Thursday, February 18, 2010

NTSB Says Austin Plane Crash Targeted IRS



February 18, 2010

Fox News is reporting that the pilot involved in the plane crash in Austin, Texas, had deliberately targeted the IRS. “An NTSB official told Fox News that they are investigating this as an intentional act, and said it appears the pilot set his own house on fire and then got in his plane and flew it into the building,” reports Fox. The IRS has an office in the building.

An IRS employee saw the plane approach the office building in north Austin. “It looked like it was coming right in my window,” IRS Agent William Winnie told the Statesman.

Initial reports indicated the FBI has an office in the building. It later turned out not to be true. An FBI spokesman told Fox News that the FBI office in Austin is near where the plane crashed, but not in the same building.

Infowars has dispatched a team to the scene. and Prison will report updates as they are received.

Update: CNN reports that a federal official claims the pilot had set his house on fire beforehand, stole the plane and crashed it intentionally. The FAA said the plane departed Georgetown Municipal Airport, north of Austin, about 9:40 a.m., and that the pilot did not file a flight plan.

The Internal Revenue Service in Dallas, Texas, told CNN that the building is a federal IRS outsourced building. It said 199 of its employees work there. The IRS said it thinks all employees are accounted for, but they are checking.


  1. What a lucky coincidence??? At about 2:55 this girl states that there was a fire truck with hazmat gear parked right across from the IRS building...

    Another lucky coincidence. A plane hits a building, it catches fire and doesn't collapse !! Praise Jaysus, it's a miracle !!!!

  2. I doubt this is a false flag event- it's just too reasonable that people are fed up, pushed to the limit, and willing to die just to have someone listen to them.

  3. While I agree, Americans are fed up and have every right to be , to me, all fingers point to this being a false flag. Firstly, someone committing suicide doesn't usually have the presence of mind to write such a coherent epic tome. A short note is usually all one can muster and if it's long it's usually rambling. Suicide is not a death of the mentally balanced.

    Secondly, where it says "Sadly, though I spent my entire life trying to believe it wasn’t so, but violence not only is the answer, it is the only answer. The cruel joke is that the really big chunks of shit at the top have known this all along and have been laughing, at and using this awareness against, fools like me all along."

    That paragraph and others within lead me to believe they are targeting activists fighting for an audit and dissolution of the fed and the IRS.
    They are trying to demonize protesters against this fascist government by making them look scary and crazy and ready to incite violence and wreak havoc throughout the land no matter how many citizens they take down with them.

    This gives the government more reason to crack down on those nasty "homegrown terrorists' You know, people like those of Coto who have the audacity to criticize the government. After all, who knows, we could have a Cessna revving up in the hangar waiting to crash into the Federal Reserve building......

  4. It exhibits the the process by which Americans will not be able to solo fly. They will need to be rich and connected. Just a stepping stone for the end.

    Imagine the countless people who have thought about a hit like this. Who's kidding who when they say it never entered their minds.

    If the COMMITTEE and their corporate minions see a trend of this, their govt hired mouthpieces will ratchet up the state and federal laws.

    This is assuming he wasn't MKUltra.

    On another subject, "What would you do if one day you found out you're allegedly involved in a Mossad assassination? This is exactly what happened to Melvyn Adam Mildiner, 31, an Israeli-British citizen residing in Israel who now fears his life would never be the same again. ",7340,L-3850126,00.html

    Whether Mildiner is an agent or he has been set up, there is no mistaking the MOSSAD as the most capable and ruthless bunch ever to walk this earth.

  5. Well sure they'll exploit it. But there are lots of small plane pilots who won't take mega restrictions kindly. And commecial pilots can nut-up too you know. Eventually all the restrictions will suffocate what's left of our economy.

  6. More on the Mossad mess at

  7. There is something desperately wrong here.

    If you look at the extent of the damage relative to the size of the plane, it doesn't jive. The plane is almost a toy, its the VW Bug of airplanes.

    Unless they say it was filled with dynamite, which would be hard to believe, there is no way in hell that plane did that much damage.

    Cars windows on the fucking freeway were blown out. There's a crater in front of the building 10' deep. Windows all around were blown out, that didn't even happen to the buildings of the 9/11 attacks.

    I sorry folks, I'm only pointing out the obvious.

    I would love to hear General Stubblebine comment on this after he had a chance to study the evidence. I'd bet my ass that he'd say the same thing about this that he said about whatever hit the Pentagon.

    And as far as exploiting it, they already are. I've been on this all day, my local paper had COINPROTEL blaming Tea Party members for this immediately after it was reported. MSM has already insinuated the same thing.

    We're going into a hot war. There will next be a hardening of the police state such as we've up till now only seen sporadically. Not all at once, but certainly quicker, harder and more long lasting than we've ever seen before.

    Good news, as they fight us, we will win.

    Bad news, between now and than, a lot of us won't make it.

  8. Exactly.

    My defense is to make myself as visible as possible. I don't have the means to vanish, which if given the choice, I still don't know if I'd take, and have pretty much achieved my goal, suffering all the slings and arrows this road promises.

    At the same time I know few more vulnerable. I figure they know who I am and figure that if they just leave me alone, they couldn't do a better job of destroying me.

    I sometimes wonder if after with all that we've posted, because we're not the silent type, if any one of us get MKUltra-ed, and suddenly committed some insane act, no one could say that any of us we're "quite", but, let's just say one of us were, I'm sure they could put together some rambling letter that would make us sound like complete gone-off-our-rocker fringe nut-job.

    And they'd be right, we are fringe. Jury is still out on the rest.

    No, this smells, just like the Christmas panty-bomber smells, and 9/11, and OKC, and .... and ....

    I watched Army of Crime, the other night, about the French Resistance against Nazi occupation. It kind of reminded me of COTO. If only I could hope to be so brave.

    But be warned if you haven't already watched it, like most true stories, our outcome isn't pretty.

  9. It may have been an attack on us.

    Christian Science Monitor; Former terrorist: Austin attack reflects growing US turmoil

    Fox News; Austin Plane Crash: Criminal Act or Domestic Terrorism?; Fatal plane crash in Amarillo - Investigators dig for clues

    San Marcos Daily Record; Official: Plane crash pilot left anti-IRS Web note

    CBS News (Blog); Joe Stack Plane Attack: Decades of Anti-IRS Rage Fueled Crash Into Austin Tax ...

    (btw ....................."fuelled", not "fueled")

    It's going to be used as a trigger for the crackdown on dissidence, insubordination, disobedience and civil diligence, to name a few. I see it now, Autin Plane Crash Pilot member of Pilot for Truth, AET 9/11, C.O.T.O., all known "Conspiracy Theorist Hot-beads". Watch this as it begins to boil. It's an attack on us. BUT! We can see this as a possible mini FF (purpose hinted at above), so mini mini, it failed to hit the news "overseas". 9/11 was on each and every TV worldwide *as* *it* *unfolded*. Think about that.

    In other words, this event will serve to stifle further growth of any resistance AND it's a tiny FF, a mini FF, not a big daddy FF.

    Just my dos centavos.

  10. P.S. in theory, a FF can ride piggyback on a legitimate event which was initially not planned to be a FF. I'd call it FFA but that requires a green hand. The Media plays us like violins. Ha, some of us unknowingly serve as MSM repeaters.

  11. I agree Curt. It is indeed a "mini FF". People who knew Stack said he was apolitical. That the "manifesto" supposedly written by him was out of character. Why would a man burn down his family's house? Why would a man pissed off at the common man's treatment by the shithead elite fly a plane into a building risking the lives of average working stiffs just working a 9-5 to eek out a living? Why not crash it into a place where the wealthy congregate?

    No, the fire trucks with hazmat ready on the scene BEFORE the crash, the fbi agents there the day before..too much of a coincidence. Like 9/11 on a very much smaller scale ,things just don't add up.

    This event is just too convenient for those that want to drop the final hammer on our civil liberties. And yea, the BIG one might be piggybacking this one... perhaps in Phoenix.......

  12. We all agree Curt. It's all fuel(l)ed by the SPLC and ADL who work for the Zionist Russian model for living. KGB days.

    We have MOSSAD, MI5, INTERPOL, Mr X, Xe and hundreds of police ranks in this silent tick tock to Martial Law.

    Slowly it turns, step by step, inch by coin a phrase from the old NIAGARA FALLS sketch.

    Some days I miss the stooges who were not stooges at all.

  13. Staged or not, nothing good is going to come of this.

  14. The guy who wrote the following short discussion presents some damn good questions you might want to contemplate as well.

    Joe Stack IRS Suicide Pilot Conspiracy

  15. May I refer all to "Occam's razor: entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem. The principle that "entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity" or that the simplest explanation or strategy tends to be the best one."

    This guy did set his house on fire, and his rescued wife knew all about his plane and probably his web site too.

  16. Why yes, the government's explanation of 9/11 was the simplest . 19 arabs hijacked airplanes and flew them into three buildings. End of story. The simplest explanation yet the biggest lie ever perpetrated on the American people.

    Methinks Occam didn't anticipate false flag events and the devious inventiveness of corrupt, evil men.

  17. There are some 'simple' cover stories (I don't think 9-11 is one of them, too many weirdnesses) but Occam is still a good general rule.

  18. It's a good rule only if you are sure that you can trust the source that is presenting the explanation ;)

    In this case, as in the underwear bomber and 9/11, I do not.

  19. Boomerang, good find. It does sound at this point like the same old same old FF. The point about the official storyline, whether Joe owned a plane or stole it, and how the media got the manifesto so fast, is really interesting. And once again like on 9/11, there were preparations in place on site for the event.
    Plus, there are the usual incompetence signatures from the top on this op, the mark of morons trying their one party trick, the shabby falseflag airplane attack scapegoating patriots this time instead of the defenders of the oil lands.
    Since the frequency and tempo of the falseflag events now is increasing, be extra wary for that probably means they are major desperate to stave off justice for their crimes at the top. I hope the next one is not in two months at this tempo since Xmas.

  20. Yes, thanks Boomer ! As in the other FFs all these pieces of the puzzle found here and there will complete the picture. We've all seen it before. Another black op to justify cracking down on "homegrown terrorists."
