How a few sick deviants pervert the entire world - And how to restore Natural Harmony. - Copied from
Composers traditionally were inspired and worked diligently to achieve beauty and harmony.
Generally their publishers waxed fat, but somehow circumstance saw to it that the gifted composers themselves generally fared more poorly save for knowing that they had done what others could not, and that others' lives were made better by their efforts. It goes without saying that we are not referring to the deliberate dissonance of modern sound now purveyed as 'music', of which you have only to ask yourself, 'Yes, but is it musical'?
Listen to any piece of traditional music and you have the result of individuals working in concert to produce a commonly-intended harmonious result, rather than particularly to produce money for themselves or for some grubby 'impresario' and the flock of hooligans he strategically deploys to deprave and degrade our children.
Choirs of great choral works generally produce perfection without thought of a penny's pay. The fact that their efforts are then harnessed by others to produce cash and undeserved vicarious kudos is essentially irrelevant. But you might bear it in mind.
Other Symptoms of Malaise
The 'pop'-industry intentionally sets up rotten examples for humanity's ultimate achievement, the young, and makes rubble of their mentalities, mere prey to drugs and depravity. Their media jade each new day of the young with 'Stars, Celebrities, Cars, Fashion, Sex' - and little else.
Education becomes their strategic version of what 'they' want you to know or not to know and certainly, in their interest, not to do.
Communication and information becomes propaganda, lies or silence.
Even the sublime experience of Love and Romance at their leprous touch becomes the business of prostitution, pornography to deprave the young, vice, or the business of cynical multiple-marriage aided by 'law' for money and social 'advancement'.
Look at any building other than 'modern' aberration of proportion and perspective, and you see what we can do. We can achieve anything together, so long as our efforts are not perverted by the intrusion of malignant intention.
Instead of providing knowledge and having the compassion to teach people how to avoid illness and cure themselves, their industry feeds whole populations ill with artificial diet, then keeps them ill and kills them with the costliest drugs authorised by means of bribery and financial interest.
Look at traditional agricultural farmland, and you see man working in harmony with nature, with due crop-rotation and fallow to help the soil achieve healthy crops naturally resistent to disease. Contrarily, present-day agro-business produces physically debilitating crops and depletes the soil.
The Sickness Advances
Previously, for all human history, we simply lived and produced what we needed in food and shelter for our survival. Now we must work for money, in producing other things which the manipulators are to use against our fellow men and against us. Now they say there are too many of us, that the majority of us are 'useless eaters' unnecessary to their economy. Surely, this means that they already see us as their slaves, to be used and misused and be discarded via the grave when of no further use to them.
Clearly, they have invented as their enemy the great majority of us, and have made of themselves the enemy of us all.
They have now even usurped all 'our governments' to their use, by enriching them so that they are independent of their populations(1) and will do anything against us that is required of them.
Now their industries fabricate mines and scatter them by the million in our countries as the whim takes them, and bombs and bullets and gases and DUs galore, and nuclear niceties sufficient to destroy the entire planet. Yet you fashion a home-made device to deter those who have invaded your homeland, and you are 'the terrist', a member of their fictional 'enemies' who just happen to have oil or other goodies desirable to them, and they will bomb your innocent people to extinction to get them.
But this is all 'Business', they say? For 'The Economy', they say. Ignore and forget 'what they say'. Yes, well did a wiser, better generation ask its infants, "Have you done your business today?"
Prognosis Grave
There is no 'give and receive', or even 'give and take', about these merchants. For them it is 'take-take-take', by any means. Now they have taken our planet, and still it is not enough.
There is soon to be a routine galactic event that naturally will eliminate a large proportion of the human race, as it does each fourteen thousand years or so(2). But even such cataclysm is not enough for these vermin. Their intention is deliberately to provoke a nuclear war, initially against Iran and then against all-comers, and pursue their intention by then eliminating the major part of our populations with biological weapons before this natural calamity(3). This is simply so that the added radioactivity and biochemical burden will take out another fifty percent of us while they are snug in the underground cities that they have had built for themselves at our expense(4), so that, when they emerge from their burrows when the planet is once more safe for their occupation, any surviving human element will be in a state sufficiently diminished in both numbers and resistence for them completely to dominate it as the master-race.
Yes, what guests we have harboured among us these past centuries!
Even natural Universe at its most violent is not enough for these creatures, who must worsen it even more with their malignant intentions against the rest.
So look at the human world today and you see only the result of a few malignant vermin working in concert against the rest, not only of their own kind, but also against all creation, just so they can get ever more of their own delusory money and domination of the rest. That in itself really is a disease of a diseased sub-species. Everything they touch is corrupted by their perverted character.
The world did well enough all this time with what they would call mere instinct and animal interaction. If what they use to conclude their schemes of destruction is thought and rationale, then the world can well do without it.
And all this harm is devised and conducted by just A Few of these mentally and morally deformed and ugly takers, we note. Hmm.
In your opinion, is that a sane situation to tolerate? No? Then let us work together ourselves in the same way, for the good of the world, to rid ourselves of their filthy money that so beslimes us, and put down the poor sick creatures at the root of this menace to all our futures.
So now, let us consider the situation sanely and rationally. Yes, obviously the simplest thing to do is to abolish the fictional device which enables these villains to induce others to do what they want in their malignant enterprise; i.e. to abolish the evil of their 'money' and 'finance' and reassert the intentions of our own healthy priorities via our own representation.
However, in the expectation that anything so sensible and so simple to apply would be unacceptable to mindless humans, we have to think of something else.
But, faced with the absence of any reaction on the part of our law-enforcement agencies, Justice departments and other such organs instituted and paid to protect us other than their inaction and evident acquiescence to this planned mass extermination of our populations, we have to appreciate their collusion in the villainous conspiracy against us, obviously cannot expect any help from them, and have to recognise that we must shift for ourselves.
Therefore -
Consider, if you will, that most important aspect of the vermins' business, their armaments industries, using the raw materials of the planet in the daily production of the maximum possible quantities of artillery and small arms, and all the ammunition for them necessary to satisfy all the wars that these leaders of our leaders can provide for us to kill each other, to gain for them the further raw strategic materials they crave, to enable them to remain predominant over the rest of us.
Suppose that we take a minuscule quantity of their daily arms production, just a few thousand individual small-calibre bullets, and put them to constructive - rather than destructive - use.
Of course, it would be most fitting that the application of these 'peace-making and -keeping instruments' be managed by those whom these our ultimate leaders have had most carefully trained to do just that. However, should such tidy arrangement not be possible, then if you could see your way clear to send me said paltry amount of ammunition - hollow-point and small calibre will be adequate and most economical in the interest of the planet - and the correct mechanical contrivance by which they may be administered, and will deliver me the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, the entire Bush family, Cheney obviously, Blair, Aznar, the leaders of 'the coalition of the willing', Wolfowitz, Dov, Rove, Perle and Rumsfeld, Paulson, 'Sir Alan' Greenspan and a couple of thousand assorted mandarins and Wall-Street and corporate fixers, not forgetting of course Uncle Henry, then I will undertake the proper use of these components of peace and their correct and justifiable disposition to ensure the Utopia that, in the thus-amended presence of these prime agents of disharmony, the planet and its climate automatically will provide.
Yes, you may be sure that even people of such authority and arrogance will have to be swayed by the force of the argument provided in such a demonstration.
Otherwise, if it is too much trouble for you to assemble and deliver the components of this exercise, is it too much to expect that there are at least a few out there - who see them every day, and perhaps even work for them - who can take them aside and arrange such a demonstration privately?
Then perhaps in a well-co-ordinated real War on Want, Kissinger's 'dumb stupid animals' will behead their respective military hierarchy and cauterise all that is evil in The City, NY, Frankfurt, Rome, Tokyo, Milan etc. and every last one of their well-fattened accomplices.
And not before time.
(1) 'Our' enriched governments
(2) Galactic high-jinks
(3) Spilling the beans
(4) Underground cities
Gee, the likelihood of prevailing with small arms against this state, ain't very good. They seem particularly well prepared for just such a doomed response, and the people under them are estupido. Anyway, who kills in the name of peace? We're not there yet I hope. Homicide would seem to be the least effective response to tyranny right now. But it is vital we keep our guns and rifles and ammo, to which we are entitled under the Constitution, for subsistance hunting at the very least and militias as needed. I will never be the one to pull the trigger on another human. Prison for the people named would be nice though. I'll be with yas tracking them all down and bringing them to justice. I try not to think about violence against humans but I realize that they could foment alot of violence without me, once the SHTF from social collapse, if I look at the looting in Chile for example. The US population is quite violent.
ReplyDelete"I will never be the one to pull the trigger on another human."
ReplyDelete"I try not to think about violence against humans"
Who is talking about humans?
The article talks about stopping other-than-humans who are actually presently killing millions of humans rather than just talking about it, and who have the declared intention to kill a hell of a lot more of us - in our multiple billions.
I mind. For some reason, don't you?
I'm going to have to support the "hunt them down" and prosecute them in a court of world citizens format.
ReplyDeleteYou didn't mention Chertoff (above article) who immediately comes to mind. Sheesh! There are so many corrupt criminal accomplices in positions of power, politics, policy, corporations, foundations, etc...
Serious housecleaning needs to be done by the world, or else world citizens get what we're seeing now, a steady drip, drip, flush! bang, sizzle, earthquake! spray, spray, injection! The steady eroding and eradication of the lives of billions at the hands of a few hundred thousand sociopaths makes the choice of reaction quite logical. They're pathological, so they're plans must be demolished post haste, and they need to be stuck in the docket, tried, flogged, and put on an island together with the rest of their ilk.
Those that go out with a fight, go out with a Bang! I don't see a problem with it.
Perhaps we should catalogue here the myriad methods humans are being attacked by these sociopaths? Lay it all out in list form so we can lay eyes on the horrific onslaught of schemes humanity is struggling under...
Subject Titles:
Outright WAR --
U.S.A. -- Rights issues
Judicial --
Corrupted courts
from Civil to World Court
Supreme sell outs
Economic/Financial (Huge category!)
Federal Reserve Fiat scheme
Layers of Goldman & other insiders
Plunge Protection Team (PPT)
Bankers & Corporate Fraudsters
Foundations/The Committee/CFR/Bilderberger, Freemasons, Rome, Etc. --
List em out & their "specialties"...
Let's identify the fronts and organizations, then the specific known people working within them.
This could be a VERY helpful manifest for focusing humanities' attention on their most deadly "Plague"
We could do this together, with input from many on the internet, so as to spread the work around...
I have wasted hours over the last 25 years running the 1% solution scenario over and over again with different results each time.
ReplyDeleteI decided when they come to the ultimatum I will let them gun me down unarmed. As Bill Cooper decided it was his covenant with death.
When I first heard the statement " If you ignore the lies, then the lies will imprison you" I made that decision.
marching to their drum, parumpumpumpum
their dog and pony show, parumpumpumpum
until the horsemen come, parumpumpumpum
the truth for those who know,parumpumpumpum, rumpumpumpum, rumpumpumpum
For the rest it's head scratching and the crying game.