr. President.
Yeah, he's likely an old school republican but he can smell a new world order coming. If the rest of the right could find the COTO center and the west wing dreamers could get out of their own way to hit that bullseye, we'd stand a chance maybe.
ReplyDeleteHello Patrick,
ReplyDeleteI mostly find comfort in your words. As you've said of me, I always sense sheer honest, a trait I honor and value above almost all else.
I am what I am. As I've said,, I seem to have a short circuit, have since about fifth grade. Don't know, or remember, what happened but I believe ithas something to do with many blows to the skull. I used to be pretty self conscience, hard to recognize and ajdust myself to the fact that I have a learning disability. In spite of this gap in my circuitry I have other traits that help me keep abreast, such as a great gut instinct, solid common sense, and recognition of cons and schemes. Not to mention a great judge of the human character and spirit.
I find that the best way to fix a situation is to trace the problem back to its' origin. In the case of the problems facing our nation we could go back to the first financed trip to the "promised land" and then to the developement of the FED but that will have to come later, after we fix the current problems which lead to all evils.
AS I said, I belive that in the early sixties we were on an upwardly mobil trip as a nation of 'people. What could be better than a nationof happy, prosperous, healthy and equal citizens. Like the Kennedy's or not, that's where we were going until black ops killed all hope. Since then we've become a nation of fat, greedy, selfish and ignorant people who have collectively allowed the government to grow greater than the people, furthered the allowance of the manipulation of our financial structure and succummed to the fear tactics perpetrated by the most wealthy financiers who have absolutely nothing (or should have nothing) to do with the policies of our government except for the fact that they have surreptitiously managed to purchase our government.
My belief is that by tracking the origin of those assassinations and disclosing once and for all where the actual orders originated, then , eliminating those responsible and instilling the fear of god in their court rather than ours, only then can we begin to heal.
They think we're afraid. We need to show them that they're the ones who need to take heed.
Again Patrick, thanks for your terrific insight and and your empathetic virtues.
HAW! Nice try, Mr. President. 'tis YOU who should fill that office on the Anarcho-syndicalist ticket!
ReplyDeleteI humbly offer my services as your acolyte... as Minister of Certain Things!
Your campaign slogan: a fat in every pot and a chikken in every cell... genetic engineering y' know. Damn... I feel all giddy!
Amen to the first joint presidency since those two good Ruskies . . . God, is that already fifty years ago?
ReplyDeleteBut, P.D., I think you have it all wrong about those poor misunderstood financiers. In reality they are the best and wittiest comedians. They just keep us waiting too long for our biggest laugh when they all peg out. Couldn't you have it in your joint mandate that we can prompt them just a little? All of them. Like now?
Okay Mr. Treasury Secretary Fiatstopper. I executive order you to gather donations from American citizens to the tune of 1 billion dollars and instruct you to send it to the Federal Reserve along with the letter and FED buy out clause.
ReplyDeletePlease remember to be cordial but make sure that you inform them that all other debt will be sent in US Republic notes that we will begin printing from thin air in the same style as the Reserve Notes.
Then Mr. Secretary, please instruct these particular bankers and Fed officials that we have to put them on the US no fly list unless they are willing to relinquish their money belts. Please contact Walter Burien, the new Director of the IRS and tell him to begin to audit every State, City and municipality to cash in any offshore accounts.
Please instruct under U.S.E.O. #1, to have Americans deliver their gold and silver to that empty tomb we call Ft. Knox and they will be exchanged for US Republic Precious Certificates backed by their deposits. Also instruct foreign relations all trade will be barter or paid in gold or silver bullion.
Whew! sorry to dump this workload on you but I have to go repair relations with China and Russia so we can force the EU to disband the Central Banks there.
Meanwhile I better get the Agriculture Sec. Rady, HHS Sec. C-laudyms, Mr. Defense Sec. M, Transportation Sec. Riggs, Attorney General J.G. [JAG], State Sec. Tonyforest and Interior/Homeland Sec. Munich updated.
Reminder: Get Education Sec. Peter and U.S. Trade rep. Oz on board. I'll contact Ron Paul for Commerce position.
Flak, as always please call me or my Chief of Staff Waldopaper for details. Remember we represent the Republic and not the states. Therefore we have a lot of work to clean out the congress of criminal illegal aliens. We'll find jobs for the other illegals here after we clean the criminals there.
Time for the bankers to walk the Green Mile.
I'm not sure I want to know why you were taking blows as a child Peter but I can attest to my success in life by holding my honesty and gut feeling very close to my breast.
ReplyDeleteYou said: "My belief is that by tracking the origin of those assassinations and disclosing once and for all where the actual orders originated, then , eliminating those responsible and instilling the fear of god in their court rather than ours, only then can we begin to heal."
You and I do not let political correctness, polite facades, sweet speeches or false fronts taint our natural internal radar. I think we all have it like our four legged best friends. I think the creator bestowed these to everyone but some just have not honed it. Some also have ignored it for selfish reasons.
It's a dangerous dance with the devil, a slippery slope and quicksand like when you wrap yourself in too many lies. The truth is a diamond. It is forever. But like the diamond, somewhat rare and hard to find. But once you get one, it's forever and for me it's true treasure.
I found it more valuable than fiat paper wealth. I gave up some green when I exited out of the financial position I had. It seemed easy for me to see that though I had all the toys and trinkets I wanted, I was not happy. My job at that time was to sell the sizzle of what was in reality just rotten meat.
Though it was not a Ponzi Scheme and not criminal, legally, it was grossly negligent in design. So I said goodbye and that was one of those diamonds I speak of. I have collected several of these now over the last twenty years and now like all who land here at COTO, we want to share some of our treasure with each other and hope they may get out into the open market.
Keep coming to share yours as often as you can. They are gems, bro.
"I’m not sure I want to know why you were taking blows as a child Peter"..
ReplyDeleteNot much to say about that except that South Boston was a tough place to grow up in the 50's and 60's.
As far as your "diamonds" go,, well put. I believe , like you, that almost all have the ability to collect those treasures but many don't know how to use them. Even here at COTO, there are those who have the knowledge but they must keep their "diamonds" hidden in a draw. They have more concern for demonstrating their intellectual prowess than ever seeking out solution.
This is one of the reasons I remain scarce.
I feel as though you and several others here, tho, are as kindred spirits and that's what keeps me hangin around, although I don't think I'll ever write here again.
Later "Puddy".
ReplyDeleteI also propose to lend ink to the banks, and tax them and charge them interest on the full nine times this ink that they then will invent to lend out to the public, and oblige them to charge the public negative interest on their loans - Just to level-up the playing field.
With my well-known utter contempt for the fiction of finance, you may be assured all this loot will be turned over to you, and I will keep a wary eye on what you do with it, as I know what largish sums such as thirty-one b. do to folks.
I will also levy a tax on all Rothschild and Rockefeller-owned properties worldwide, and will embargo the contents of 'the Trusts' as ill-gotten gains held in illegal fictional entities permitted and fabricated by bribery of officials.
That will put forty to sixty quadrillion of fiction at your disposal, which should give you something to think about.
Just remember that until you abolish this fiction, you brought the problem on yourself.
Sleep tight.
I'll make fire logs out of it and we will all sleep tight and warm:)
ReplyDeleteI would like to tender my offer to be in charge of creating the "work" program for the newly and most deservedly incarcerated scumballs.
ReplyDeleteI may make a reality TV show out of particularly entertaining incarceration frivolity among the prison-elites.
I'm liking the idea of inverting the "pyramid" here. "How the mighty have fallen" into a heap of their own making.
Make it so.
Sorry Mr. Vice President you are already committed. After the committee JFK's me it's your turn. Just make sure you have a good speaker of the house, okay?