John Pilger is one of the few real journalists left that we can rely on to get it right. ~jg
"More terrorists are given training and sanctuary in the United States than anywhere on earth. They include mass murderers, torturers, former and future tyrants and assorted international criminals. This is virtually unknown to the American public, thanks to the freest media on earth." ~John Pilger
Nice observations and on target, but he completely ignores nor admits why these things are happening.
ReplyDeleteUntil Americans and all the world understands what is behind NWO, you will never totally get it until it is too late for all of you.
COTO, coalition of the obvious only pays attention to the obvious while the serpent is hidden from view.
COTO watches the puppets perform and pays no attention to who pulls the strings and so far does not even see them or know who they are.
They have done well to hide their truth...
Levin if he had said anything he would have been open to the usual cries of tin hatter.
ReplyDeletewho and how is mentioned here, but lets face it, no one can get to them.
chain of command, and the tracing back, is beyond most to even follow,
and the question is always the same
wtf can anyone DO about it.
you need a LOT of people all coming out in one mass response, and that, is what's stalling change.
you don't have anyone like kennedy/martin luther to empower the people.
mate, find the messiah, until one appears, its a disorganised rabble, it needs cohesion. there isn't any showing yet.
and you need to find one in very short order, a huge ask!
Untrue Lev! There are plenty here who are well versed in the Illuminati, Committee of 300, Trilats, Bilderbergers, Masons, Papacy connections to all things happening NOW. "WHO" the coalition is that is working on cutting their heads off and legs off (in whatever order happens first) is not necessarily spelled out, nor is "THEIR" agenda.
ReplyDeleteCertainly Awareness of the enemy and putting a face on the shadow bastards and how they work is needful for all humanity at this important time. Many of humanity's participants sense the net is being drawn tighter and tighter, but they do not have a clue as to the conspiracy's evil intent.
True that Boomer. I'd venture to say everyone of coto knows about those secret and not so secret organizations and how they rule. There may be dispute as to exactly how but we all know who "they" are.
ReplyDeleteOz, you're right, until our very own "V" materializes, the massive masses won't amasse. Anyone willing to apply for the job?
Then why haven't any of you mentioned the bloodline and their divine mission?
ReplyDeleteAll that you mention are fronts only, and not sources.
Please switch over to a private discussion that cuts this to the bone right on through all those fronts...
4am..have to sleep, but how? to swap to a private bat channel boy wonder:-)
ReplyDeleteIf you look at the concept of the' kitchen cabinet' over the years in the White House, you might add to your understanding of the problem.
ReplyDeleteIt began before Ike, but was institutionalized in his regime under Richard Nixon. The Council of 100.
Industrial and business leaders, economic advisors, all without portfolio but all with a vested stake in the economic process in this country.
This group continued, with varying degrees of visibility up to Reagan when they became more public, became more an official policy body, and through Bush I and Clinton and so to Bush II. The movers and shakers who were essentially American business, who became the backbone of the NWO.
It was well documented during the Eisenhower and JFK years by the man suspected of being Deep Throat back in the 50's and 70's. . A Lt Col who worked for the newly formed DIA who was the link between the White House, DIA and CIA. He wrote a book many years ago entitled "Them" detailing the actions of this council. The book itself was in part about the murder of JFK, but did deep background on the interconnections between the council, the mafia and the CIA.
Other volumes have also pointed to the linkage between our government and international crime. The Reagan administration took Nixonian de facto drug running from the Golden Triangle into the US to finance the Montegnyards (sp)of the mountains in Viet Nam against the Cong. The Reagan people picked up on the idea with Iran Contra and used drug money for weapons in Central America. In the course of so doing, they created illicit drug running as a legal part of US foreign policy. When drug running and sales in the US become institutionalized and part of our foreign policy, it is no longer difficult to understand the failure of the drug war.
Anyway, and so it goes. The Bush II White House simply followed many of these older policies to fruition. Add to that the unshakeable belief in the economic policies of that lunatic Milton Friedman, and one can see how we got here.
Chris Hedges spoke locally last week. The picture of the future of America he paints in his works, and Naomi Klein presents in "The Shock Doctrine" leave us with a very bleak and grim future.
We are so far down the road now, there does not look like much for a reasonable, quiet way out of the bag.
Paragraph 4 should read '60's and 70's vice 50's, minor typo I did not catch.
ReplyDeleteMany of the other organizations mentioned over the months and years, the Trilaterals, the Bilderburgers, et al, became the means for spreading the new Gospel, that is all.
This is a massive conspiracy of American business gone global. It was predicted over 40 years ago by a man named Vance Packard, a futurist and sociologist who wrote many years ago about Madison Avenue, bankers, economic shills, etc and predicted much of our current economic disaster. His works are out of print now, as far as I know, but are still available in used book stores. "Them" is almost impossible to obtain, I had to wait months to get it through my state capitol library-but worth the wait.
Thanks green for your information to the discussion. I'm waiting anxiously for patrick & levin to add their 2 cents :)
ReplyDeleteYou have told me before and you have told others here before, as you once again reiterate, that "We all know".
I think you do the cause a disservice. NOT everyone knows, and perhaps most here do not know, and the regularity of your assertion makes me wonder whether you indeed do know, or whether there is some reason for your constant and immediate reaction that heads off further enquiry or comment on the subject.
The reason for the existence of this group is to reveal, not to conceal.
So you tell me and tell us - Who do you think "they" are. Name them for us.
flak, who are THEY? The Illuminati.. 33rd degree Masons, Comprised of 13 bloodline familes and their offshoots. You know, names like Rothschild, Astor, Rockefeller, Dupont & the Royal Family of England...
ReplyDeleteTheir lineage goes back as far as babylon.
They operate the shadow government through the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, IMF, UN & WHO.
Oh and once a year the Bilderbergs, comprised of these same people, meet to decide what they will foist upon the unsuspecting proles.. namely us.
I could go on but I think you know where I'm coming from. Does that answer your question?
PS: Go read Levin's post on the DaVinci Code and comment there if you are so inclined.
ReplyDeleteI would if I could, but it is showing up as 'the article you are looking for is not here' or words to that effect. I am wondering why.
ReplyDeleteSo long as such information is available to all, rather than presumed to be known, and it answers the questions of all of us, yes.
ReplyDeleteAnd the Bilderberg-ers meet twice a year.
But unless the financing of it all via the Rothschild connection, and the direct influence on us all in all our daily doings, is known, then it all remains a mystery to the innocent.
See flak.. we're on the same page after all :)
ReplyDeleteI would prefer to discuss this stuff in private elsewhere... no need to let outside prying eyes read our discussions on this subject.
ReplyDeleteWell Levin.. the members section is private and can be seen by coto members only. Perhaps you and flak can take up that discussion there.
ReplyDeleteWhy can't flak see it? It should be available to all COTO members only???
ReplyDeleteI prefer to write in private and where I can edit and or delete as necessary and I can not do that in the members section, only in my own blog as it is now.
Surely there is a way to make it so flak can join us in our private blogs?
flak, in wordpress only the author and administrators can see an article posted as private. That's why flak can't read it. I originally thought private meant only for coto eyes however that's not the case.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry to hear that. I do not want it to go public. How about if we try the password route?
ReplyDeleteAh, I thought they can see it, then why not I? So "why this envidious reservation"? -
ReplyDeleteAs I used to say those in such positions - "It's your neck."
I just changed it to password protected. I will email JG and patrick with the password and they can email it to members only please and other trusted readers.
ReplyDeletePatrick and Levin eh ? So what am I , chopped liver ? I am crushed. I will now go sulk in My bunker.
ReplyDeleteFlak, I could not find your email. Please email me at and I will send you the password I chose for that blog.
ReplyDeleteJG and others, I just emailed the password out to most of the regular members, but I was not able to find an email address for flak.
ReplyDeleteI am continuosly marginalized by the elites,even HERE !
The elites just want to blow up the world,its common knowledge.
korn, you make me laugh.. skeeter davis! Oh ok, I admit it, I love that song.......
ReplyDeleteGood job Lev.
ReplyDeleteHow do you add photos to comments?
Lev, if you have a flickr photo acct you can add a link from there but I don't know how you actually embed a photo in a comment or even if you can.
ReplyDeleteIf you post a comment and then go into edit it, in there you will buttons above the comment which show you can, but I tried it and it did not work. I used a direct link as requested and it did not work. So I don't know what I am doing wrong. I see people adding in video links, and I would of thought photos would have been simpler, but what do I know???
ReplyDeleteJG did you receive the password for the Da Vinci Code blog? And did you send it on to flak?
Hopefully I sent you the password to the Solving Da Vinci Code blog?
ReplyDeleteI tried looking up all the email addresses I could find and send out the password to each one I found.
No way! We love ya!
ReplyDeleteYes Lev.. thank you and flak should have it.