You may care to settle for what now passes for 'civilization' but, with what they have in store for you, you'll be making a bad mistake. Why not opt for the best possible: an easily achievable Utopia? Otherwise you are playing into their hands.
You have heard of Thomas More, of course?
Well, if not, he was a good man, a man of integrity and character. Among other things, he wrote a book about Utopia. In fact, he invented Utopia. Well, to be precise he invented a concept of Utopia, which is the ideal state and is something comparatively simple to achieve, compared to the continual tortuous conniving required to bring us to and maintain us at our present sorry state.
However, Thomas had a fault, as he might well now admit. He was civilized. We share the same problem. We are civilized, too.
Being civilized is rather a sinister thing in reality. While it is preached as an ultimate virtue, 'civilized' really means being lulled to passivity. So when crooks like Bush and Cheney and Obama and all our other immoral leaders are induced - paid - to trample all over our Constitutions and plunge us into criminal wars against defenseless women and children for external interests, and even now for the same alien interests try their damnedest to 'bring on' another world war that will threaten all life on the planet, well, we 'understand', don't we, and say, 'Tush now,' and 'How terrible,' and sigh, 'Can you imagine!' and 'Really, what abysmal political ethics that Madame Pelosi should hint this and that and then take impeachment off the table - How . . . I mean truly now . . . deplorable!'
But we do? . . . We do sweet effay. Because, you see, of course, we are civilized.
We let the Rothschild cabal play skittles with the world finance that they - and their dealer agents they sponsor to raise the prices of all our necessities - have made all our livelihoods depend on, let them bribe our politicians to enable them to do it - 'legally? oh, of course'.
And we let the Rockefellers put into effect the production of lethal herbicides and 'patent' plants to be solely resistant to said herbicides, stockpile all the natural seeds in Spitzbergen for replanting the planet after we have all been starved off the face of it and even warn us openly that two-thirds of us are excess baggage not wanted on voyage.
Google or YouTube 'plastic coffins' and you'll find they even have millions of them already made and stacked waiting for millions of us Americans to be nice and kind enough to step in and fill them. And what do we do?
Well, we sit and wonder whether it could really be true, don't we, and we discuss the possibility of legislation via cynical venal politicians whom these villains of the piece have already bribed, and the more impassioned of us might even wring our moisturized little hands! But then, we are so civilized, aren't we, so what else can we do?
If that good Thomas - at the very least - had hauled off and socked Henry VIII in the eye, he might have sobered the fat fool up somewhat and knocked a little sense into him.
Henry might have hit him back of course as, for all his fid. def. and Greensleeves, he was a bit of a thug on the quiet, or had him beheaded. Then again, beheaded was what befell Thomas anyway, wasn't it. But at least in his black eye our weight-and-I.Q-challenged hero would have had practical evidence that folks really had certain stern reservations about him and his doings, instead of just smilingly kow-towing or, like the good Thomas, maintaining a discreet but ultimately futile civilized hush.
So let's look at the situation, both past and present, shall we?
Utopia, the ideal state, is easy. You simply abolish finance, and with it will disappear poverty and the unnecessary work and all the energy wasted in performing it, and so planetary warming and wars and most crime, and gnawing hunger and deforestation for all the paper to record our spending for taxation purposes to repay the Rothschilds' uninvited and unwelcome investment . . . and etc and etc and etc.
But the past is beyond our reach, you say, and in the present they won't let us abolish their curse of finance? Oh? Then what is to be done?
Well, I will tell you - Either they abolish it, or you - if I might trouble you and you would be so kind - bring me Bush and Cheney and Kissinger and Rumsfeld and the Rothschilds and Rockefellers and a couple of hundred assorted more of the same stripe, and all our politicians and royals who accept payment and favours to permit their hyena ways, and - if you could see your way clear, of course - also bring me a machine-gun and enough ammo for it and just care to turn your civilized backs for five minutes, with the best will in the world, a clear conscience and a tinge of regret that the villains couldn't have seen sense I will guarantee you a world fit once more to be mentioned in the same breath with Utopia.
Because, you see, I was away when the rest of you were taught your mannerly ways, and so am only ever-so-slightly infected with the 'civilization' that so obviously paralyzes the rest of you.
However, should this be just a lit-tle extreme for one or two of you, then the onus will be on you, won't it.
So try socking the posturing idiots in the eye, and for Pelosi and the rest of the recalcitrant women, over your knee, down with their drawers and tan their backsides until they can't sit down for the duration.
In any event, whichever such slightly uncivilized practical remedy you choose, they might just get the hint that some of us have had quite enough of their criminal tyranny, thank you very much, and are not about to tolerate one minute more of it.
Failing either of which, as the elite obviously intend and would prefer, you might as well in your unwanted billions just get down in the ground now and - if you would be so kind - obligingly pull the turf tidily back over you.
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