“It’s shocking to realize how seldom we change our basic beliefs or understanding when confronted with new information that normally would affect change. Instead, we bend or ignore facts to fit our established world view. John Maynard Keynes once said “When the facts change, I change my opinion. What do you do, sir?” Sadly most people don’t subscribe to this logical practice. Instead, conformation bias and denial are the tools we use to manage and manipulate information to our liking. And there are plenty of governmental, corporate and private citizens ready to help us accomplish this through deliberate and targeted propaganda. The most common personal warning sign that this is happening is the pain of cognitive dissonance, which is usually set off when new information is in conflict with long established and dearly held views.
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"Consider a long string of mathematical calculations. While there may be dozens of individual problems with separate answers, each answer then feeds into another calculation as a sum or variable. Make a mistake at any point in the line and the entire data stream is corrupt. "
ReplyDeleteExcellent post! Not only does the entire string become corrupt, there are different equations to get the to same result.
Who dictates the formula dictates the string. The process of looking into the theorem of the formula and moving out from that point, mathematically speaking.
Wheras the universal truths and science of change are constant and true, the equations offered up by the braintrust of the COMMITTEE have been a consistent series of false axioms.
Until we start to confirm these false axioms, their MATRIX will continue to until a reductio ad absurdum is confirmed.
As for the people, we have the hurdles of the CD, Propagandists, denial, apathy, laziness, ignorance and false hope to deal with. Should we overcome these, we have to do the homework to transform the equation in a micro and then a macro formula outside the confines of the established proof.
The reductio ad absurdum is already reached, but people don't recognise it. But we can reach them all within a day or two if we try.
ReplyDeleteThen we can reduce to the absurd the Rs and all their accomplices as the crude and brutal vestiges of the predatory hyenas that they are. And, with a little help, it can be done, as you may be beginning to appreciate.
Sophisticated psych science has been used to exploit all our learning processes for the benefit of corporate advertising and political perception management. Add to that the enveloping technologies such as Levin describes, and kids won't have a ghost of a chance. It's bad enough being subjected to such influence as an adult.
ReplyDeleteIt may be cleverer than that.
ReplyDeleteYou may finally 'accept' the facts of 9/11, and so ignore and sublimate the real facts behind it, that almost all those scheming and working together against us via 'corporatism', the media, administration and so on, are all the same people, together with those strategic few of ours whom they have paid or blackmailed to be their accomplices.
And that is serious.
But, again, the situation is not impossible to rectify, if you will just contribute a little help with making that pesky 'proposal' effective.
Come on, let's do it.
wow levin, makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside reading about your excitement over drones.
ReplyDeletep.s. have you considered that your preoccupation with rob kall might border on...obsession.
seriously what is up with that? it's everywhere with you. finding out who owns his building? dropping his name at every chance. just when i think people have moved on to bigger and better things... there it is again.
i went to that site briefly when i thought they were taking on the establishment. when the obama cheerleading began i split. went back when they were discussing issues like monsanto, that died down and i started visiting coto. but what's the big f'in deal? do your own thing man. it's annoying. if i wanted to hear about rob kall i'd go to his blog.
is that what brought you here? the rob kall bashing? cuz while there may be some common thread on some issues you express, many of your attitudes are so antithetical to some of the basic tenets of what coto represents that it's disturbing. i mean really disturbing.
sorry folks that my p.s. was longer than my first remark, but good grief dude get over it or seek help.
good article laudyms.
or...are you really rob kall trying to keep your name relevant. bad attention is better than no attention to some and you guys always say he craves it.
ReplyDeleteha wouldn't that be a hoot!
Let's keep our eye on the ball: they want to control the conversation! The purge was to eliminate questioning opinion!
ReplyDeleteAs long as dominant websites go along with their program, people will feel the need to conform. But in fact there is a groundswell of opinion across the spectrum that we are being fed crap with a spoon.
That's the message- forget the paid flunkies. If we ignore them they'll fade away.
I think you might be taking me too seriously. Word arrangements on the internet do not necessarily add up to your conclusions. For one I thought COTO was all but created by him- the nameless one. For two, I thought this was THE place for people who keep an eye on him. What's wrong with messing with him from time to time? It is because of him I am here. You?
ReplyDeleteAnd just so you know, I would have posted more but simply have not had the time. I wrote some reponse pieces to his and have not posted them and probably won't- especially if any mention of him bothers you so much.
As far as me fitting into the complete COTO mantra, you are right. I don't think I have ever fit into what some would like it to be strictly like. Is this a problem too?
For being him, maybe this will make it easier for you... yeah, ya caught me.
Words are used to provoke among other things, and with you it seems to have worked.
OEN might be 'how' we got here, but I'd never credit RK with being 'why.' And being reactive is usually an unproductive mode....certainly we have much more to offer.
ReplyDeleteOh you touched on my biggest fear. I have let go of many Laudy but subliminal and slyience have gotten me so paranoid.
ReplyDeleteI'm afraid to watch Spielberg Movies. I hear the War of the Worlds was almost as good at the original.
At least I,m not running out for popcorn or clark bar.
For all I know you are Rob Kall and you are here helping him and on his side by your own words above.
ReplyDeleteDo not try and control me or what I have to say. You are not my superior and you do not edit me here or have any control over what I say and I do not like anyone trying to control my tongue. That is my job.
I am a life-long political activist and Rob Kall is one of those otherside political activists that I observe and collect data on for future political purposes and if you can not handle political activity or activists then that is your problem not mine.
Rob Kall is an assignment of mine I relish in because Rob is so easy. With him and I it has all been about who is getting over on who. Rob won out for a while, but today he can not see me and can not find me and can not ban me. I can have free run on his website now because our technology is winning out over his. Rob can not defeat TOR and Proxy. He is now powerless electronic-wise and can only detect me by verbiage and even that is changed for his website to prevent such detection of me and my fellow republican political activists. We are stacking up on his website.
We snickered and sneered at Rob recently when he posted that he wanted to try and find a way to open dialogue with our side. Like he did with women, he tries to find psychological ways to manipulate people while feeding them his anti-American socialist bullshit.
Rob Kall is a political activist challenge as well as research for our side. Info gained from him and his website is helping us republicans formulate our side.
I want Jeb Bush for president soon. Unlike his idiot brother, Jeb Bush is loved by all. Few do not like him even on the democrat side.
Rob Kall lost another round recently when his platform for socialized medicine took a nose dive off the deep end now that senior citizens are coming out against their own party of handouts. Seniors have been scared into thinking they will lose medicare benefits to pay for Rob Kall's socialist health care BS.
I said this a long time ago and was called an idiot for saying it and now it is coming true so the person here at coto who called me an idiot for saying it is the real idiot.
The democrat party is coming apart because of them forcing this so called health care bill on a country who does not want it! And sadly, if the democrats really wanted universal coverage for all humans they have failed since their revised plan will only include an additional 30 million humans while leaving out more than 20 million to be left out in the cold with no health care coverage. Some plan of the democrats! And now seniors are turning on their own welfare-handout party as they come to learn that medicare will no longer be accepted by health care professionals when the benefits are cut to pay for the democrats lame ass plan.
And who says they democrats lame ass health care coverage will be accepted by professional health care industry? Especially when the government wants to control the price of the health care and only offer a fraction of what is market value at this time.
If you sold cars and the government came to you and said it is now law that you have to accept our $2,000 for your $20,000 car would you accept it or tell them to get lost?
This is what is tearing the democrat party into pieces today and guaranteeing us republicans more future victories because of the cliff democrats threw themselves over. And Rob Kall is one of those anti-American idiots promoting ideas that have sent his own party over the cliff.
Republicans are celebrating and reuniting today and if anyone does not like it so what.
Independent political parties are idiotic suicide of meaningless energy wasted. A better policy is to use what you have and redirect it and that is what I am all about.
So is Rob Kall an obsession? No. Politics is an obsession while Rob Kall is just a research rat for our side.