Sunday, February 14, 2010

Milk Carton Body Snatching


CHINA - No denial here

YUGOSLAVIA - No denial here


Part 2

ISRAEL - They denied and still deny. The ADL and SPLC are on a major campaign to quell this black market exists and is operated out of Israel.


The fact that they took Israeli citizen organs as well should identify these NWO miscreants as an enemy to every HUMAN BEING not in their secret societies and elite ranks. Wake up. Cass Sunteins talk of banning conspiracy theories and his advocation of a policy under which the government would “presume” someone has consented to having his or her organs removed for transplantation into someone else when they die unless that person has explicitly indicated that his or her organs should not be taken. Outlined in the book he co-authored
with Richard Thaler: Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness

Alex Jones on Haiti, Israeli and Chinese committee hack jobs on humans.


  1. Don't know about you Puddy, but i just wanna cry. I believe there are so many more good people that those 'psychos' (I am being kind to them using the term). There are so many who don't wanna look, or many who do and still don't care in the least or even the many who do and will find a way still to call this all bullshit.
    I don't have a clue bud. I have it so good I am embarrassed to be part of a species that is so vile to itself. So disconnected. So unconcerned. So contemptible.
    I know there are no answers. I know there are no solutions.
    The alternative? Just one.
    Take me home.

  2. Evil has ruled the days. It was just a matter of time until the internet , communications and instant video would bring this big world into a little window.

    When I was ten I saw a black man murdered in front of a store through the window of the car I sat in.

    Now I have the revelations playing out on my monitor. I do take comfort in the moral and just majority who do their best to be their best.

    The children are the ones at most risk. They are the ones we should fight for. I know where many of these innocents wind up. Peace, Mikel
