Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Charles Lindbergh's Des Moines Speech 9/11/41



  1. And then, as now, the said advertisers and manufacturers and politicians who held such sway in America, were . . . ?

    And those who so discreetly directed them and their policies and activities from behind the scenes were . . .

    Exactly, the same.

    You will not stop any of their programme until you pinch out the head of this cancer, or even cut out the means of its feeding and circulation, which is 'money and possession'.

  2. The more things "change" the more they stay the same. The one thing we have now that we didn't have in Lindbergh's time was the internet.
    Most people are not as enamored with the U.S. and it's policies as before. One can only hope the rest will get the memo before the full hammer of the police state slams down and the internet is closed to anyone seeking alternative (read truth) in news and advertising.

  3. I loved to pen these warnings at Oped.


    Reply: C.A. Lindbergh

    like Aaron Burr, a national hero, tried to warn with his banned book "Why your country is at War?" Wilson did the bidding but later regretted what he had done. They passed the Act through the Christmas break in Congress like a thief in the night. The vote snuck in with all Sen. DEMOCRATS voting in favor while 27 no votes could have defeated it if not Fifteen years later the Pilgrim's had orchestrated the financial collapse of 29. Shift, Warburg, Rothschilds and other intermarried Pilgrims bought America for pennies on the dollar. Lindbergh efforts were paid back by the killing of his grandson.

    Now they are buying what's left. Same deal, same strategy, same players. GO OBAMA, GO GEITHNER, GO BERNAKE,


    I'm sure Rob loved the comments I made over and over again on how the Democrats start all the wars and the Republicans fight them all.

    That post was about John Yoo - Bush memo's. It's not easy for many 911 Truthers and Empire opponents to have to accept that 911 had to have the great assistance of Clinton/Albright who were instructed hands off Bin-Laden. They too should be at war crimes tribunals for Kosovo war crimes and Suharto secret shenanagans.

    All the way back to Truman and H-bombs these war criminals have done the bidding of the FDR placed Zionist Khazar infiltrates.

    When Daddy Bush and Bin-Ladens got together in this deal with Zionist Israel's and Shah Pahlavi's to control the oil, we were on our way.

    Israeli action in the suez and Panama, Bin-Ladens War on America. Daddy Laden was from Yemen, remember?


    Kosovo bombing in Civilian Centers

    June 26, 1993, Clinton bombed Baghdad in retaliation for plot to kill GHW Bush

    1998 bombing of Afghanistan and the Sudan

    1992 Toricelli-Helms bill, signed into law and enforced by Clinton, which banned the sale of U.S. food and curtailed access to water treatment chemicals and medicines to CUBA

    The act was signed into law by President George H. W. Bush just before the 1992 elections. It was then put into force under President Bill Clinton. The Torricelli Act made the economic embargo on Cuba more severe than it had previously been. It prevented food and medicine from being shipped to Cuba. The only exception was humanitarian aid.

    Failure to react respond or expose Turkey, Ruwanda and Indonesia genocides and murder cleansings.

    BILL CLINTON surpassed the GW Bush's numbers
    while the COMMITTEE was controlling his strings.
    This Box Gang is so tight you can call them Siamese of the Zionese.

  4. I could not agree more, Flak, we need to direct attention to the secret masters who control the show. .

  5. Yeah, what we have in the net is amazing. It is our one good synchronicity and I with youse on COTO love jumping into the mix. I for one would never have known how society really operates, about politics and culture, in any depth if 9/11 had not occurred during an internet age. Everything since has been connecting the dots. Our time under the probably high point of this insanity (or yeah it could get alot worse) is so very brazen and crazy, but that is the intent of shock doctrine or state terror, to impress us how crazy they are. Sure, cuz that would be obvious anyway.
    I only got broadband like four months ago. Video is still kind of an amazing new teacher. Forgive my naivetes, plz. I have done text research for a long time and find that seeing Lindbergh and then being able to read more in depth is an amazing research tool, to understand our history as it really is, and who has been controlling it. I guess it would really hurt the shock doctrine people trying to scam this a few more years for the net to continue and deliver the frikkin absolute troot right when somehow the people started to get interested in it. That would be a sweet synchronicity if the people all hooked up with it.

  6. Who can forget the good times together of Pappy Bush and his cretin son "Arbusto" with the Bin Laden mafia? Only at toxic settings like the Carlyle Group's "Superbowl Party" on 9/11 in Warshington, where their easy money is celebrated, can we see who all is under the big tent. Israelis, natch, set things into operation, they got the ultimate power, as Sharon said not one month later, "We the jews control America". It sounds like the Bushes had Netanyahu, Olmert, and Barak all in NYC about the day of 9/11. Interesting.... Poor old Pappy is fading fast, his mind goners.
    William Clinton dropped more DU on Iraq during his administration in the nofly zones than satanic Pappy did during ODS, probably thousands of tons since by then the kinetic weapons mania had taken hold in the military, the people who targeted the Al Amiriyah air raid shelter ventilator with a DU cruise missile during ODS. Clinton also retaliated with cruise missiles on Baghdad about a week after the leading Iraqi doctors, professors, and scientists convened in Baghdad to discuss Iraq's DU problem at a televised convention.
    Bill Clinton apparently did falseflags at OKC and WTC and who knows what else, oh yeah, he made Barry McCaffrey his drug czar.
    Killary is convinced that what one hundred sixty million impoverished and desperate Pakistanis need most right now is new taxes!
    She's been down the street at CFR again.

  7. And Patrick, yeah, you did make some good comments about Lindbergh and his granson. I usta love your posts at OEN...although for some reason Rob did not ban me, he demanded I post more biographical info on myself. I left my last OEN comment around June 2009.
