Friday, February 19, 2010

Oscar, Oscar......CNN and elites forgive you


Bravo Tiger.  A brilliant performance today, worthy of  the John Edwards Sleazeball Award.  Granted your wife wasn't cancer stricken and will likely take the Florida 50-50 deal out of your portfolio but where did you get the emotion from? Did your accountant call?

I don't know why Tiger owes any of us an apology? Spare us. You'd be better off calling your wife, family, sponsors and friends and leave the public out of it. It's none of our business and we are sinners too.

I don't understand why he addressed us as not defending his ol lady. I never gave her a thought for blame. So why is he admonishing us by doing that? Very strange.

Then the steroids and rag paper lies.  Please Tiger, remember just because your an elitist that doesn't mean we all get our news from the National Enquirer.  Now the slime that calls itself paparazzi I can see your point there.

Why the hell do elitist's think that the rules don't apply to them. Because that's the new rule. Don't deny it Woods. You saw it at every Dubai soiree and elitist bash you ever hooked up at. Hell, your a stud in Holyrood.

What really ticked me off were the two clowns with Blitzer who decided not only to critique his apology, but they offered viewers a liberal dose of what we all think about the whole pathetic event.

Wow. What a drop from listening to the Dahli Lama today.


  1. LOL ... great tag.

    What struck me was that no one in the crowd clapped. Hell, he even had to near drag whomever that women was (his mother?) out of the chair, and force her to hug him. Really, the silence was stunning. Did the "applause" sign not light-up? Or was this a genuine, "fuck you" response?

    I was thinking that he really fucked-up when he took Buddhism off the elites menu of terrorist de'jour.

    They were probably last on the list anyway. After all, how many Buddhist terrorist monks have there ever been? Hard to demonize someone that wears a sheet and sandals in the snow.

    Plus now we're going to have a whole generation of kids wanting to become Kung-fu monks again.

    " ... everyone will be Kung-Fu fighting ..."

    re-runs of Carradine, and perhaps Woods himself, starring as lead in a new series?! Kung-FukU, the Fallen Monk.

    The story line will be that David Carradine's old character, after having gone through his 667th reincarnation, new mission is to turn all the future generations into passive, non-violent, vegans.

    I'm sure they could work in Tiger knocking out bad-guys with a broken branch and a dried horse turd from 100 yards into near every script.

    And he still wouldn't need to stop his golfing career, hell, he'll be as popular, if not more now.

    Yeah, I would like to have him fess-up, saying something on the lines like, "... yeah, this is what happens when you're a man with wealth and fame, my only failure is that I'm not a politician, just ask any of the Bush's, hell, they bugger little-boys, and no one follows them around. Or go ask that Kenyan, Barry Soetoro, if he like boys ..."

    But ya know we aren't going to see that.

    And judging from the statements left by most of the sheeple he'll be forgiven, after all, it's the Christian thing to do, and now that football is over, we'll need Tiger in this years media spot-light as a major distraction from the complete further collapse of our standard of living, and the policemen at our door.

  2. Well said M. Ha! I'll write the screenplay for the pilot episode.

    I took the grim faces in the crowd as those greedy f-cks who lost a boatload of money.

    I'm sorry" says Tiger about his deviations from the Daili teachings, but the losers in the crowd were just thinking, "Why couldn't he have kept it to one mistress like the rest of us. Now I have to start working for a living again.

  3. I didn't even know Tiger was going to give his "I was unfaithful confession." I heard about it at work. Then I came home and watched "the view" which I tivoed because they were having an adopt a mutt show. I'll watch anything with animals in it. Well, the entire first 20 mins was devoted to an ABC special report! aka Tiger's press conference and the after "show" with abc "news people" commenting on the big event. I immediately ff'd to the mutts.

    Good god. This just points out how embarassingly brain dead the msm and the amerikans who excitedly tune in to this bs are.

  4. Its funny isn't it hrw, that we here at COTO know the elites, politicians, evangelists and holyroods who have been caught before him can't seem to escape the trappings of excessive wealth and privilege.

    Money and power buys big problems, yet they just can't seem to correlate it to the root cause. And we the sheeple are jealous of these pathetic individuals. Why? Beats the hell out of me.

    Tiger, Bryant, Letterman, Edwards, Swaggart and the rest have made an example of this "oh so clear" risk of not managing this fame and fortune quicksand.

    Woods has nothing that we should aspire to and that message should be coming from the mouths of these PR Media prepped sessions. I wonder if he ever thought about the misguided youth who aspire to his ranks while in any of these sorted trysts?

  5. ok, i agree media circus time is a waste but give the guy some slack. When you call him an elite I cringe. The elites I want to attack are the scions of generations of wealth and plunder...sick evil bastards who never did a days work and hang out with kinky Owls of death and bildebegers.

    TW has worked countless hours every day of his life to be the best golfer ever. He has rightfully earned his billions, his yatch "Privacy", and the yearnings of many of this planets young beautiful women.

    No big deal. Lets just move on to more important topics. Like the four teabuggers arrested in NOLA . Howard Baker is involved in their defense?! Another heavy hitter lawyer named Madigan. This story has daddy-long-legs.

    Bradblog has torn the ACORN travesty to shreds and a link there took me to a site called emptywheel. Not sure where I've been to never have taken notice of them before but they have a preponderance of well informed commenters with lots of leads and links on the NOLA case.

    Not that they hold a candle to our COTO family, just sayin

  6. Agreed Camus. These little sideshows always deflect the massive injustices in progress and deflect the base principle "Liars and Crooks" are taking us for a big ride, real soon.

    When we forgive Tiger we are expected to forgive all the Madoffs ENRONS of this world.

  7. No mercy or reconciliation with the elites ... ever.

    Tiger .... who cares? I've only seen him twice or so on TV ..(stopped watching nearly five years ago or so) -- except for Maverick.....(Starz Wild West) ... now that there James Garner in his Yute-ness (youth)... he wasn't married - no fidelity issues - and I rooted for his success with every damsel he met.... back then as a nearly teen.... I wanted to emulate HIM. Not some pansy ass golfer...
