Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Taking it to the people

Check out the video trailer below.      My old buddy Jack Sibbald from hippie camp  is on their bus tour this winter.   I will be donating in the name of COTO for them to plant another fruit tree so it is not necessary for people to feel pressed for a donation.    This is just about the love and music for planting seeds.   Maybe it helps a little to see.



  1. Thanks for sharing that Mar and planting a tree in our name. That video made me all nostalgic for the late 60's early 70's. Who woulda thought I'd look back at them as the good ole days......

    If all men planted trees instead of starting wars, imagine how beautiful this world would be (and shady too :).

  2. Thanks JG for the thoughts about war and the sixties/seventies. War has been a stupendous malinvestment for America. Since many Americans so identify with war and their hopes for it they are unwilling to admit it has been a total bust. But, have patience, cuz soon there will be much more agreement about how stupendous it all has been, and we are left, with what? Less than nothing, I think, a major debt hangover. And the failures will appear more frequently, what we see all around us already accelerating, so we need a plan for disaster! If we end up with less than nothing (a huge debt) why even bother running this country at all this way, why not start something new?
    Alot of modern diet is grain based, but fruit and nuts from trees that follow man can be excellent too, generally not requiring too much processing to harvest. Breadfruit trees are highly productive in the tropics and can be prepared in curries, which can also be grown easily there. Orchards just grow and keep on producing if they get enough rain. They build humus. This is an idea ahead of and way behind our time.
    Alot of commerical orchard culture in the Central Valley in Cali is going through some big changes. The industrialized model of food production and transport is changing.
    I know if TSHTF that our family fruit and nut orchard will feed us and maybe ten-twenty others. Water is a problem if it doesn't rain though, and the bees might be vulnerable (but saw some this morning in the sun).
