Wednesday, February 17, 2010

MEDIA ALERT - PRESS CONFERENCE: 1,000 Architects and Engineers Call for New 9/11 Investigation

Cite Evidence of Explosive Demolition at WTC

When: 2:00 Friday, February 19th, 2010

Where: Place: Senator Dianne Feinstein's Office Address: 11111 Santa Monica Blvd. City: Los Angeles State: CA

Who: Representatives of AE911Truth, WeAreChangeLA and 911TruthLA will announce that more than 1,000 architects and engineers in dozens of countries now support the call for a new independent investigation into the destruction of the Twin Towers and Building 7 at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.

Signers of the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth Petition will discuss the organization’s startling findings, based on examination of the forensic evidence, videos and eye witness testimony omitted from official reports, such as the free-fall collapse of the 47 story WTC building 7 into its own footprint and the discovery of advanced explosive nano-thermitic material found in the WTC dust samples. The implications of these findings have the potential of profound impact on the Khalid Sheikh Mohammed trial. The focus of this press conference will be to detail the scientific concerns of these building and technical professionals whose findings reveal that all three skyscrapers were destroyed by explosive controlled demolition – not by jet plane impacts and fires. AE911Truth is also calling for a grand jury investigation of Shyam Sunder, NIST Lead Investigator and John Gross, NIST Co-Project Leader (National Institute for Standards and Technology). The Petition will be provided to the offices of every congressional representative on the same date - February 19th.

This press conference will be hosted concurrently in cities throughout the country including San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Austin, Dallas, Madison, Dover, NH, Tulsa, Tucson, Boston, Alexandria, VA (DC), Tampa, Temple Terrace, FL, Denver, Newark; and internationally in Ontario, Vancouver, Brussels, Denmark, Sydney, and Wellington, NZ. The SF press conference will be accessible to media (audio and video) via webinar at at 11:00am PST on Friday Feb 19, 2010.

For additional information on the local event contact: Chuck Noyes 818-844-6044. To arrange print/broadcast interviews, with Richard Gage, AIA, founder of AE911Truth please contact Tania Torres at Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth: 510-292-4710, or by email


  1. One of the reasons I feel that there's going to be another false-flag soon is that too many people are asking questions.

    A year ago, I felt like I was the only one calling C-SPAN bombarding them with doses of COTO truth.

    Today, I was the first caller to Michael Isikoff, the subject was the Taliban, and of course he simply dismissed me as a conspiracy nut.

    By the end of the segment, he was visibly slumped in his chair from the sheer number of callers asking him to follow-up on 9/11 questions. The man was completely defeated.

    It's a though people finally are catching on. At least two that I heard mentioned Alex Jones. There's probably not a day that goes by someone doesn't mention him now.

    I can't see C-SPAN lasting much longer.

    But, of course I didn't think we'd make it this far.

    What is happening is something that could test the bounds of metaphysics. This is no drug induced whip-lasing of an entire generation into another reality. This is a collective realization of a horrible truth that is smashing every known norm.

    The first step down the rabbit-hole.

    What's going to happen next?

    I know what I'd like to see happen. I'd like to see a cleansing of this world of those that have violated all that is good within each of us, and allowed all that is bad to dominate with the least amount of calamity. And we could in a short period of time, (preferably, before I die), we get to see some semblance of sanity for a while.

    I'd like those we find in violation to be placed in solitary rooms in which we could view into, and anytime we wished to we could take out our anger by fucking with the temperature, telling them what we think of them, make them do tricks for food, and put them on display at festivals, as they watch us living life to it's fullest.

    So what are the odds of that happening?

    That's why I think there's going to be another false-flag soon.

    So what will happen then? If too many already are asking about 9/11, the next false-flag will garner a quicker uncovering, there might even be an immediate revolt, hopefully leading to a revolution.

    But I don't see it being bloodless or peaceful.

    But the mass injection of consciousness by the Horrible Truth of 9/11, this is the trump card. I don't know, or if anyone knows beyond Shamans and the Gods that speak through them, what comes next.

  2. I don't know either M but these are exciting times. Exciting in the way a blizzard or hurricane warning is exciting. You anticipate it's coming but you have no idea what kind of havoc and devastation it will wreak.

    I'm looking forward to the press conference tomorrow and will be tuning in to the webinar at work.


  3. "I’d like to see a cleansing of this world of those that have violated all that is good within each of us, and allowed all that is bad to dominate"

    Right, M.

    The Rs.


  4. " I’d like to see a cleansing of this world of those that have violated all that is good within each of us, and allowed all that is bad to dominate "

    Right, M.

    The Rs - and their malignant accomplices, of course.

    Amen to that.

