This is one activists story. However, I don't doubt that it was repeated over and over again, all over the country. In fact I know it was. This is a damning indictment of our nation and is symptomatic of a deeper rot here. If we are to ever climb out of this mess we find ourselves in then it needs to be dealt with. However, before I begin I would like to extend a hearty and heartfelt thank you to president Barack Obama for making my case so well.
First an introduction. My name is Michael Cavlan. I am a Registered
Nurse. My parents were Catholics from northern Ireland and in fact
they brought my brothers and myself there, to live from 1969 till
1985. My mother raised us in a dirt poor housing project in the
"north." Both my parents have been life long activists for justice
and equality.
In 1985 I returned to the United States. After getting my Nursing
degree at De Anza College in California, I moved to Minnesota.
I currently work at a local Level One Trauma Center, in the Burn Unit.
I have also been very active here, especially in the media reform
movement, co-creating the Counter Propaganda Coalition. In the weeks
after the September 11 attacks, I along with five of my co-workers went
and helped out. I was sent to the Washington DC Burn unit, where I
treated some of the most critical burn patients of the Pentagon attack.
In 2004, I, along with 8 other people from Minnesota went to Ohio and
participated in the Ohio Re-Count, finding evidence of the blatant voter
fraud that was evident there. I also was involved deeply in the Impeach
For Peace movement that our nation so desperately needed to regain the
rule of law here. In 2008, I was one of those Street Medics who treated
some of the countless victims of police abuse that happened in St Paul
and Minneapolis during the RNC. All of these things make, what can be
fairly described as a fairly impressive political activist resume.
What is described from here is a story of what happened when people
tried to speak the truth, our truth and how it was suppressed all
over the nation.
In 2006, I and others decided that I should run for US Senate in
Minnesota. We were deeply involved in an illegal, immoral and
racist war for oil and I was promoting the recent northern Ireland
Peace Process as a real working template for non-violent conflict
resolution. I was involved with others in attempting to push for
Impeachment and accountability for the Bush/Cheney Administration.
Also, as a Registered Nurse my position on creating Single Payer
healthcare seemed a no brainer.
It was at this time that I was to face just how bad things were. At
the local ABC affiliate, KSTP TV US Senate debates, I was excluded
and physically ejected from the audience for pointing out just how
exclusionary and undemocratic this was. Unquestioningly as the only
peace and justice candidate present, as we were in said illegal,
immoral wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. However, this was just the
I come from a long family line of Trade Union activists. I had been
a member of many Unions and was, at that time a member of the
Minnesota Nurses Association. In 2001, during the largest Nurses
Strike in US history I has stood, with many of my Nurse Sisters
and Brothers, on the picket line almost every day. Yet when I
approached my own Union seeking endorsement, I was told that they
were not interested in talking to me, not even for screening.
That they had already decided to endorse Senator Klobuchar. So the
MNA had one of their own running for office but their own
membership would not even know. This experience, with the corporate
media and with the Trade Unions would be repeated over and over
again. Little did I know that it would become much worse. You see,
I created the most grave of sins. I was not a Democrat and worse
yet, was pointing out the Democrats complicity in war funding,
blocking Impeachment and yes, Single Payer. I had dared to point
out that the Emperor had no clothes. Little did I realize just how
much worse this was to get.
After the election and so called democracy that happened, I remained
active. In early 2007, I met John Nichols from the Nation magazine,
at a conference in Minneapolis about NAFTA. My campaign manager
Dori and myself talked to Mr Nichols, talked about who and what
we were and that I was attempting to run for the US Senate again.
John Nichols took my card, with my phone # and website information
with the promise that "Oh yeah, I am going to write an article on
the Senate race in Minnesota next week." Sure enough, the very
next week his article came out. A half page glorification of Al
Franken, two lines about Franken's Democratic challenger whose
positions were much as my own. However, not one word of my
campaign or a mention of my name.
I met John Nichols again, ironically enough at the Media Reform
Conference in Minneapolis in 2008. I walked up to him, talked
again, mentioned how disappointed I was in his last article and
gave him my card again. Mr Nichols looked me right in the eye
and told me not to worry, that he was writing another article
in the Nation about the Minnesota US Senate race. Sure enough,
two weeks later another half page article, glorifying Al Franken
but at least he mentions the Democratic challenger a little more.
After Franken had already won the nomination. Of course there was,
yet again no mention of my name or of our campaign.
By this time, I had left the Green Party, when it became apparent
that they were too busy playing footsie with the Democrats both
locally and nationally to be an actual opposition party.
Then came the COTO experience.
Op Ed News was billed as a "tough, progressive, liberal" news site.
Since media and media integrity has been such an important issue,
I joined in enthusiastically. I posted numerous articles, became
involved in discussion and debates. It was an exciting time.
However, after some time things began to change.
Myself and some others there started a group, a club of sorts.
We called ourselves COTO or Committee Of The Obvious. We started
pointing out that, after listening to Obama that it was obvious that he
was not "progressive." We drew the same conclusion about
Hillary Clinton and in fact most of the Democratic Party. One of
our members was Rady Ananda, the managing Co-Editor
of Op Ed News. It became very evident that things were
going badly there. After the election of Obama, we COTO folks
were told, in no uncertain term that we were only allowed
our "doom and gloom" in a pre set column. That if we stepped outside
of our pre approved "Free Speech Column" at Op Ed News that we
would be banned.
Then, in a sudden move, each and every one of us were banned
without warning or notification. About forty of us in number,
including Co-Editor Rady Ananda. I should point out that this
suppression of dissent was happening all over the place. From
Daily KOS to Huff Post, to groups, to bloggers to corporate media.
It was systemic and it was horrific to witness. Simply for daring
to speak our truth.
There are countless more other such stories, personal testimonies
of myself and countless other truth speakers all over our nation.
I write this, not as a "told you so" or as "you all suck." Quite
the opposite. I write this in the spirit of truth and to beg you
all to not allow this to happen again.
Remember please that for many of us, we follow the words of
another truth speaker from the past.
"Cowardice asks the question - is it safe?
Expediency asks the question - is it politic?
Vanity asks the question - is it popular?
But conscience asks the question - is it right?
And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither
safe, nor politic, nor popular; but one must take it because it is
right." ~ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Thank you again president Obama. You have made my case and the
reality of where we find ourselves so much more evident that we could
have by ourselves. You have also exposed those who can no longer be
trusted by progressives. Thank you Mr president.
Michael Cavlan RN
ReplyDeletewhat the hell happened?
i HATE computers
Michael, you still have the option of editing the article. I believe it's a font issue.
ReplyDeleteCorrected Michael. Two points before I read.
ReplyDeleteFirst: Michael you should have included your beautiful Irish face.
Second: Tony, I took out your corrected comment text but thank you for your effort.
ReplyDeleteThank You Thank You
As you all know I am, well let's just say a little behind the times when it comes to computers and technology and such.
So I was pleased as punch when I figured out how to do the read more thingy..
Then ya saved my ass again.
Thanks Puddy and thank you all COTO Crew. So now I wonder if Common Dreams will publish the article.
Thanks for what you do Michael. A friend sent me this today and it's apropos:
ReplyDelete"In the movie, Mandela gives the Invictus poem to Springbok captain, Francois Pienaar, before the start of the Rugby World Cup. In reality, it is said, Mandela actually provided Pienaar with an excerpt from Theodore Roosevelt's "The Man in the Arena" speech delivered at the Sorbonne in Paris, France on April 23, 1910, subsequently included in his book, "Citizenship in a Republic."
From ( Theodore Roosevelt's "Man in the Arena" speech of 1910, comes this passage:
. "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
Nice Laudy!
ReplyDeleteMichael, you have encountered the wall that insulates the deciders all across the spectrum. The internet blogosphere, the media, the union, the legislature and the deciders themselves.
I was in Florida and after 2000, 911 the plan was given to me by a lost passed friend. In 1997 he gave me the details. He could not accept the CIA's offer to work in Saudi Arabia. They squashed his business there and he died.
From 2002 to 2005 I sent 15,000 faxes and emails to every democratic congressman and senator with the information. From Katherine Harris, Raymond Lemme, the hanging chad, to the pre 911 decision to go invade Iraq.
I targeted Robert Wexler (FL) due to his high profile assault on Bush and impeachment. Like Nichols, he threw me a few bones and I was hopeful he would act on them. The way to Bush is the subpeonas and Miers and Bolten.
In 2005 I came home to find my dogs drugged to the point they didn't stand up when I arrived. I also found key property missing. I knew I had to leave then.
The writing was on the wall for me. It reads like Wexlers Website:
Congressman Robert Wexler to Accept Position as President of the Center for Middle East Peace
(Boca Raton, FL) Today, Congressman Robert Wexler (D-FL) issued the following statement:
“Today, I am announcing that I will be accepting the position of president of the Center for Middle East Peace and will leave Congress effective in January of 2010.
“More than anything, I want to thank the voters of Palm Beach and Broward Counties who have allowed me the privilege of representing our community in the United States House of Representatives and the Florida Senate for the past nineteen years. I have truly cherished the opportunity to serve my constituents – many of whom make up the generation that sacrificed in World War II and Korea and rebuilt our nation after the Great Depression.
FALSE FLAGS and FRAUDS. He will now support the war for Peace that he so tenaciously opposed under Bush.
Democrats set me up! Republicans will kill me.
I leave you TOUGH IRISH with Frank McCourt.
"He says, you have to study and learn so that you can make up your own mind about history and everything else but you can’t make up an empty mind. Stock your mind, stock your mind. You might be poor, your shoes might be broken, but your mind is a palace."
Though I would have to argue this one;
"It’s lovely to know that the world can’t interfere with the inside of your head."
— Frank McCourt (Angela's Ashes)
Sorry Frank. They can, they have and they will continue to do just that.
When a long train
ReplyDeleteof abuses and usurpations
pursuing invariably the same object
evinces a design
to reduce us under absolute despotism
it is our right
it is our duty
to throw off such government
and to provide new guards
for our future security
Government is instituted for the common good
for the protection
and the happiness of the people
and not for profit
or private interest of any one man
or class of men
therefore the people alone
have an incontestable
and indefeasible
right to institute government
and to reform
or totally change the same
when their protection
and happiness require it
The inability of the people
to get power to issue their own money
permanently out of the hands
of the federal reserve bank
and the international bankers
is the prime reason
for the revolution
I think we have our very own "V" in Michael Cavlan! (the Irish version that is).
ReplyDelete"Irish" can lead the charge (with bullhorn) and Patrick,with his amazing font of knowledge and experience in the shadow world can act as chief adviser. With the rest of the non-programmed, critical thinking brain power & passion of coto behind them, I think we have the makings of a true revolution !
Somehow we need to find a way to come together since we're spread out, not just over the U.S., but the freakin world.
PS: Irish, let us know when your article appears in Common Dreams ;)
cool beans, PD. Merci.