Thursday, January 14, 2010

Playing US For Fools

Narcissistic psychopaths make me want to puke…

Their shame is unimaginable, while their card playing is something to behold!

The Haitian people’s world has fallen apart.  A terrible tragedy has befallen their country {P.D. you said it was a HAARP/Tesla technology type attack.  Benjamin Fulford says a nuclear device.  See 1/14/10 blog at }.  Excellent jailhouse lineup by the way P.D.

Here’s what I saw on CNN/FOX coverage earlier tonight that makes me sick:

1)      Obama says, “We won’t forget you” or something to that effect.  Yesterday a.m., the U.S. gov’t stated we’d “provide” 1 Million Dollars of aid.  I sarcastically said to my wife, that represents about a .05% of a Bailout Bonus to any one of the Banker shysters.  Big whoop.  Tonight, Obama has upped it to $100 Million Dollars of aid.  Still…not even a 1 year payout for a Banker like Fuld or Dimon or some other blood sucker.

< Obama says the best thing Americans can do is DONATE money > Do keep in mind the military offenses endorsed by this man, and the millions affected.  Contemplate the fact that he chose to war against other peoples instead of bolstering Der Homeland and its peoples, while simultaneously handing over Trillions of taxpayer money to Wall Street and MIC cronies.  FACT!

2)       Here’s Bill Clinton getting big face time commenting on the humanitarian need, the logistical difficulties, etc.   < Bill says to the American people, the best thing you can do is DONATE money > In fact, he’s established a special foundation.  Great.  How nice.  As I think of NAFTA, Glass-Steagall, WACO, Bosnia I am not buying his faux concern.  And that phrase rings in my ear, “best thing you can do is donate money”.  Huh?  I blurt out, “why don’t they just PRINT the damn money”.  Why are they asking broke Americans to donate money?  Will we be able to audit the “foundation”, the Red Cross, etc. so we can see how it was spent, see if it got to where it is needed?  Bill then assures us all, as well as a couple of talking heads that organizations such as the Red Cross “know” how to direct, apply, and spend such funds where they do the most good.  Whew!  What a relief…

3)      Next up.  I see a Head Line telling me that George Bush and Bill Clinton are going to be acting like envoys or something to head up the relief efforts.  Great to see Bush boy return from Texas (or Paraguay) and clasp hands with Mr. Clinton to “help” people in need.  Huh?  WTF?!  The Bushes, the Box Gang, the Cabal that has been pillaging the world for all these years is now taking the stage and the lead to “play” humanitarian heart strings for the choir?  This is Exactly synonymous with Obama Surging around the world and having the Norwegian Neocons award him a Peace Prize for his efforts.  Just doesn’t jive does it?  Oh, and don’t forget what YOU can do -- < the best thing you can do is DONATE money >

4)      Hey, now Colon Powell is being interviewed.  Haven’t heard much from him since he lied us into the Iraq war, selling fake yellow cake with Donald Rumsfeld.  A top WAR leader again (like the Presidential Club already mentioned) getting face time promoting relief efforts.  The incongruities of this entire charade are smacking me upside the head so hard my ears are ringing.  Warmongers.  Killers responsible for hundreds of thousands of dead people foreign and domestic (when you think about it).  At this dire time for the people of Haiti, these are the guys picked to burnish up their warmonger images with some humanitarian makeup face time?!

Who scripts this stuff?  What kind of sickness is this?  Will Dick Cheney be on next?  Will the Red Cross decide that the Haitian people are in need of the millions of H1N1 flu shots to stave off pandemic flu?  I mean they can use the donations or bill the American people for them, and the supply that is about to become outdated and cost the government millions/billions can be put to good use.  What else are we gonna see and hear?  Oh yeah.  Colon Powell says… < the best thing you can do is DONATE money >

Donate money, give money, spend money, go shopping.

It is all complete insanity when you consider the economic and war games this crew and their cronies have been playing on the world.  I wanna puke!  Does anybody else around here see the incredible psychotic manipulation of THE COMMITTEE?  The juxtaposition of criminal players posing and using psyops to confuse the minds of people.  It is astonishing in its arrogance.  The grossest Liars on the planet using the tragedy of an entire country to appear as if “they care”.  It is the same ole trick televangelists use to get people to donate.  Poor people to donate.  While the Charlatans live like Kings and Queens.  The shame of it!

I hope people see it as clearly and blatantly as I do – because these sick bastards need to be reined in and held accountable for “their” crimes against people; not trot out on the stage of the mainstream media and perform their acts of contrition and benevolence when we know what they are – enemies of humanity…period.

I hope Mr. M will add his experienced thoughts to this subject as he has first hand knowledge of the the great job Brownie, Bush and the relief organizations did for New Orleans.


  1. I feel the same way you do Boom. In fact, I felt this way when BO said in a speech when first elected that Americans will have to "sacrifice." Haven't we "sacrificed" enough? The "corporation" has taken our jobs our homes and our future.

    I watched a bit of news and had to turn it off. I saw the same things you did and felt physically ill.I kept thinking the real cause was HAARP as Patrick stated. Now these phony politicians are on tv telling the already strapped american people to send money... and they will. Those poor people need our help. Unfortunately Coto knows any money sent won't go to the people but instead into the already overflowing pockets of those in power. It's best to send supplies which of course won't reach their destination either.

    Obama is sending troops in to "help"

    Besides all the dead and dying there and the boon to their depopulation plan, just what does Haiti have that the empire wants?

  2. Yea,like how could we lock up these altruistic darlings? Recycled effluent,,er, affluent.
    I just got a letter from Sprint telling Me I would have to pay 5 bucks extra per month for not using automatic draft. I will not have internet after the end of January. This is My own little war with the antichrist beast. I will miss you guys. John

  3. You beat me to the punch Boom. Right all the way.
    Smokescreens & Makeovers, a MSM specialty.

  4. Just so you know: there were earthquakes long before anyone invented microwave generators....... Blaming every little thing on HAARP is like blaming the Bosa Nova. Oh well.

    When anything happens that grabs the public's attention, you will always see opportunists run up to anyone with a microphone/camera and take credit, declare their leadership or just get noticed. Time to watch old movies or just turn off the tube.

  5. find an internet cafe or something! or go to the library....we need your Korny perspective around here

  6. Aye Laudy, I can't dismiss em that easy. Note these are Past and Present Presidential Opportunists operating on the grand stage in an effort to burnish their images and make hay off of poor people's sufferings.

    Completely Offensive. Appallingly Desperate.
    Futilely Fucked Up!

    It is time to batten down the hatches, fill the moat, and care about people deeply and from the heart, while waking other people up to the truth of the 1%.

  7. True Laudy but they were in California, Washington, Greece, Japan and Italy.
    And historically in an average of 6.0.

    Now they are averaging 7.2 to max 9.0 and they seem to be excessively striking non NATO areas such as Indonesia, China, Iran, Haiti etc.

    2010 01 12 - Haiti region - M 7.0
    2009 11 09 - Fiji - M 7.3
    2009 10 07 - Vanuatu - M 7.4
    2009 10 07 - Santa Cruz Islands - M 7.8
    2009 10 07 - Vanuatu - M 7.7
    2009 09 30 - Southern Sumatra, Indonesia - M 7.5 Fatalities 1,117
    2009 09 29 - Samoa Islands region - M 8.1 Fatalities 192
    2009 09 02 - Java, Indonesia - M 7.0 Fatalities 81
    2009 07 15 - Off West Coast of the South Island, New Zealand - M 7.8
    2009 05 28 - Offshore Honduras - M 7.3 Fatalities 7
    2009 03 19 - Tonga region - M 7.6
    2008 05 12 - Eastern Sichuan, China - M 7.9 Fatalities 87,587
    2008 02 20 - Simeulue, Indonesia - M 7.4 Fatalities 3
    2007 09 12 - Kepulauan Mentawai region, Indonesia - M 7.9
    2006 05 26 - Java, Indonesia - M 6.3 Fatalities 5,749
    2006 04 20 - Koryakia, Russia - M 7.6
    2003 12 26 - Southeastern Iran - M 6.6 Fatalities 31,000

    When you look at the 7.0 or greaters in the historical data you can also isolate the political and financial dealings at the same time. There is strong evidence of the "PAY UP OR YOU'LL BE SORRY" scenario.

    What was the rare 6.5 or higher are common today and they always seem to follow the money.

  8. this guy is my favorite predicter:

  9. I don't disagree, I've just quit raising my blood pressure because of jerk-offs I will thankfully never meet. Much prefer to imagine them prancing and mugging for a camera that's been disconnected and an audience that has better things to do.

  10. Well, this a.m. we get Bush, Clinton, & Obama at the Whitehouse, taking lead on burnishing their sorry images while acting sympathetic to the plight of the Haitian people. Hillary is on her way to Haiti.

    Bearing the responsibility of millions of dead around the world, this group of necromantic charlatans attempt to "change the reality" they created by co-opting tragedy. Will they inspire millions to donate funds? Of course. Will these funds get to the people who need them? Take a guess. WE can only hope so. Again, my understanding of the New Orleans situation is that donations were co-opted and stolen, and the reality of this piece of the globe is one of a "change" for the worse...never to be the same again. Many residents never to return.

    Will there be any accounting and transparency of the funds/donations for Haiti? Of course not! Just like the Bail-outs.

    Laudy, my blood pressure is not up. I'm just sad for the Haitian people and for all of us living to continue to try and survive The Machine run by elite psychopaths who can never have enough power or money. I do believe their will be a Judgement for their souls at some point.

    Somewhere...Justice resides.

    From Agora Financials 5 Minute Forecast’s daily update:

    “Why do you continue,” a reader complains, “to avoid telling your readers: 1) In 1999, Bill Clinton (by executive order) ordered Fannie Mae to make more loans to people that could not afford these loans. 2) Franklin Raines (Bill Clinton's economic adviser) took over Fannie Mae and continued this wild lending, bankrupting Fannie Mae, and walked away with $90 million in bonuses!! 3) Jim Johnson (Barack Obama's economic adviser) did the same thing at Freddie Mac, but walked away with only $25 million. 4) Both institutions were Democratic piggy banks, giving millions to the Democrats, including Barack Obama, Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, etc.
    “They also gave $65 million to Democratic lobbyists. I don't think any of this money has been back. The current head of Fannie Mae just received a $6 million bonus while the taxpayers are picking up billions of dollars of losses.
    “Also, you forget to mention that the Republicans tried to tighten things down and the Democrats said, ‘Oh, there is nothing wrong!’ Please tell your readers the truth!”
    The 5: This is an odd complaint to lodge against the research firm that way back in 2004 uncovered and exposed a memo detailing the rot on Freddie Mac’s balance sheet -- a memo that soon vanished from Freddie’s Web site, only resurfacing from the memory hole during a hand-wringing congressional hearing in 2008.
    Oh, and we seem to recall Republicans were in charge of both Congress and the executive branch at that time of that memo. There’s ample blame to go around.

  11. That is my objective in a nutshell Boom. What we can do as a species is not likely to ever materialize. But awakening the masses to what they can do individually to CLEAN THEIR HOUSE and protect their very souls.

    Do we make our future heaven here on earth? Hmmmm?
    Can we alter the paths of many simply by our actions and not the words of the falsifiers? Hmmm again.

    I bank on that. The other banking I do is insignificant as not to be an enabler of what I personally see as the obstacles that prevent me from my goal and take me off my path.

  12. why r u not on twitter? from the dashbord u can set up so that your posts will auto appear and bring traffice back to your site where u obviously have an interesting perspective!

  13. Welcome ahrcanum! Stay a while. I like your insights (saw your post above)

    Direct your tech questions to Puddy Dunne. He's the cranium.
