Thursday, September 17, 2009

UA175 - Remotely Guided

Dedicated to Mark "Dirt", CalvinPissthis video clip illustrates why I believe Remote Ctrl. Systems were used on 9/11. As a bonus, I'm including the trailer for P4T's rob balsamo's latest work. Be careful, be aware and nJoy. curt

UA175 - the last 12 seconds



  1. As mentioned before, the final approach pattern for UA175 is anything but that which an inexperienced pilot, wanna be pilot or even a seasoned pilot out to hit his target 'the first time' would choose to implement. It is however, one which a computer would a) be able to calculate and b) implement WITH the help of a homing beacon.

  2. Chuck Yeager himself could not fly an airliner into the twin towers at 5oo mph. It is physically impossible. Flying "on the deck" or "in the soup" over 250 MPH will tear the plane apart. A supersonic aircraft can fly over the speed of sound near the deck but it has a vastly more aerodynamic profile and is rated for aerobatic flight.
    Think of getting into the water 5 feet deep and trying to run,naguhapa.
    All this is just trivial anyway. In 1988 I was in Grand Prairie Texas and witnessed thousands of tanks,mobile command centers and hummers moving west to Portland for transport to Kuwait. The 1991 Iraq war and all ME wars since were carefully planned out and supplied years in advance. When I saw Top Gun I knew we were in for the shit. I told a co-worker the next day "we are going to war" she said "You are crazy". I watched it begin on satellite downfeeds at about 3 AM one morning in 1991. Daddy bush softened Saddam up for sonny boy to finish him off.

  3. suddenly, from the left side of my view finder, I saw a video that made me so dizzy, I couldn't finish 3 minutes. Sorry Tone, old man....again you seem to me to be muddying the waters unecessarily.

    Videos 8 years later? with all the technology available to magic pixel a ufo carrying a beared jesus if you wanted. Not impressed, although i do agree the planes were most likely remote controled.

  4. The plane was remote controlled? I already think that's the case. It's the "no plane" theory that doesn't seem to fly quite as smoothly.

    The pentagon is a different story. We all know that building was NOT hit by a plane. So what was it?

  5. JG, I can't quite fly with the no-plane group but we have found a way to coexist without going for each others throats all the time. Some no-planers can't accept my views but I can keep an open mind and accept their views as a remote probability so that gives me an advantage, imho. Like I said, keep it all tucked away, never throwing anything out....just categorize the info and store it for later, even if it sounds like total BS today.

    The Pentagon? I dunno. My last impression was that a flyover makes the most sense. There are so many things that do and don't add up for the Pentagon. The one killer for me is the extremely low altitude the supposed airplane supposedly came in at. That's another impossibility. No pilot, no wanna be pilot, no remote control technology, no nothing can keep a jumbo of that size in the air for that distance at that altitude. Simple aerodynamics + something anyone can try out using a flight sim.

    I recently saw a newer video on the Pentagon, can't recall where that will looksee and post a link here. It's well worth looking usual, with a grain of salt. May have picked it up over at P4T.

    I let the Pentagon go a few years ago while the focus was really on that supposed flight, you know, look elsewhere while the crowd is gathered looking into the well type reaction. But that's me, I don't hang with crowds very well.

  6. I agree about the Pentagon. I gave up on that one for the same reason. Plus, I kept waiting for the govt to actually produce a fake video of a plane hitting it after all the hype over it being a missle. That way they could have made all 9/11 truthers look like tin hatters. Didn't happen though.

    I actually saw the broadcast live from the pentagon where Jamie McIntyre said there was no evidence a plane had crashed at the pentagon because of such little debris. Then he altered his statement. Ha, big surprise.
    Shanksville is the one that kills me. Just a big smoking hole filled with debris.......first time in history steel buildings collapse from fire and planes just disintegrate on impact... and all in one day.....hmmmm...

    Americans who aren't truthers are the dumbest people on earth or the most cowardly that can't or won't face the truth.....

  7. I found it, "The PentaCon: Eyewitnesses Speak, Conspiracy Revealed (Smoking Gun Version)", a google video from 2 years ago. Not new, okay, but it was new to me seeing as I had tucked AA77 away in a pouch labeled "maybe later".

  8. I still don't know what to make of AA77, but honestly, after eight years of searching and screaming, blogging, etc. trying to wake people up only to end up at the end of a dark alley where a gang of neoconservatives accompanied by a few stray neoliberals have nothing better to do than subject me to the "if you're not with us, you're again' us" doctrine while they stoop to new lows in an attempt to rob me of my right to ascend the soapbox ....

    but honestly, who gives a flying fuck?

    Look at it this way, take an auditorium and fill it with people of all kinds. Do a short interview of each person on his/her views, theories, beliefs, misconceptions, whatever, of 9/11. Then sit down and record the total number of seperate views. Categorize these. Even if 100% were of the opinion 9/11 was an inside job, no two persons would have the exact same views on all issues. This is where your average shills, or perhaps underdeveloped or even undereducated, simply aggressive, offensive non-shills will go to work to divide the 100% into as many subgroups as possible while claiming to be the ones who have the answer to all questions. It's their way or the highway. Correction, remove the word "shill" from the above. This is a word the others use all too often. A real agent of disinfo would never act like these complete idiots. He would work hard and long to gain their acceptance and eventually end up on top as the leader of the pack. Your real disinfo agent will look like an angel to you, "a real patriot", as long as you let him fool you. The 9/11 truth movement is (meanwhile) absolutely infested with what we call "Besserwissers". It's almost sickening and I've come to the point where all I really want to do is observe and sometimes drop an opinion or two. Eight years ago, life as a 9/11 truther was rough. Family, friends, colleagues and even the local shoe salesman ridiculed you and called you a nutcase and a conspiracy theorist. That has changed. Now they call you a "shill" for your taking a standpoint on any given issue as it will almost always differ from their standpoint. You can work with those who still believe the OCT, trying to help them with their first baby steps...."9/11 was no surprise" and then LIHOP which just happens to be a prerequisite to MIHOP .....but watch out, you're sure to get a few knives in your back for doing so. Fuck it. It's so much easier today. You just have to be careful who you hang with and what you say while you're around them. It's sometimes better to just keep your mouth shut. Right, Mr. Dirt, Sir?

  9. No, looks like that was not the one after all. This must be it;

  10. I'm just going to throw this one in as an additional source. No further comment necessary.

  11. I too believe that the planes at the WTC were remotely flown. The system is called Iridium, and it's stated purpose is to 're-hijack' a plane that's been hijacked, or one where the pilots are incapacitated, from the ground. Pentacon video is good, saw that a while back. Why indeed hit the mainly empty area of the building, (with whatever hit the building) by flying a nearly impossible move, when coming into the center courtyard or the other side would have caused much more casualties? The forensic economics team investigating Dov Zakheims missings trillions, that's why. Whose company made the Iridium system? Dov Zakheims. HMMM

  12. Id like to start thinking about the diverted commercial ships and the systematic murder of one to four planes and their passengers.

    Cleveland, Thule AFB Greenland, Area 51? From
    whereever the drone attacks were controlled.

    I spend hours thinking about the CIA/MOSSAD highjackers dressed as Muslims telling the people they were being Hijacked and flown to parts unknown. While in flight they were instructed to make calls with the right technology of course to do so and prompted to speak from scripts.
    Then they landed and the committee tossed in a sarin cocktail and buried the planes.

    Just one of a hundred mental scripts I imagine.

  13. Did You catch "911 Octupus " I saw it on Vlogging the apocalypse. The aircraft engineer really rips the establishment lie.

  14. Korn, I'll look it up on the morrow. The roll out was massive but it came in waves. We saw it happen here and it was mega obvious. At the same time, people in CONUS wouldn't buy what we were saying cause it was more evenly distributed. O'er here, the shit just came a howlin in, day and night, long before 9/11. Iraq invaded Kuwait a short time later and Obammy, dem planes doubled in numbers. Like WE IS GOIN TO WAR FER SHER. We saw it coming. The transports via air and train were visible and obvious. Bla bla bla bla bla says the pResident. Vroom vroom vroom says the tanks and the planes. Bla bla bla aint as loud as vroom vroom vroom.

    Big (s)Election here next Sunday. Could go social which would be anti-war. Could go Social-Democratical which would be pro-war. Could go most any way but social and remain pro-war. Even the Green Bugs is war Pigs. Here.

  15. “911 Octupus”

    A no-planer pusher with loads of great info....even if totally off target.

    I dare anyone to mention “911 Octupus” on PrisonPlanet Forum, even in a critical way. It will get you banned.
