Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Welcome Back Cinderman

You crotchety old bum.  Welcome back.

(What? did you expect balloons? Get to work. Post an article. Something has to be going on in the Aloha State...)

Ok,  one balloon...


  1. May I have the pleasure of first comment, willy. Kudos for your encouragement, support, and willingness to go to bat for mean old me. I've got a rebuttal almost finished, just for the record. I do apologize for all the swearing, admittedly not in good taste. But I stick to my guns on every other issue, and I'll explain why. Maybe even manana. Till then, aloha bra!

  2. This polite comment was left by Cinderman, on MY thread... it went to "spam" for moderation...

    When I tried to approve it, it said I don't have the "authority" to do that.

    "May I have the pleasure of first comment, willy. Kudos for your encouragement, support, and willingness to go to bat for mean old me. I’ve got a rebuttal almost finished, just for the record. I do apologize for all the swearing, admittedly not in good taste. But I stick to my guns on every other issue, and I’ll explain why. Maybe even manana. Till then, aloha bra!" Cinderman

  3. No balloons from me either, bub... but welcome back.

    Fact is, one-way-or-another... we have lost valuable contributors because of one misplaced word. And what the fork do you mean by "swearing," anyway?

    OTOH... this is the exact "political divide" I have seen among many groups. The side who calls themselves "conservatives" laughs at the "diversity" and "inclusion" and most of all: "political correctness" of the... what- "progressives?" "liberals?" "rubber duckies?"

    The "inclusion" issue became King Toad in this tea fight... and rightfully so, methinks. Many times, when somebody lets fly with the "coont" word or the "nagger" word... boy-howdy... back comes "misogynist" or "racist" and the scones, cups and saucers start to fly.

    Usually for no good reason... other than somebody is drawing a "line in the sand" over nothing. That is why I detest "language police." One misplaced word does not a belief-system make. Almost everybody agrees that "sexism" or "racism" are not good things. But the REAL sexists and racists rarely use those "words" (except behind closed doors... among themselves). They simply invent bullshit reasons for suppressing a group (or person) they don't like.

    OK... so far, I've said "fuck" and "bullshit" straight-up. I have also skirted the edge with "coont" and "nagger" because I have to refer to those words... but I really DO NOT LIKE those words... because they incite needless hassle... and usually muck-up the message. Any craftsperson must use discretion in their choice of tools.

    So while you threw in the apple of discourd, Cinder-dude... I do not fault YOU for what I considered to be a corresponding retaliation of egotistical power-tripping and willful sabotage. Sort of like shooting somebody in a crowded elevator for cutting the cheese. Yeah, I coulda said "fart," but I liked the "cheese" idiom better.

    Now- I'm gonna go back in the weeds and sulk in my tent for a bit longer.

  4. Welcome back John,
    I don't know what's left of COTO after the rift taken over by sisterb (apparently she finally told us how she felt about Americans, of which I'm one.)
    Up until that point I could see everyones point to a degree and really hadn't chosen "sides" but after this latest exchange I'm notr sure where I'll go.

  5. Does it never occur to some of you that people often say exactly what they mean?

  6. Thank you C.
    I don't give a fuck about what we are aboout,, who knows better than a radical whose fighting the existing system and all the pc bullshit what's wrong with this country withou being talked down to from a brit, who by the wai, I find to be the cheapest, most6 condescending people in this country. How does that go over?
    Should I progress to century of inbreds producing a few million porince charles look a likes? Mean?? I can get fuckin meaner. I'm not a thin skinned person but I'm well aware of a vicious comment when I hear one.
    I'm a Sicilian grown up in an Irish neighborhood and I know the difference.
    If you guys want to bow to her royal highness, have at it. This ain't worth the fuckin effort.

  7. Welcome back. for you...

  8. oh awright... here's another balloon...

    ya ol cuss.


  9. Thanks for turning me onto IZ!

    I just read a moving piece about his ashes being poured into the sea where he poured out his deceased brother's ashes who died of a heart attack. I was moved by the description of how his family and many others wanted to enter the ocean at the same time his ashes were being poured into the sea and how they felt close to him by doing so. Very powerful imagry. I like his music too, though I am not too thrilled about his alternate version of John Denver's Country Roads! IZ changed the lyrics to suit his own situation which is understandable, but for me it takes a little something away from John Denver's efforts for creating that song. I noticed IZ did not do that with some of the other cover tunes he did, but all in all, IZ was moving and I will add him to my music collection.

    IZ LiveZ!

  10. I really like what I have heard of his work, which is to say I haven't heard a great deal. I heard him for the first time about 2 years ago and have been a fan ever since.

    He also was allowed to lie in state in the Hawaiian capital I believe. Had 100s of thousands of people visit.

    I am glad you liked it.

  11. Poor Iz... another victim of US imperialism. Before the plantation era, the Hawaiians were fit, healthy, and had good diets. They were big people, yes, but for the most part in good shape. But now we've got a whole bunch of "poi boys" who eat wonderbread, white rice, wheaties, twinkies, coca cola, and every other kinda unimaginable toyfood. You look in their shopping carts and you wanna faint. And Iz was no exception. There was a major bone of contention in his group "Sons of Ni'ihau" about Iz being so problematic for performances. Traveling was one thing because he was so fat he needed assistance (plus 2 seats on an airplane) and for another, he needed to be propped up on a stool before the curtains opened. A great singer yes, but like many Hawaiians, incredibly obese, and baggage for everyone else. His voice was eloquent, but his self abuse was abhorrent. Life in paradox continues.

  12. Geez, am I ever a lucky guy - 2 balloons for reinstatement! Thanks waldo for posting the kitty link about Hawaii. I've already watched it. See my comment below about Iz - an indirect result of US imperialism. Subjugate, divide, and conquer a third world, then feed them crap on top of that to further drive in the stake and demoralize them. I first learned of this tactic from an Indonesian girlfriend - about what the Dutch imperialists did back in the 17th century. Made brown rice white (white is nice, right?), brown sugar white, and toned downed the brown skin natives with some good ol' white european semen. Not much has changed in the last 300 years. We're now doing the same thing in Central and South America, Fiji, Nigeria, Iraq, and every other place where American militaristic hegemony is attempting to monopolize "natural resources."

  13. That I can agree with 100%.
    All of you "Americans" who think it's alright for a foreigner to generally lambast US and then agree with her to boot should be ashamed of yourselves. You brought sucking up to a whole new level.
    Now, if you really want to show YOUR colors, do the sisterly thing and bash me.
    I'm NOT looking for shit but don't talk bad about this country, WE ARE AMERICANS and you'd better grow some balls if you want the fight we have on.
    And for the record, I don't drink.

  14. Not gonna engage ye on that one Petro. We got a lot to answer for... and I can usually take it. It's the old schoolyard thing-- grousin about yer mum... but a sok in da eye fer anybody else wot does it. I didn't mind the sharp critique on the US "persona," it's fairly established around the world... to the point of a real stereotype... and sometimes I find it fun to riff on it... playing the dumass with the southern drawl... got some giggles outta me Euro friends. Besides, if it gets too thick... I can resort to the Conolly retort:


    I guess I find it harmless for two reasons: 1) "nationalism" is crap, and 2) when in other places, my fellow USAns have embarrassed me-- reinforcing the stereotype-- and it was no satire.

    FWIW-- I thought raggin on YOU personally... and referring to alleged altered states was a bit childish. BUT... ye aint gonna get any o that "don't-let-nobody-say-nothin-bout-how-our-mamma-is-fat" buy-in outta me... shee-it- lookit er, mate... she da size of a fekkin HOUSE. Don't mean I don't love momma... bud dam dude- SHE FAT!

    She done sat on Hawaii and all the water jumped out! She turned Mona Loa into Mandats LOW-a! Whaddya want?

  15. I can dig the conolly retort, it's my first language but as I said, fun is fun and animosity will get yer ass kicked. I never liked the bitch but I never so much as let on. She read my bio and decided she knew everything about me. She don't know shit.
    Too many people grow artificial balls on the web but the world's a small place.
    I didn't care that no one defended America or interjected on my behalf but to go on kissin her ass as though she was adding vital comment was chickenshit. I am so fuckin disappointed about some whom I had much respect for. Obviously it wasn't mutual.
    I'm not an idiot, I don't need any "explanations". Now I know, pretty much, who's who around here. There's "COTO" and then there's coto.
    Which do you wanna be?

  16. Peter, what do you mean no one backed you up?

    Patrick, laudyms & I all backed you up in print last night and Barbara is here now doing the same.

    SB had no right or reason to attack you that way and we said so.

  17. Hey Barbara,
    I appreciate that.
    When all that spew was going on I wasn't sure if this was general consensus or just her inebriated personality on the rampage. It wasn't so much as a lack of support from those who appeared absent as it was those who were sucking her pimply ass and agreeing with her, ignoring the obvious disdain she was demonstrating toward us Americans (all) in general.
    I played the dozens as a kid and we knew where to draw the line as it was a game. This is no game. This is the future of our kids, of the quality of life in America and our freedoms. I take it very seriously. Maybe the gravity of the situation hasn't hit some of these folks and it's still a "let's play revolutionary" game to them but it's not for me. I been fighting this all of my life and I watched everything I predicted as long ago as 40 yrs come to life. I'm not too proud to say that I'm scared. This is real life, not just internet chatter with ladies with cute nun names who are mentally unstable.

  18. I understand you are angry Peter. She did go a bit far with her personal attack on you.

    Please do me a favor and read the comment I left on the "MEMBERS" thread and let me know what you think. Thanks.

  19. Jersey,
    I'm sorry, I mis-spoke.
    I was referencing certain people who were in the middle of that mess and speaking as though she was someone to communicate with rationallly while she was castigating me.
    I really do appreciate laudy, Patrick, Barbara and yourself for your words,, they did mean much to me and I apologize for not acknowledging sooner. I'm kinda tired.
    You know I love you guys,,

  20. Sorry to confess... but I've been a lifelong trouble maker! I really hope to bridge the gap that evidently I have created. But true progress is not created by contented people. I love you guys (& gals), but in my om way. In the end, the rift I created will heal, mend, and pave our ways to a more solid thoroughfare to the truth we all seek.
