"Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people." -- Eleanor Roosevelt
Naomi Wolf carved her niche on the Marblehead of academe as an outspoken feminist reading the beads of “the beauty myth.” As is the usual fare with fame: right place, right time with the right stuff. That does not diminish in any way her talent as a scholar, writer, speaker and researcher. It was bemusing when Wolf became alarmed about “The End of America.” Many who have studied the Nazi time can identify with Naomi’s friend who kept repeating,”…they did this in Germany. They did this in Germany.”
Few Historians, however, are lucky enough to have a colleague as bright and receptive as Wolf, who boiled down the slide into totalitarianism into ten steps:
1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy
2. Create a gulag
3. Develop a thug caste
4. Set up an internal surveillance system
5. Harass citizens' groups
6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release
7. Target key individuals
8. Control the press
9. Dissent equals treason
10. Suspend the rule of law
Make up your own mind, but it seems we are suspended somewhere between steps 9 and 10. Maybe the “election” of Bammo signals that Fats had to back off temporarily to someplace between 8 and 9. But the change of puppets on the Punch-and-Judy Show stage most USAns think is a “political system” is only because more USAns are facing destitution and are angry and armed. There are plenty of paycheck-cashing goons following orders to suppress us, but Wolf did not get into that.
The smoother the transition from status-quo to serfdom, the more profitable it is for the Rich Fatties. Wolf wasn’t there yet. She saw the “election” as narrowly-avoiding the “coup” that already took place some 30 years ago. Never mind that. she had to keep her message “upbeat” and “positive,” otherwise her “audience” would change the channel. Perhaps she believed it herself. So she outlined what to “do” in her sequel, Give Me Liberty because shit-stirring works.
THEN… Wolf began to realize that shit-stirring has slowly, quietly been made “illegal.” Anything that interrupts business-as-usual must be perceived as “un-American,” and therefore… “Terrorist.” Because… the business of America is business. And we don’t want any “new social theory” keeping the Fats from getting as fat as possible. She realized that “protests” and “civil activism” had become just as fake and as Disneyland™ as everything else.
Oh my… the crucible of Feminist theory is the “power structure.” And if the President of the United States is actually POWERLESS… what are “we” going to “do?” If our “process” is unplugged and has nothing to do with “reality,” what are we going to “DO?” The answer is simple… yet complex: fucking “do” nothing but what you have always done… feed the kids… stay warm and dry and hydrated… get along with your neighbors… BUT: don’t depend on the fake “system” to help you do any of that. The only “system” is the one that makes the Fats fatter.
And in case you haven’t figured it out yet: that’s not “capitalism,” it’s looting.
Well done Waldo.
ReplyDeleteNaomi Wolf is such a brilliant woman. A succinct orator speaking truth ta power. And so dam sexy!
I beg to differ on Naomi being brilliant. I thought she was dead on when I first saw her lecture on "the end of america." I thought, wow, she really gets it!
ReplyDeleteThen I heard her being interviewed on the AJ show before the election and no, she does not get it. She does not see the big picture and who really rules.
She has no "theory" on 9/11 but thinks questions need to be asked and not stifled. Good. But this was during the Bush years. She also thinks Bill Clinton did no wrong, that it all started with Bush.
Where is she now that Bush is gone? I haven't heard a peep out of her except for the occasional post at huffpo where it is obvious she is still caught up in the left/right paradigm since she posted this about why she voted for Obama.
How freakin' wrong about a person can a "brilliant" woman be ?
Since Obama was elected, I haven't seen or heard Naomi speak of the "end of america" even though the rush to the fascist police state has picked up speed and trillions of our $$$ were handed over to the banksters by BO & his gang of criminals.
Where are you Naomi? We need your voice now more than ever.
Munich, it seems, like Malloy, she's too busy still bashing the Bush administration instead of noticing that this one is even worse. Another Markos M? It appears that way. Maybe she's playing it just as they want her to.
Ditto jg. Wolf is all about bashing Republicans instead of the true enemy, the state...
ReplyDeleteNW is an enigma. She writes great on things like "Fake activism" and "letter to young patriot"
ReplyDeleteand then she does Harpers article on Angelina Jolie.
She's an elitist and anti-fascist and a part time flake.
Not fair... nome's a pro... which means mercenary... which means sell-out.
ReplyDeleteShe's doing a pretty good job staying in the mainstream without being a total knees-up hooker. you gotta stoke da potboiler so you can play da good stuff... at least play it where anybody can hear it.
I'm just getting a kick watching her bright mind awaken to the simulacra. First (with end of america) it was all "tell your congressperp" and sign petitions... and she figured out that was useless. so she researched what to do next... raise hell... now she's realized that's now illegal.
Now she's figuring out the "politicians" are just a Punch and Judy show to keep us entertained.
Ya gotta pipe out those puff-pieces to pay for those hours of research. I can't wait to see where she goes next.
The content here seems to be vacillating between "Obama-this-Obama that" and the "Fabian-international-Jewish-banking-conspiracy from Krypton."
"Republic of Pickle Vendors" is more like it:
http://www.joebageant.com/joe/2005/03/a_republic_of_p.html "-- those little ankle biters trying to get a bigger piece of the action -- they get it all too well." You know... those folks ol Groucho called "the Bourgeoise."
Hell... anybody who has taken 6 weeks off work in the last 10 years knows that.
I agree with Patrick. Naomi is nothing more than a very attractive flake or an operative. She comes off very naive (by coto standards) in interviews.
ReplyDelete"She’s an elitist and anti-fascist and a part time flake."
ReplyDeleteI guess I'm focusing on the "anti-fascist" part. As to "elitist" and "part-time flake," well... we ALL gotta wear that label. The coto gets "elitist" toward "those who aint figgered it out yet," and any of us participating in the "system" in any way has to be a "part-time flake."
Wolf (whether she realizes it or not) is a powerful anti-fascist voice. I think she realizes it... because she made a special effort to point out "Target key individuals." Her 10 steps-by-step toward TOTALITARIANIM (which btw- many of us can't distinguish from fascism, socialism or rheumatism) has clarified more than the old "15 points of fascism" which many of us passed around with no apparent results.
"Naive by coto standards?" Well... I dunno. To me, "the state is the enemy" is pretty fukkin naive. Which state? Idaho? Grace? Confusion? Solid? Rest? Gas? Panic? "The state" is an abstraction... and it's not an abstraction that's going to club you senseless and throw you in a cage.
It's your neighbor who is probably nice to his dog and perfectly harmless when he isn't being a "part-time flake"
And he's got the same argument we ALL do... roof-over-the-head, pay-the-bills, yadda bla.
We ALL will (or already have) be asked to do something sleazy- or downright evil... during our ptf bill-paying gig. It's what we do THEN that's the measure of what we are.
We are ALL "operatives."
And speakin o Bageant... "bastards never die." Like me, sometimes he hits the bitter old Sausalito trying to climb outta the sham crisco. Out comes DA SCREAMING MAN... but he's usually just clearing da pipes for something REALLY good... like THIS one:
And there, ladies and germs, ol Joe nails it:
"Malcontent that she is, Mother Earth has been unhappy with man's behavior for a long time. And after being, bombed, mined, poisoned and generally molested for so long, who can blame her for her opinion, which is that, "On the sixth day, God fucked up.""
Some things really ARE obvious.
So I'm gonna refer to em as "the bastards" from now on... because Fats just sounds like I'm down on some folks who just had a few extra onion rings. Oh wait... what about those "single-parent" children... you know... cause mom and dad didn't sign the official contract... and one of em just bugged out later? hmmmm... i gotta work on that.
What I am NOT going to do is respond to any more threads where somebody is slinging about that "socialist" or "communist" or "fascist" muck when they're just code-words for "the other." I had enougha that fekkin "evil-doers" bullshit for the last eight years... and that "Kommunist" bullshit for 50 years before that. It's a load o fekkin CRAP. I aint gonna play in that sandbox... and I quit "arguing" with fire-plugs after my last bad acid trip 40 years ago.
Wolf is just trying to figure it out. She's way ahead in some places... maybe behind it others. What the hell do I know? I just like to watch an inquiring mind at work... it's so FUCKING RARE these days... you know? When so many folk got all the answers they think are OBVIOUS and everybody else oughta pop to it too.
And speaking of "pop," all that Elmer Fudd bullshit is getting louder and louder as the fuking tools want to "take their country back." Well, I hear ya TALKIN, Tools. Took it from the Indians... now the bastards took it from you. Wah-wah. Talk is cheap.
But the Fudniks are too tight to kick in any more than that.
Well Waldo.. where is naomi now? What has changed for the better since bush left office? WHy isn't she out beating the drum about totalitarianism now? Or have a missed a lecture since the election?
ReplyDeleteThat's my point. She has no clue about the "fats." It was all about the Bush regime & the republicans. Yea she was right about them. But apparently for her everything is okidokey now that the dems are in power. Not a very bright deduction coming from a Rhodes scholar in my book.
When she starts railing about the Obama admin and the dem congress as she did when dumbya and darth vader ruled then I'll change my opinion.
Otherwise she's just as much a demorat shill as Levin is a repugnant shill.
She's clueless. She thinks Weimar Germany was "a democracy" (like "ours"?) because they had gay bars and welfare?
ReplyDeleteFor a self-described "expert on totalitarianism" she only now reading about fascist Italy etc?
Clueless. She thinks they cracked down on "the democracy movement" in China? In fact the demonstrators/students/"workers" were demanding a return to "real" Communism.
The Pinochet coup? Against whom? The Freemason Pinochet overthrew the Freemason Allende. Plus ca change...
Maybe one day this Wolf woman will get it. But I doubt it.
"The U.S. attorney SCANDAL"?
Carter and Clinton DID fire the U.S. attorneys en masse!!
Wolf is just like these "conservatives" who only noticed that the state had assumed (more) dictatorial powers when Obama started using the powers gifted to him by Bush, Ashcroft etc.