Here we have another Capitalist Propaganda Rag "nominating", "awarding", "attempting to transmogrify reality" for one of the worst NWO actors and financial criminalist we have had the horror to witness -- Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke nominated by Time magazine as "Man of the Year" for 2009.
2008 was Barack Obama, 2007 was Vladimir Putin; ohh Ho HO -- and George W. Bush the inferior has also been honored for this NWO honor. What a group! See any things they may have in common? I thought you would.
{I attempted to put a picture of this clown up, but it just wouldn't "take". Maybe someone else has a Mug Shot of this Robber Baron}.
Folks -- what a freaking joke! Like we've been seeing and saying -- the exact "opposite" of the good (i.e. Evil) is put forward, war is peace, Lies are truth. What shall a populace do when these criminals are marketed and sold as heroes. Let me know...
Boomer you beat me to the punch! My friend at work who hates the NWO like we do, buzzed me at my desk to inform me of the news. I told her, well I'll be posting that on the blog tonight! lol
ReplyDeleteWell, we are not surprised and not amused either. After all, if the war mongering president wins the Nobel Peace prize why wouldn't the current leader of financial corruption warrant Time's Man of the Year?
It's official, we have plunged so far down the rabbit-hole as to have lost all connection with reality.
ReplyDeleteThis man is being skewered by nearly everyone, and TIME rewards this criminals of criminals? What the hell are they drinking? NWO-Kool-Aid.
Anyone that buys this rag should automatically be plastered with a "stupid-sticker".
COTO KNOWS because they are Watching, Thinking, and Aware. I recommend these sites to add to your knowledge base and circumvent the Financial Propaganda BS the NWO crowd attempts to foist. You might email this along to family and friends (after you review them) so they too will know why you're always so damn Fired Up! about 'Da Gangstas cRap that is happening 'round our world. You will also learn (if you didn't know) how to protect yourselves financially. A really important survival tool for these times.
ReplyDeleteJim Willie’s Hat Trick Letter Dec. 15th
You’ll find his website at : A Great name by the way. This guy is as pissed off as COTO creatures, and he’s a whiz with data and numbers. Follow his advice for your families’ sakes.
Bob Chapman’s Int’l Forcaster also provides “no bull shit” financial information to add to the stew pot of the People’s Indignities --
Bill Bonner’s Daily Reckoning – you won’t find any fans of the Fed or Politicians here – just straight talk regarding the idiocies of our times, what you can do about it personally. Sage wisdom from smart guys that watch what’s going on with wary eyes and sharp minds. Good reading too!
Add one more to your “financial insight” armaments, and you will throw a shoe, a statue, or a NoBull Prize tungsten gold bar at Paulson, Bernanke, Geithner, Greenspam, pResidents, Goldman Sucks US Dry criminalists next time you see ‘em.
I like this one a lot!
Check them out – You know what to do! Happy Holidays!
Please take heart. I heard the news just before I layed myself down to sleep.
ReplyDeleteCOTO knows the Nobel, Time POTY, Knightings, Oscars and Pulitzers go to highest order of Administrators and Enablers. The nefarious and microcephalic recipients are just getting their chest ribbons for aiding and abetting the COMMITTEE.
It has become a invaluable tool for me for identification and timing purposes. I always attribute it to the ones who will be shortly be given the task of initiating another most serious crime.
It is just a PR reinforcement tool for MSM, Propagandists and Cabal to dillute the coming event. Let's wait for Bernankes version of the Obama/Nobel, 34,000 Christmas troop deployment.
"Nefarious Microcephalics", what a great descriptive makes me laugh! Can you or M generate a wee cartoon or picture of these vistigial-brained sociopaths?
ReplyDelete(you can use bUsh, gSpan, kIssinger, bErnanke, gEithner, cHeney, oBama, rDumbsfeld, pAlin, hIllary & bill, dImon & other corporate fraudsters, etc.).
Caricature these ratfunks in a sack or zoo (behind bars -- what a deserved end for them) fighting and throwing shit at each other. What they do best is "fuck up" everything around them in the most dastardly and heinous ways possible. Scum of the earth I say! Strutting and getting awards -- sick sick joke.
Double O-Zero Junk Bond
ReplyDeleteanyone want in on shares of Citi ?
"The U.S. government abruptly shelved plans to start trimming its 34% stake in Citigroup Inc., after investors demanded a price so low that the Treasury Department would have lost money on the deal."