Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The assault is on ...


  1. Well I expect to read shortly that the Supreme Court has sustained the Patriot Act as trumping the Consitution so that Free Speech will be no more.......not that it's used much lately anyway. I think "kill the messenger" goes back to the Greeks.

    (BTW deceit is spelled e-before-i. )

  2. oops, tks will fix

  3. M -- did you mean "deceased" brains, or "diseased" brains?

    This is a great toon! I look forward to more slams, parodies and parables.

    Why don't you put some "horns" on Beck...they keep growing like Pinocchio's nose, and Beck apologizes for their unsightliness. He has to file em down, or clip em off like fingernails, but they keep popping out to his consternation. Stage makeup just can't hide the Truth he personally is trying to cover up.


    Got some fun news for you all.

    our numbers may just be going up

    very soon.

    I am talking RIGHT NOW to Cynthia McKinney AND Cindy Sheehan.

    Cynthia will be on a panel on left wing gatekeepers. She wants to know about who is doing it and who is it being done to.

    COTO is about to hit

    Big time folks

    get ready

  5. Glen Beck has suffered the ravages of years of alcohol and chemical dependancy. We must not expect to much from the man after that, plus his use of vaccines and chemtrailed air.

    He really has been dealt a hard blow to the head and what gray matter remains must bounce around like a seed in a rotted avacado.

    There's an example of an administrator who probably really believes what he says. Tragic.

  6. Michael and other COTO folks

    I need personal testimonies and examples of the suppression of dissenting voices ASAP.

    Cynthia is looking for examples.

    she will mention COTO in all this, on her panel discussion.

    please get to me ASAP all of you

    We already have the Op Ed stuff catalogued and Rady I am pretty sure you got more.

    These bastards just pissed off the wrong irishman..


  7. Might want to mention Common Dreams, as of the new year I've been unable to to log-on. No reason given. I've emailed, no response.

    There are other sites I can't comment on, but I haven't been back to many of them in so long that I don't have anything relevant for this situation.

    Perhaps Huffington Post, they did allow right after the new year, for a short while, discussion of 9/11, but quickly reverted back top their near total ban on 9/11 discussion, as for that matter does near ever other so-called progressive site.

    9/11 is the Holy Grail, the taboo subject. And it's the one subject that the establishment is coming down hard on right now. Of all subjects this is the one thing that needs to be stressed. We're at a tipping point with this, for I feel deep down that very soon another false-flag attack is going to happen, and it's now more than ever we need to push this issue as hard as can.

    Nice work Irish, if there's anything wrong with this world there's not enough people like you in it.

  8. I was a OP-Ed member from December 2008 to May 2009. I was a contributor and commentor with 10 articles, 14 diaries and over 500 comments. I was locked out and banished without notice after making my fourth financial contribution to Mr. Kall.

    This was no different than the case with Huffington Post who welcomed my imput during the Bush Regime and subsequently banished me for the criticism's of Clinton.

    The distinction between the two are unclear yet I believe the HP rejection was due to liberal criticism whereas OPN was likely due to the philosophy of COTO which is the Hegelian Dialectic of the two party fraud.

    Many of my articles were rejected that focused on the dialectic and the need for a third party. This is a no-no in both camps as the administrators are happy to entertain the partisan, but not the truth.

  9. I mentioned you all by name and sent Cynthia a BOATLOAD of documented stuff that I got from the COTO site.

    Jersey Girl and others too

    I told Cynthia and Cindy that they both were made COTO members a long time ago.


  10. Irish, you are awesome! Cynthia and Cindy ...heroines both. Must be something in the name.

    Btw, Don't leave out daily kos and their banning of any discussion of 9/11. How progressive to ban simple discussion of a subject, eh?

    Of course we all know markos is still cia. Once cia always cia..........

    Truthdig is a pretty decent site. They never banned me for all my duopoly talk. But then they are "liberal" enough to feature writers like Chris Hedges who also voted for Nader and whose work I admire.

    Thanks for all you do Irish, ya bad bastard !@

  11. This, my dear brethren, is journalistic history:

    a fair reporting of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, in a MSM publication ...


    ... couple this, what with is happening with Medina, Beck, and Jones, we could have the perfect storm brewing.

    Which scares me to death.

    The day before 9/11, the thieves admitted that $2.3 trillion somehow went missing, investigations into this, and a mega-fortune of missing money from a multitude of other crimes, that were about to bare fruit, and put many of the people that retained power behind bars.

    I'm praying this isn't that. I'm praying this is the crack in the dam that's going to unleash a flood of truth and justice across this land, and if it is the Washington Times deserves us contacting them with a word of support.

    But 9/11 seems to be back to the front-burner lately, which wouldn't seem to implausible, what with the two most recent false-flags, both involving aircraft.

    When one couples this with comments recently made by our leading intelligence heads, and public officials, mentioning not the plausibility of an attack, but its inevitability, there is need to take heed.

    Add in the rapid deterioration of our economy that's hitting us as we speak, where any day can bring on a total collapse, the more than likely attack on Iran, perhaps precipitated by another huge false-flag attack that could happen at any moment.

    Maybe I'm just over-reacting, but my spidey-senses are really tingling.

    Whatever, I'm just cautiously thrilled to see the WT break through.

  12. Cynthia, I respect to the max. Totally.

    We've been pushed from one corner to the other as they've tried to stifle our voices. We're still here, still screaming. We're not afraid and not alone. We're one. We're even Irish. Irish, synonym for resistance. LOL. Gotta luvem. Our strength and our weapon is called truth. We cannot be defeated. The truth cannot be defeated. At best, we can only be kept abay for a short while. And yes, we are angry. We're very angry. It would've been better they would've let us be. But no, they're actively trying to suppress us and our voices. This only serves to make us even stronger.

    Think outside of the box for a sec. You're not alone with your thoughts. People all over the world have the very same thoughts. Right now. THIS is what can and will hurt them and in the end ....defeat them. We are one.

    I've been banned for speaking the truth. My voice stifled in certain circles, I tried to move on and continue elsewhere. Don't be shocked and don't laugh....I've had it with blogging and have recently decided to shock the world with the truth via facebook. fb is a massive platform with mucho readers (max. 100 words, LOL). One "friend" once said to me - "you've got to be kidding, we all saw those airplanes crash into the towers". Back then, I said, "yes, we saw something, but weren't we all watching TV?" Today, I can bring up the same subject and the same friend will balk and refrain from replying. Why, you may ask? I'll tellya why. His brain is in protection mode. Once it snaps, his world will melt in front of him and all he knows will become a lie. It's not 'his' fault at all. It's a natural response.

    In closure, once again for all to see..............

    9/11 was an inside Job.

    Love & Peace,


  13. P.S. and it's my style to post one.............

    Cynthia as well as Cindy are super welcome to this cybercorner. Their direct participation would be much appreciated but is not necessarily required. Those two stand tall as is.

  14. Well said Curt.. Power to the People ! 9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB !!

    Are you leaving us for facebook? Do you know Patrick has acquired for us our very own website. coalitionoftheobvious.com .. Hurry go sign up before your seat is taken !! lol

  15. Nice tune Mr. M. Should have put a bit more lipstick on that pig, Beck. By the way, he's laughin all of the way to the bank. He dosn't give a rat's ass about our country. Ratings, credulity and doe. How much did he get, fifty million? To spread the mendacity and foment the cognitive dissonance and hate. I loath this bastard!

    Has anyone read this from the Washinton Times, which is owned by Moon isn't it?

    Inside the Beltway


    I personally don't see anyone being held accountable for 9/11. Richard Gage is doing his part, but the media whores including Beck will refute anything brought up that isn't a part of the contrived matrix.

    By the way, the Northeast is scheduled to get hit again with some more man made weather. We NEVER really get to see the Sun anymore, that we don't! Jersey Girl can attest to what I'm saying.

    These no good bastards are fuckin with the economy our health and with our planet.

    What we really need is a Michael Rennie moment, or tens of millions taking to the streets. We've all got a better chance of winning a Nobel (war is Peace) Prize


  16. Yeah, Mendina really blew it. No telling what went on there.

    All I know is things seem to be really heating up, and naturally I don't mean the weather.

    The good news is we have the rats cornered. It sure seems like we're close to that tipping point where almost any little thing could ignite who the hell knows what, but most seemingly on 9/11. Voices are being raised louder on all fronts, they're trying desperately, to at the same time demonize and quell, as equal disclosure seems to being flooding forth.

    The bad news is, the same cretins that unleashed 9/11 to stop from being caught for prior crimes, are still in charge, and can at any moment create another 9/11 times 10.

    But here's the good news. Because of the awareness factor, it may have become impossible for them to pull it off.

    Or at least, that's what I'm hoping.

    Either way, we're in for a bumpy ride.

    Speaking of which, hope you make it okay through another Nor-Eastern, this on looks worse than the last. I don't know if I can take much more of this global warming ...

  17. Thanks.

    Actually it was hard to draw Beck, he's as bland as tap-water.

    I made a point of calling the WT office of Harper and telling them what I thought was journalistic history on her part, and email the editor the same.

    I was informed that another article will be appearing tomorrow giving NIST's response.

    But man, it is strange to see this article appear in a MSM rag, especially loony Moon's.

  18. I've found this article helps conventional thinkers think again:

    “The 9/11 Commission Rejects Own Report as Based on Government Lies”

  19. Going "BIG" is good Irishman, very good. The more the welcome to the Coalition.

    If you have not seen this grouping of photos & videos (rather straight forward, not too long), then IT IS A MUST!

    I think only the willingly blind and the complicit can hang on to the guv's fiction after info like this...:

    Revealing new aerial photos of 9/11 attack released (key AE911Truth videos)

    Posted by James Fetzer on 2-23-10


  20. michael, Rady is in hospital, collapsed lung, last email said an op was pending, and I havent heard for a few days..I didnt get the name of the hospital either being a ditz! so I havent been able to call and ask how she is going.
    so, she isnt ignoring you, she probably feels pretty sore and groggy about now.

  21. I got banned from oped, unsure why? maybe cos i complained about Radys disappearance and questioned his supposed tough no punches fre speech etc lies? and maybe? cos I suggested hooting the spy cam/UHF blockers down:-)
    I guess I was COTO before I knew quite what COTO was:-)

  22. @JG

    Are you kidding? Birds of a feather flock together. Facebook is where I interface with old friends and family. It's not the ideal place to drop parcels of truth. Ordinary people can't stand the truth.

    I like the new cover page but I'm not eager to "join". After a number of years at blogging, I'm kinda tired of it all. That's all.

  23. Curt, glad you're stickin' with the flock ;)
