Friday, October 2, 2009

Mandatory Vaccine Protest Albany, NY 9/29/09


  1. Them's are my girls.

    Frigging feisty, noisy, don't take shit Nurses.


    I swear, it is on our genes.

  2. BTW

    Thanks Jersey. You have provided one more clip for my show Lies and Omissions of Corporate Media.

    God, I love my COTO family.

  3. Hey Irish ! I LOVE the nurses. The one I work with refuses to take the vaccine though a doctor in our office had her give him the shot after one of his primary care buddies came in extolling the virtues of it and leaving a vial for him to shoot up with.(dumbass)

    Have you seen this article about the Washington State nurses union filing a lawsuit against mandatory vaccinations?

    Where can we listen to your show? Does it stream online?
