The Weather Forecast
I don't want to worry you, but . . .
You hear the weather forecast, later you check the barometer, then look out at the hills and see the rain coming. So you take an umbrella.
This is the weather forecast.
It rather depends on what was happening at the centre of the galaxy 25,000 years ago. But if, as expected, it was then drastic, such as the super-dense galactic core routinely sucking the few nearest stars to its bosom, causing a mass flux ejection from it, then there is an oncoming cosmic shock-wave. Any who hope to survive the consequent coronal mass ejections from the sun starting its pass through the galactic plane in December 2012 should take the following to heart for thereafter.
When the initial wave does come, and from the geological record, such occurrences apparently happen regularly each fourteen thousand years or so, one now being somewhat overdue, it will arrive without warning, as it moves at more or less at the speed of light. This will cause vast earthquakes, hurricanes and tidal-waves here on earth and, impacting the sun, will excite it to expel vastly more energy than usual. This can punch through whole areas of the planet's magnetic and atmospheric protection and fry any terrain beneath, rendering much of the planet uninhabitable with the ensuing firestorms, and most of the surface livestock so much fertilizer.
Any such disturbance will then infiltrate our solar system with dust and cometary debris from the Kuiper belt and the Oort and Hills Clouds far outside the solar system, thus promoting a new Ice Age. There is a lot of material out there - ten or twenty times the mass of the earth - just waiting.
'The media' had not come into existence the last time to misreport such events and slant their significance to favour its darling 'chosen', but the geological record is there and presents the evidence with honest impartiality.
So, if you read or view the confirmation of its facts in the URLs herewith, the Spitzbergen seed-bank and the underground cities that are already constructed at various locations of the earth then achieve a rather different significance.
So why should the vermin-that-be be bothering with wars and pestilence to wipe us out, when the galaxy core will oblige by providing the same result without them lifting a delicately-perfumed finger - thus even preserving for them their carefully-sanctified philanthropic reputations? Are the flu and vaccination programs, wars and financial collapses and such simply to distract our attention while they finish their preparations to disappear into 'their' underground cities? - all paid for by us, of course, the wondering sheep. Lack of a few wars at any time would give us the leisure to see what they are doing, and the free muscle to interfere.
Doubtless these villains will have the hourly-changing codes on the underground food-stores, to ensure thereby the necessity of their own survival, and on the seed banks for such time as the emergency is over, which will give them leverage in the re-institution and -infliction of their fiction of finance, bribery, politics, media, central banks and all. But don't be surprised, you who will be guarding them at their sub terrene caviar and quails-in-aspic, if they have you eating each other, the better to control you and keep you on your toes and the edge on your murderous 'competitive spirit'.
We should ask ourselves whether we want these vermin any more in our world. We know that their mercenaries will come out first with guns blazing, for the vermin then to take advantage of the situation to complete their declared objective of sanitizing the planet for themselves.
They want to take over the world? Let's see what the galaxy can do to them first. Then let's see whether we can give it a hand.
Disaster? Then let us make an opportunity of it. This is our chance to have these bastards exactly where we want them. GPS of all their underground cities for world attention, please.
Better to collapse the main entrances, close any bolt-holes, and hope that the earthquakes will bring the mountains down on their heads.
But when such emergency that may occur is over, and if they survive, may I recommend the virtues of the nearest protein to hand - delectable Roast Baron of Rothschild and Fricassee of Rockefeller - kosher, too.
You can bet that you will also be dining on the Bushes, Blair, Aznar, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz, all equally kosher, and all the others of the 'coalition of the willing' who have helped these perverts get where they are today, so if you can stomach them, you might have to think in terms of stew for some of them.
And the soft-handed kingpins, kingmakers and mandarins, those whom the Rothschilds consider the most effective servants, who do what they are told with foreknowledge but without scruple, what of them should they ever emerge? - For us, easy meat. Not to your taste? Then to your dogs'.
But the Rothschilds have already prepared for themselves and their accomplices. Then so should we prepare, individually and collectively.
If you have a cellar, make it habitable, secure and comfortable. If you are lucky, you may be occupying it for some time.
The volcanic activity here, such as the Yellowstone Caldera finally blasting though, and the cometary-dust obscuration of the sun, probably will then promote another ice-age. Such a period can last from decades to millennia, so that any survivors will have to dig through a new ice-cap to reach the seed bank anyway.
So make your own seed bank, all of you. Beans, maize and pumpkin first for your necessities, and those of your choice afterwards.
Remember the old axioms. Waste not, want not. Live modestly. Get used to walking now. Carry an axe and prepare to use it, otherwise you are food. Learn to grow: Beans, maize, pumpkin - the only machinery you need for that is a stick to plant the seeds. And make it a habit to save seeds. Avoid sugar, which is bad for you and good only for those who have had it produced and then traded in it.
Put essential tools where you can access them. Download how-to books and make them available to you friends for them to learn and to pass to others. There was one I saw forty years ago on how to make a thousand things. If you have arms, store them and their ammunition somewhere underground; your house probably will not survive. And remember, there will be no more ammunition. It has to last you.
Save containers, bottles, bins. If the worst comes only to the average bad, it will be a couple of hundred years before you are able to manufacture such things again. The car? - A temporary shelter, nothing more.
Learn how to make a windmill so that the cold wind can work for you and provide you power to warm you. Remember that you will be a long time without any of the materials you can put your hand on today. Learn to dig a well. If she has to haul and carry it, no stupid broad is any longer going to use her daily hundred gallons to shift a few leaves off her city stoop. - No city, no stoop. If you want to see how it will be, just to start, turn off the electricity and water for a year. But that is luxury -
You think you'll be back in the economy of the fifties, the forties or even the thirties? Forget 'economy'. Forget the eighteenth century, the squalor of the Middle Ages. Forget Rome and its 'law'. Forget bronze. Forget Egypt and Babylon. If this does what it can and any survive, the very worst of Africa will be civilization for awhile anyway. We will be back in the stone age, where progress mostly has to be of your own making and comes awful slow.
Prepare to co-operate with others to provide for your and their needs, but expect to work for your existence. Help others and they will help you. Refuse baubles as having no real worth. Tell the women to admire the sparkle in their children's eyes, rather than pebbles cutely cut to milk phony-money from their pockets.
Protect the children. There will be many orphans. Help them and teach them to survive, and they will help you in the future, when you can still contribute knowledge. Form groups with people of all practical abilities. You will be a people. Work to progress as a community. Enable your independence, but be prepared to contribute and to co-operate.
If any come and tell you that the land you use is theirs, and talks of ownership, or proposes a means to facilitate exchange, or to buy your food with gold, feed them to the dogs. The land is the planet, it is for the use of all its inhabitants and, after millennia of madness, this is reality again. You will be you own boss and your own law. You are now, but you just won't face it.
WHEN will this happen? Any time soon now. It's already overdue. The Mayas believe in December 2012. If it does not come within your lifetime, then thank your lucky stars. LaViolette says 90% sure during the next 400 years, but he's a scientist and perhaps does not even consider that we might need to make some arrangements. But if he rationally says that, then logically a few percent says any day now.
Let's not overdramatise this. Simply the house will fall on you, as in any common-or-garden earthquake. You will either just stop, or you will survive. It's afterwards that things will be very different.
You don't believe me? The evidence is there. Universe obeys its own laws, not yours. You can't ask the galaxy to be reasonable. It is being reasonable. If you don't want to face it, it's you who aren't.
If you are on any 2012 pre-Christmas fly-by-wire kite, good luck.
For evidence -
Gary Vey starts with HAARP, and then goes on. Follow him. Sometimes it reads like fiction, but unfortunately you can check the facts of enough disquieting bits.
For a more scientific viewpoint -
Listen to LaViolette. He is not an idiot scaremonger. He is telling you a few pertinent 'scientific' details of what I have been saying much more generally and unscientifically for the last fifty years to anyone who would hold still a minute, even if they didn't listen.
Some of the underground cities -
To put it all in its proper perspective -
So, should it all eventuate? Well, rather than screaming and scrabbling, wouldn't it be much more adult to admire the forthcoming absence of the vermin, if that can so be managed, to restore the balance of the realities before these middle-eastern vermin whispered of value other than utility and made deception their religion by which to mislead and deceive, steal and murder with innocent sanctity, as again they now intend. That is not a question.
Perhaps Universe, in its wisdom acquired over the eons, has learned thus to restrain its worst bugs that learn to manipulate the triggers of other life without first acquiring any decent control over their own basest disgusting impulses. If so, then in this present instance Its timing is Spot On.
But should the event not come to pass so severely? Then we are not the Rothschilds' servants anyway. We must not co-operate in our own servitude. Opt out. Pay no taxes. Starve the beast. Grow your own food. Dig a well. Resist. Ignore them. Go your own way. You are servant of no one and of no 'state'. You are your own independent property, and the space you occupy is your inalienable republic, self-controlled and governed by no other. These bastards don't tell us what to do. Tell them to sod off and stay sodded off.
In fact, what about having that well-merited giant barbecue with them just for old Lang Syne? Take them out, depose their paid lackeys, and make use of the installations we have paid for but from which they intend to exclude us anyway. We are our own bosses. Fuck' em all.
You know that post of Curt's about nightmares? Well this has just added to mine. Thanks Patrick for not wanting to worry me !!
ReplyDeleteSeriously, do you really think this is what's gonna happen in 2012? I have a friend who likes to say the earth is getting ready to shake us all off like a dog with fleas. Perhaps that's exactly what mother earth has in store for us in 2012 despite what the nwo bastards have planned. That's terrifying. I'd rather go in the first wave than try to exist in the aftermath.
Whatever may come, retrenching/hunkering down with the basics, is bound to be a good idea.
ReplyDeleteFirst let me say that this is Flaks article not mine.
ReplyDeleteHe requested my approval as he feared reception issues during this joyous time of year. I personally do not subscribe to this pagannick profit season so I had no prob posting it.
I have to speak to terms regarding my religion to answer this JG. I can take all the science, all the evolutionists, the upgraded neo-christian false prophets and their stepped up timeline, pull the current economic crisis that has just begun to manifest and add it to the series of trial runs we have had since 2000.
This convinced me that the doomsday scenario's are just that. Simple tactical efforts to raise the fear to the level that when the COMMITTEE decide to engage GENESIS with all it's components that we will all be so happy to survive that the NEW AGE they have been planning for a century or so will come to be without much fuss.
That is except for the segment of the population that (a) rejects it (b) represents the useless eaters (c) holds to the concept of religious freedom and personal liberty. Those shall perish in a series of apocalyptic events, most of which have already been mentioned in articles we have all posted.
I know we are in danger on so many levels but the Cosmic version of Armageddon is not in my version.
I have amassed anenormous amount of government, whistleblower, shill and lunatic information. I have tried to reason my best interpretation of what is viable and what is not.
My boys from Miami are very helpful to me and what information I got from the sources is limited. No doubt I have to fill in much with theory.
I will post it before years end.
Thanks for clarifying Patrick. We've been through the "end of the world" scenarios so many times, it's like the boy who cried wolf. When it really is barreling down on us, we will shrug our shoulders and say.. yea right.
ReplyDeleteFlaks information is compelling. As we offer up our acceptance of the science that we are entrusting to people like Professor Phil Jones of the CRU, I conclude
ReplyDeleteat some point there has to come a reality of the vast scientific community, those who are embraced by the government and military and their ultimate purpose. I unfortunately cannot treat the journals and research with anymore validity than I do the reporters.
'One is given to believe' that a slightly more polished version of this may be viewed at
ReplyDeleteBut a Very Happy Christmas to all anyway. has some interesting stuff.
ReplyDeletewe would be advised to have an earth shelter, be it for heat safety or radition if the solar activity stays low. a shipping container is cheap now as the ships arent using so many, the crisis has some high points:-)
I am trying to track lead sheeting down, to place around it before I cover it in dirt,
at 800 to 1k aus its cheaper than a similar flimsy shed. small doors can be arranged as can skylights vents.
if nothing happens its still a safe and pest proof food store.
now as to seeds, save Hertitage varieties, I disagree on the pumpkins though, we would be advised to use in ground vegies carrots turnips spuds etc as they have a short growth and lower temp and light needs. short season grains, some beans are better than others, and maize takes 4 mths, a long time to keep it hidden and safe and it needs a lot of water for 2 ears of corn.
tomatos have cool varities and can be dried.
drying can be done on a black painted sheet of tin, or on old window flyscreens one over one under and placed on a hot tin sheet/roof etc. dip in lemon juice or vinegar to keep colour a bit. before drying. small Marine bilge pumps are handy for battery powered water pumps too.
look into 32volt systems, battery marine. herbs are important grow and dry they keep well.
if youre looking for land try and get a slope to it, important for defence and flood issues.Iodine and Bicarb and magnesium and Vit D need to be aquired too.
see for why this is so.:-)
its cool in aus for xmas and NSW is flooding, temps are cooler unless you fall for CRU(D) lies.
see wattsupwiththat for a great item on the 30years fraud all set out in order, its a PDF for keeping too:-)
Merry whatever, and a better new year for us all.
from Oz and the hounds.