Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The bear lets the cat out of the bag

Kwiatkowski:  "Operation in Afghanistan is rooted in Israel".

The goyim mopping up the back porch.


  1. The Lt. Col. just lost her invitiation to the AEI shindig comin up this year.

    So much truth so little on MSM. We need a thousand military with this rank screaming this atop the roofs.

    Great video

  2. Good to see Kwiatkowski showing her face again. She was on one or two of the 911 videos I've seen. She may have been on Orwell Rolls in His Grave, too. Very impressive analyst.

    Sadly, all we get are the idjits on our media.

  3. Too bad she had to be cut off. I could have listened to a lot more of what Karen has to say. She's spot on.

    THIS is the discussion Americans should be having. How ironic that real free speech is coming to us, not from American tv but Russian.

    Thanks for posting this excellent video Korn :)

  4. Kwiatkowski has great perspective on this, but unfortunately, she is not giving us the entire picture.

    The Trans Afghan Pipeline is why we attacked Afghanistan and the Taliban specifically.

    Yes, Iran does factor in, but mainly due to the fact that they are building their own LNG pipeline to move the vast resources from the Capian Sea Basin to the waiting tankers in the Gulf, then on to the markets in Southern China and India and so on.

    The assumption that Afghanistan is all about putting pressure on Iran, isn't exactly accurate.

    Though this is all about creating what Condi Rice called early on, her "New Middle East", it is well documented in the American Enterprise Institutes' writing and website that the endgame here is for control of natural resources but also control of banking systems.

    Israel factors in, but I wonder it that isn't putting the cart before the horse.

    Israel knows that Iran's leader didn't actually say he wants to "wipe Israel of the map"... so why are they so hot to drum up a holy-war against Iran?

    It's quite simple actually: we aren't doing their bidding, they are doing ours. Of course it is all interrelated, and many AEI members are dual citizens...

    But the endgame I still think is the money and the power that will come from controlling the flow of the new "SPICE" (LNG) from the Caspian Sea Basin, as well as the conversion of several countries that are resisting the privatized central banking scourge that the neoliberal "free-marketeers" are covering the globe with.

  5. Israel factors in by handling the false flag operations, or ministry of truth rheteric, in exchange for the US eliminating Israel's enemies. It really is this simple as far as Israel is concerned. Recall that it was Israeli Michael Ledeen who pulled off the Niger yellowcake myth.

  6. The dollar index (DXY), which tracks the greenback against a trade-weighted basket of six major counterparts, lost 6.2% in May.

    The euro gained 6.8% versus the dollar. The U.S. currency lost 3% against the Japanese yen that month.

    More than 51% of privately held Treasury securities are owned by foreign and international accounts, according to the Treasury.


  7. Plan Afghanistan (and the Iraqi Regional Initiative)

