Of course we need a revolution. One was already underway but we didn't like the taste of it, what, with the "D"s running the show. Finding it difficult to stay awake, I got up to stretch my legs and get a whiff of fresh air, walked over to the window and glanced out in the direction of the parking lot. I had a strange feeling, like a buck in a snow storm.... and then I saw them.
"SWAT Team!"
"Get ready for a raid."
My heart was racing. I sat back down and advised everyone to place their hands on the table and not to move, not even an inch, no matter what.
Seconds later, there was a knock at the door....BOOM BOOM BANG!! and with that, the door was knocked open and off its hinges as five or more SWATs stormed the room, putting the cold metal of their pistols to our heads. No shots were fired, nobody killed, not a word said until the SWAT Team Leader entered the room to assess the situation. "What the fuck do we have here? Well, well. One, two, maybe more fugitive members of the famed coalition of the obvious. COTO! What a crock of shit. If you assholes know it all, how is it you didn't know we were coming?" Silence. The only noise in the room came from the SWAT Team members as they breathed heavily.
"Delta-niner", "Romeo-one-three", stand guard. If anyone moves, shoot 'em dead." As the remainder of the SWAT Team left the room along with their Team Leader, the one with the "D9" on his helmet started pacing the room, apparently looking for a reason to shoot one of us in the head. But just as he reached the north wall, "R13", who was standing less than two meters from me took his helmet off to scratch his head before lifting his pistol to his head. He had the strangest look on his face, one I had seen a thousand times before. I knew what would follow. I closed my eyes and braced for the shock. Seconds later the pistol went off as blood and warm, sticky brain matter hit the right side of my face. I felt like puking.
As his body hit the floor, his Glock33 fell to my feet. Not good. As a kid, I was afraid of guns. These days, my favorite motto is "happiness is a warm gun". Despite my love for guns, I knew this was a trap, so I tried to kick it away without drawing the attention of "D9". Not an easy task. "D9" just stood there with an empty look on his face, not reacting in any way to "R13" shooting himself in the head, not showing any emotions at all. As the SWAT Team Leader re-entered the room, this time alone, he looked at each one of us, but not at the bleeding body on the floor.
"So, mighty fucking COTO, are you surprised?" An evil grin invaded his face in slow-mo and he said "what, don't tell me you've never heard of MK-Ultra. Here, let me demonstrate....."
Pointing in the direction of the south window, he said "Delta-niner", fly over to that tree over there, grab a leaf off it and bring it to me." "D9" walked to the door leading to the balcony, opened the door, took three steps and disappeared over the railing. A loud thump indicated his arrival on the hard cement floor on the ground level. "At least we're getting some fresh air in here" I thought to myself as I wondered which word was the keyword that set the poor fellow off.
"So, my dear COTO, please grab your belongings and follow me. And no dirty tricks."
We filed out of the room in silence, not looking down at the body or the pistol on the floor which may have well been our last chance to avoid what was to come next.
I woke up with the ugliest headache I'd ever known and the taste of cotton candy on my dry lips. I was on the floor in a room filled with electronics. The heater must've been going full blown, as it was ultra-warm. One of the florescent lights was blinking, reminding me of the shop back at Huntsville. I suddenly realized I'd been stripped naked. I moved to cover my vital parts as a voice said "get up and put the headphones on". There was no one else in the room so I concluded the voice was coming from a speaker on the wall. I reached for the headphones, placed them snugly over my ears and waited for further instructions as any other good citizen would do. "Sit on the chair in front of you and look into the screen".
"You have to put the hook through his tail so he's still alive ......the bigger fish will swallow him and the hook whole, but he's gotta be alive enough to swim". I watched as my brother baited the trout line with perch from the creek.
"Don't be layin' up in your bed scratchin' your nuts and shit when your ass belongs out here in my goddam formation!" ...."and don't let me catch your ass with none of that there whackyterbacky or I'll give you sumpin to smoke, ya hear me?!" YES FIRST SEARGENT!
Damn flashbacks. Thank god they're still there.
"Look, we need to keep this place clean, you hear me?"
"Our lawyer won't like it one little bit if his people come in here on monday and find this place smelling like a damned whorehouse above a friggin pizza parlour."
We had been holding out in the temporary building complex the law firm had recently move into. It was a trade off. Hans had done all he could for the movement, risking his life and a few more in doing so. While there, I was able to read some of the stuff Hans had left laying around. It was (obviously) his way of feeding us with information....information we would be needing. I tried to memorize the important stuff but thanks to being bombarded with info all my life, it was not easy. It all melted into one big glob of useless information. Every once in a while, part of it would emerge to the top and stick its ugly head out......
"Soldier, based on your outstanding achievements here during A.I.T., you've been selected to receive a briefing very few of your fellow soldiers will ever be privy to. Once you walk out of here this afternoon, you'll have a new security clearance. This is important, so pay close attention to what you see and hear. One day, someone's life may depend on your memory."
Alphanumeric sequences ruled my mind for the longest time. I tried to memorize them and recall them days later. A correct recall came along with the complete scene, sight, smell, situation, parties involved, my emotion, etc. etc. for any key code. I didn't know why I was doing this but I knew it would be important some day in the near future.
Prefix ....Three Two Seven. Thirty-two Seven. Three to seven. White Cadillac. Rust. Lots of rust. Tail light out, left side. Rear bumper bent upwards on the left. 70, maybe 71 model. Not sure. More people in the car than seats. None of them getting out. Car hanging pretty low. Must be 7 or more in the car. Motor running.
There was a knock at the door. "Michael, would you please see who it is?"
"Yes, Ma'am, our orders are to take him with us to the station." My english teacher probably smelt the refer on my breath and called the cops on me. Fucking bitch! How was I to know my first toke would get me in such trouble?
The cops had taken me to the elevator and punched the -3 button. As the elevator door opened, I saw a few suits ....and my Mom.
"Mom, what the ...?!"
"It's okay, son. These gentlemen want to ask you a few questions. Please be cooperative."
"Son, three days ago, a woman was raped, shot in the head and left to die in the middle of nowhere. We're hoping you can help us catch the ones that did this. We have nothing else to go on, except the bullet that was lodged in her head."
"Just grab hold of it right here and hold real still. If there's a big one on there, it'll jump back and forth." I was scared shitless.
"Searg, what's the number good for?"
"Soldier, what number?"
"How am I to know when the shit kicks in, duh? It's your goddam brain, not mine!"
"The sun's coming up. I can see it now. This is cool!"
"Enjoy it, dude. You only get to see this once in your whole lifetime."
"Okay, but where dya get this stuff?"
"What stuff?"
Sometimes I wonder if someone didn't just fuck up, like.....royally. I'm sure they'd like to be more successful with us. Their magic potion backfired and now they're stuck in damage control mode while our numbers multiply, day by day. Poor motherfuckers. Their days are numbered and they know it. They fucked up when they fucked with us.
This is so real, it scares the shit out of me. I hope you like it. Although I tried to remember 100% of last night's dream, this represents a mere 10%. The rest is real, the way I lived, saw, heard and felt it as it happened. Fiction based on 90% non-fiction.
tf, aka cs
"The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep"
ReplyDeleteMy mother liked Frost. As a child of four years, for several years I had the recurring dream. I was very quiet as a child and spent a lot of time alone and never told my mother or father.
This dream would have me standing at the base of a long dark foyer. I would walk to the end from where you had to decide to enter a door left or right. I would turn to the right and turn the knob with my right hand and open the door.
The room was very dark and large, but I could see the the small table and dim lamp that lit the faces of the five men that sat around the table.
When I entered the room I could hear them talking low but it was as if I were standing right next to them.
Though I knew they were at the opposite end of the room it was as if they were right in front of me.
Moments after I entered, they all stopped talking and turned my direction and stared.
For what seemed like minutes we stared at each other without a word. The only sound I could hear was the collective beating of six hearts not in sycronization.
After what seemed like minutes I would always awaken from the dream. This lasted for several years. I never once opened the left door.
When at age four, my older sister by three years, started teaching me to print the alphabet. When we started this I chose the left hand. She said I need to hold the fat pencil in my right hand. I refused.
She gave up and just said "You'll be a freak" I accepted it. I have had insomnia for about thirty years. I sleep about 4-5 hours a day.
I sleep with the TV or radio on low and timer shuts it off. If I try without it, in silence I hear the beating hearts always, but I haven't had the dream for many many miles. In fact I have not dreamed at all for as long as I can remember.
One day I hope to know the five and what the conversation was all about.
Thanks for sharing yours, Tony. If that one has teeth, I can see it all the way.
That's quite the elaborate and freaky dream Curt. I'm a bit confused as to which parts are "real." Was a woman really raped and murdered? Is the military stuff real? What did you do in the military?
ReplyDeleteI've always wondered the same thing about we coto types. How is it we managed to avoid all the manipulation and drinking of kool aid? Somewhere down the line we chose the red pill. But why us and not the majority? My guess is because we were the ones, since childhood, who always questioned why and how things were done. Old souls? More than likely. We've been around this block more times than most I reckon.
Honestly, there are times I wish I were part of the sheeple instead of the "knowing." I can distract myself with the normalcy of life but all the horror we've learned about and how the worst is yet to come is always lurking there not so quietly in the background of everything I do.
I fear more for my family's future than I do mine.
Patrick your dream sounds almost Poe-like with the 5 beating hearts. I too sleep with the tv or radio on. The sound of silence can be deafening. Too many thoughts come piling in and you never know what you're going to "hear." I get about the same amount of sleep as you. I tend to wake up most days around 3-4am and can't fall back to sleep. Call it "the curse of being aware." With your background, it's no small wonder why you are an insomniac. With me, it's worrying about the near and not so near future.
ReplyDeleteThey always tried to break kids of the left handed habit in catholic school which was ridiculous. My daughter is left handed and I never saw it as a problem for her except when she tried to use regular scissors.....
Which parts are real? Many. Was a woman really raped? They robbed the store, abducted her, raped her, shot her in the head and left her to die in the sonora desert. The game with the alphanumeric sequences was real. My ability to recall events using the sequences was and still is real. The cops coming to pick me up at school was real. The elevator was real. My Mom was there, in the secret FBI station nobody wants to know about, but it's still there. PFX327 was the license plate number. One FBI Agent shouted a glorious BINGO! when the number came up, matching my description of the car. The military stuff is real. All of it. What did I do in the military? 27G. AIT in Huntsville. I entered a room, put the headphones on, listened to what was said, walked out and had a SECRET clearance. I didn't ask for it......they selected me thinking I was gung ho. I dunno. One in a hundred get the briefing. Maybe less. I have no way of knowing. Reality blends in with dreams. The trick is to keep them seperated.
ReplyDeleteI have to listen to speach to slip into sleep mode. Tinitus taunts me, it drives me nuts, sometimes. I found God one morning while trying to sleep without noise. The noises in my head weren't that bad back then and as I heard the noises from outside, an approaching train, I realized God is in everything, each and every atom of everything. That experience kind of exposed the Churches for what they are which is why the woods are now my church.
JG, I think you're right about us questioning things all our lives. I got slapped around around as a kid for being that way, but I never quit asking questions. Ols souls? Maybe. I like to think a lot of us are old souls. A lot of things come naturally to us when we're young. It's really very normal just as a few other things are. A sixth sense, e.g. The buck in the snow storm has it. Why shouldn't we?
I'm still trying to recall the remaining 90% of the dream. Fat chance.
Lefty, lefties rule. I wish I were one. I've tried my damndest to do everything with my left hand as well as with my right hand, with partial success. I put my right hand through a window once and had it bandaged up for a few weeks. The SSG in charge of the shop told me to "learn to write with your left hand, now!" An order is an order, so I immediately started writing as a lefty. It took me a few hours and a few forms to get it down, but it worked. That experience changed the way I played drums too, but that's another (true) story.
I learned to manage my actions in my dreams. I would've taken the left door straight after having seen what's behind the right one. Sometimes you get burnt. Sometimes you don't.
I was dubbed "A very old soul" by my mothers psychic. JG there's something to that. Curt's dream and reality may be the culmination of present experience merging with past strings of conscience memory.
ReplyDeleteDeja Vu? No I din't think so. Merely a glitch in the cosmic matrix controller system in which this string weaves through space.
The government/DOD have been trying to identify, catch and reproduce this phenomenon. From Philadelphia to Montauk to HAARP, this research is continuing. Dubbed Project Genesis, it incorporates all the technologies.
My next article must now start to delve into this. The WORLD LINE.
"The foolish reject what they see,
not what they think;
The wise reject what they think,
not what they see"
---Huang Po
I'm afraid my dreams are very often a culmination of present and past experience merging with things which occur in the future. It's a curse. When the past, the present and the future merge into one dream, one has to extract the part that represents the future and take precautions to prevent it from happening. Happily, this usually works. It takes practice but it works. This curse disappeared for the longest time but is with me again now, full blown but less spectacular. It really is a matter of time and the ability to see into the past, beyond one's own birth and into the future, beyond one's own death plus the ability to see the present reality as a dream. A dream someone in the past had and someone in the future will have. Time slides back and forth, it rarely stands still.
ReplyDeleteAre you confused yet?
Confused? Not at all Curt. It makes perfect sense to me even if I'm not sure how it all shakes out in the end. It seems you've been given a "gift." Maybe you are meant to do something extraordinary with it.
ReplyDeletePatrick, a psychic once told me I was an "old soul" as well. I'd bet good money Curt would be told the same thing along with other coto members. Perhaps our paths have crossed before. They say you keep meeting up with the same group of people in each life. I guess that's why some people seem so comfortable to be around and others we can't get away from fast enough. Past life experiences do matter and remembrances of them sometimes slip through when they weren't meant to. It explains, to my inquiring mind anyway, child prodigies and why people are gay...
Btw, reincarnation is the ultimate in recycling;)
Light flowing through the venetian blinds, my heart pounding in my chest, then I notice that I'm looking down at my convulsing body in bed. the surprise of detachment woke me immediately.
ReplyDeleteI'm back in my body, sweaty, cold and clammy, my sheets thrown off the bed and no more light pouring through the blinds. thinking I'm about to have a heart attack I concentrate and slow my breath, slow down my heart, at this point I was scared, and was asking myself; what just happened? I was 14 years old at the time, or should I say this body was. time passed, I told none about the event.
Then one night, while dreaming I became conscience in the dream world. I was standing next to a canal, with industrial pipes extending across to the other side. I walked across the pipes to the other side where I could see a neighborhood, a street intersection, I ran to the street sign to get the names of the cross streets so I could locate where I was on a map, when I got there the letters looked strange, in the frustration of being unable to read them I woke my self up. this time my body was not sweating nor breathing hard, my heart was beating normally, but curious of where I had just been.
When I was attending high school me and a friend went to a local hangout for our age group. It was a clandestine mission to score some of the latest toys for teenagers, ecstasy (MDMA). when we arrived the place was thumping, people dancing and yapping away, my companion went to make the connection while I sat and watched the circus. being a people watcher, I notice older men that looked out of place, standing around watching also. I got a bad feeling about them, something in my gut told me to leave, so when my friend returned with the goods I made the suggestion, he wanted to stay and party so I took my dose and walk out the door, upon leaving I noticed one of the men watching me until I turned the corner and was out of site. I took a bus to the park where the drugs began to kick-in, thank God I was not in their psycho-chamber of strobe lights and program lyrics, the doors opened while I was in a grove of Live Oaks,
and they were my teachers and council. http://www.bergoiata.org/fe/trees/Live%20Oaks,%20Oak%20Alley%20Plantation,%20Vacherie,%20Louisiana.jpg
To all on the journey...Regardless, evolution happens. Selfless love and joy is the souls goal. To reunite. The physical plane is filled with lessons. The soul glides. It waits. It knows. It does not judge. Lessons here are repeated until absorbed. We are all travelers. Nothing is wasted on the journey. Here, on the physical plane the levels are seven. As we assign ages, so are the levels of each. Infant through old. (e.g. Tony's dreams are from many lives including this one). Some of us here @Coto have agreements with others here. Work to be done. Agreements can be postponed, but they will nevertheless be completed. Karma is always valid. It is a truth of all paths. The taking of anothers choice always results in karma. All debts are paid. Luck does not exist. It is another excuse that keeps us from the path. Whales and dolphins are, like humans, ensouled. Pets are hive souls. We are not alone. There are many different truths. Personal, physical and universal.
ReplyDeleteI impart, I do not know.
And I need you all
KUBRICK 2001 Tony. I think you are on to something. Stanley must have had the encounter with the monolith, brane, portal or string.
ReplyDeleteHis life was one of certain interest for me. As was his strange passing.
Boy-howdy, dude!
ReplyDeleteYer dreams scare me, and I ain't even YOU!
Specks we both dealing with out past when we whistled past the bone yard without even knowing it was there. Mayhap that's why we ain't been showin up in proper fashion at the "other place" n' shit.
I don't think nobody "Ultra'd" me... but I shore ate lots of LSD.
I'm a first timer avatar...young soul/old soul.
ReplyDeleteThe true soul is eternal. Young and old, a material construct of space/time continuum.