Saturday, August 22, 2009

Can we get Hannan an H-1B Visa?



  1. Here, here! Stick it to him!

    It was not the Stewarts/Stuarts who lost the empire! It was the other side of the family who screwed up and lost it... idiots!

    Paybacks are hell they say! And now Britain is paying for their screwups! Beautiful! It only took how many hundreds of years?

    Maybe it is time to smash the zionist stone of Scone into pieces and declare the ultimate freedom! Kings coronated upon that stone are worthless says the Stuarts. We don't need zionist rocks to know who and what we are. Today we reject that unholy influence on our lives.

    Britain is now weak and today can be easily over run by Scotland's patriots. We shall have true independence yet! No longer will Scotland bow to the idiots of England.

    OK, maybe I've had one too many and Cutthroat Island is kicking some ass...Morgan Adams is hot!

    Maybe I'd better skeeedaddle on out of here and get back to the movie...

    Patrick, what was this one all about? You can tell me tomorrow... I feel diverted. (hic) lol

    (All in fun, no harm done)

  2. Both those countries and all our countries have been persuaded to need 'leaders' - 'leaders' who can be bribed to let the financiers have access to the populations. - That's what 'leading' is all about.

    We have no need of 'leaders'.

  3. Sounds like the British version of Ron Paul doesn't it?

  4. The establishment hates it when a government servant speaks for...the people...

  5. No illusions here as to the MOUSELAND and cats at play here. JG, Hannan is joining Paul on the Sept. 17-19 in Valley Forge, PA will feature Congressman Ron Paul, Judge Napolitano, Tom Woods, Phil Giraldi, and Peter Schiff.

    If I was in the area I would go to listen to these folks but alas I am too far away.

    Mark , they especially hate those who talk about auditing GOD and desecrating the World Bank Church.

    Logic dictates the Brits will begin the revolution. Age and reason say's the circle arrives back to the stone of destiny though this time they will not let them eat cake.

    GB is in deeper doo-doo and sets the stage for the entire EU. We haven't completed the NAU yet and ours will come after. (my take anyway)

  6. Ouch ! Did anybody get the license number of that truck?
    Well the queenie or the Rothchilds could bail their country out, but they are NWO parasites. Populism will never die !

  7. "Logic dictates the Brits will begin the revolution. Age and reason say’s the circle arrives back to the stone of destiny though this time they will not let them eat cake."

    Explain further please...

    Concerning the stone of destiny, or stone of Scone, I want that useless rock sent back to where it came from or just smashed into pieces. It has already been broken in half and is now just chunks glued back together- some say it has been copied. It does not belong where it is nor why...

    from wikipedia:
    "In the process of removing it from the Abbey, the students broke the stone into two pieces..."

    Like the crack in the Liberty Bell, the stone's symbolic power is broken. Useless. An unworthy meaning broken. I would send it back to where it came from.

    What I am wondering is why you think "the revolution" will begin in GB???

    Most of Europe has been broken down for control like sheep under the EU and United Nations programs. Even if they had fight left in them, all they have is pitchforks. Citizens of EU have been disarmed.

    I have many European friends and they don't even like discussing it. They shake their heads no from side to side and laugh at the out-of-reach possibility of viable revolt.

    I'd like to think hotheads in Scotland would make a difference rather in GB. But what if such a revolt actually starts here in USA?

    I like Daniel Hannan making a big deal over the nation's debt- especially to the children- and I surely wish we saw more of that here in USA.

    Americans have been brainwashed to just take it and take it.
