Monday, July 13, 2009
The Disturbing Choice of John P Holdren as Science Czar
Mr Holdren co-authored a book titled "Ecoscience" which was published in 1977. For those of us that truly believe in a free society, the contents of that book are quite shocking and beyond Orwellian.
It speaks of lacing our food and water supply with infertility drugs and forcing women to have abortions. It also advocates permanently sterilizing people the authorities deem to have contributed to "general social deterioration." It seems the science fiction novel we are living finds no plot too outrageous.......
I am no fan of the octo mom types who want to produce children like rabbits without any means of support. In fact, that makes me quite angry. However, I am even angrier at the thought of the enforcement of draconian measures, on women of child bearing age, in the name of saving the environment. Being pro-choice, I believe the choice should go both ways without interference from the government. ~~jg
The article, along with screenshots of the book's pages, can be found here.
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Huckabee dropped another bombshell this morning,a quote from Ruth B. Ginsberg. Something about how she wanted forced abortions for "certain sectors" of the populace.
ReplyDeleteThe veil is being pulled off the face of the beast. What matters now is what we do with this.
They're ALL EUGENICISTS! This is it. They're making their big push. Poison vaccines, water, air, food and wars.
ReplyDeleteAnother obvious, when they keep poisoning you, and murder you in broad daylight, one can than conclude that they are trying to KILL YOU.
To be honest, I really can't add anything to the analysis of the pick... HOWEVER, I will say that I am increasingly disturbed at the sheer number of czars, in the FIRST PLACE!! What do we actually NEED, with a czar of anything? Too many people have entirely too much power in the land of the "free"
ReplyDeleteWhat? I wonder has Russian Royalty got to do with the turds in power? in the USA.
ReplyDeleteCzar/Tzar, same degree of ugly.
and to pick this chap, I dunno ~if Obama wanted a whole pile of wrong choices to exonerate himself later, he couldn't have picked a better crew of syncophants shills and crazies.
I see no monster here. What I DO see... and it's about goddam time... is evidence that there is at least ONE high-level bureaucrat who knows about the approaching die-off.
ReplyDeleteWhat if YOU were in his position? How would YOU get a grip on something so monstrous and... INEVITABLE?
Ironic that "disturbing choice" is in the headline... our "choices" are becoming more limited by the day... and NONE of them are especially pleasant.
For some reason... my comment didn't register. Rather than re-write it... here's the gist of it.
ReplyDeleteREAD THIS:
Sorry Waldo, the govt poisoning the air, water and food we eat, injecting us with disease causing vaccines is not the way to go about solving the overpopulation problem. Who is next to be eliminated in the name of saving the planet? You? Your family? Mine?
ReplyDeleteThey've been doing this for years without our knowledge. If anyone should be eliminated it's the elite who have perpetrated such a ghastly plan.
JG: there IS NO "government."
ReplyDeleteWhat I find strange... is that Holdren has been a recognized die-off voice for the past 30 years. This more or less confirms that the PTB know full-well about the die-off... which may explain why the "media" is Jacko, fluff and status-quo as hard as possible.
Get ready for a lot of slag in the blathersphere about how "global warming" is a "government hoax" to "steal your freedoms" and "get your money." all true... except for the "hoax" part... and the "government" part... because there IS NO "government."
"Money" doesn't exist either, but that's another story.
I can hear the Fats saying, "die-off, schmie-off... whatever. We are setting up our fiefdoms now. Don't fuck with us." So the sock-puppets who THINK they're the "government" absolutely will NOT fuck with the Fats.
They're going to fuck with US. All-war-all-the-time is just another scam for the Fats to get rich(er)... and they got plenty more. It also keeps the peasants distracted and kills them off in a fine Malthusian way. The Fats and their puppets have ALWAYS been war criminals.
The scientific die-off bureaucrat appointment is a sign that the Fats are done running scams.
Now they're about to take the pie... the whole pie... and they don't have time for excuses or pretexts- nor the need for any. shows these copies are available:
[United States] Softcover, ISBN 0716700298
Publisher: Freeman & Company Limited, W H, 1977
2 best buy books and records
[United Kingdom] Publisher: San Francisco: W. H. Freeman and Co. 1977
(Ecoscience: Population,Resources,Environment (ISBN:0716705672)) $28.86
3 best buy books and records
[United Kingdom] Publisher: San Francisco: W. H. Freeman and Co. 1977
(Ecoscience: Population,Resources,Environment (ISBN:0716705672)) $28.86
4 Robert Muir Old and Rare Books
via ILAB
[Australia] W.H. Freeman & Co. San Francisco 1977 Wraps Small 4to, pp. xviii, 1052, Index, b/w photos and ills., Survey of environmental science. $45.34
5 Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd
via AbeBooks, ChooseBooks
[India] Softcover, ISBN 0716700298
Publisher: W. H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco, USA, 1977
Printed pages: 1068. (Ecoscience Population Resources Environment)
[Available through multiple listing services; click any one.] $62.57
6 Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
[India] Softcover, ISBN 0716700298
Publisher: W. H. Freeman and Company, 1977
Soft Cover Very Good Printed pages: 1068.... (Ecoscience Population Resources Environment) $65.00
[United States] Hardcover, ISBN 0716705672
Publisher: Freeman & Company Limited, $87.23
Apparently he does not sign his books like most authors do as none are available.
The United Nations PAYS nations to implement birth control procedures. China has been on the payroll for years!
The elitests are getting very concerned there won't be much of a planet left if they do not do something fast to kill us off. They have been doing it with sugar for years!
One food to avoid is high fructors corn syrup. It does react the same as sugar in the body. Sugar causes us to produce insulin to balance out the sugar in our system, while HFCS causes our bodies to kick into overdrive and over-produce insulin burning out our system causing rapid onset of diabetes. (At least this is how I understand it)
Look at how many products use HFCS. No telling how many people have died as a result of this sweetener. And then there is aspertame and others... human killers! And we continue to stuff our faces while they know very good and well what this is doing to us out here!
And it is good for the medical industry too!
Waldo, when I say "government" I mean those that rule. I know there is no legitimate government here. But we are still being ruled, there is no doubt about that.
ReplyDeleteAs far as climate change, yes of course it's real. I don't know anyone that doesn't acknowledge that. The sticking points are the real reasons for it.
I think I have finally found it! Here is a link to this book online where I think you can read all of it!
And here is a phone number to the publisher of that book:
Hey CZ,
ReplyDeleteDo some research on the Fabians and Pilgrims. You'll see why they termed these insiders Czars.
The NWO was all about Fabian Left-Pilgrim right collusion to rid the world of socialism and capitalism and replace it with an Order that provides none of the benefits that the starry eyed plebes are busting their butts to promote.
What really annoys me is when they tell you what they are doing. "Change" is correct. As noted in a posting I did on OEN, I stated that Obama has a one agenda that was dictated by the Comittee.
He will destroy the constitution, pack the courts and change the complexion of US soveriegnty for good. This will happen with an immigration package, bleeding heart healthcare scam and welfare that will guarantee him eight years to Globalize the Western Hemisphere with the NAU.
He's the Czar of Change, absurdly transparent, MK educated, never American and Fabian groomed for the job of the "alter Bush"
the following from wikipedia -
ReplyDeleteQuintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus Cunctator (ca. 280 BC–203 BC),
unus homo nobis cunctando restituit rem –
"one man, by delaying, restored the state to us."
The Fabian strategy is a military strategy where pitched battles are avoided in favor of wearing down an opponent through a war of attrition. While avoiding decisive battles, the side employing this strategy harasses its enemy to cause attrition and loss of morale. Employment of this strategy implies that the weaker side believes time is on its side, but it may also be adopted when no feasible alternative strategy can be devised.
The most noted use of Fabian strategy in American history was by George Washington, sometimes called the "American Fabius" for his use of the strategy.
During the American Revolution, John Adams' dissatisfaction with Washington's conduct of the war led him to declare,
"I am sick of Fabian systems in all quarters!"
PD, what is up with all of these "secret" societies??? it is absolutely absurd!
ReplyDeleteFirst off, they are not actually acting in secret... secondly, they don't even need to be acting in secret... What they are doing is so completely absurd, not even I believe it, and I am inclined to believe the worst in these sordid groups!!!!
Ciao, CZ
Rady, did you look at the screenshots of the pages from the actual book? Do you really want the govt to put infertility drugs in our water supply (which it's said they are already) and food supply? Do you want the government to FORCE women to have abortions? Wtf? We're talkin' Dr Joseph Mengele stuff here!
ReplyDeleteAs far as global warming goes. which it's cooling now... (Yonkers had a winter storm last week... so they are calling it climate change.....when the corporations like Dow and Exxon, that do most of the polluting and pillaging of the earth, start cleaning up the mess they made, then and only then can they ask me to contribute to the cleanup. Until then, they can take their bloody carbon taxes and shove 'em up their fascist arses !!! My "carbon footprint" (what a joke) is very tiny. I'm very conservative with my utilities and I drive a honda civic.
Btw, Those carbon taxes won't do a friggin' thing to save the environment. It's a scam every bit as dastardly as the bankster heist.
ReplyDeleteThe screen shots are taken out of context... and hyped by David fucking Horowitz for Chrissakes... who is full of more shit than a Christmas turkey.
Holdren is a real scientist with a doctorate in plasma physics for shit sakes. He is a radical writer, and has been a vocal part of the Earth movement for the past 30 years. He's the real deal, and has as good a handle on eco science as anybody.
Now, whether the "govt" (which does not exist, have I mentioned that?) uses any of his suggestions (also out of context) to carry out genocide (or "eugenics") on any or all of the peasant population (that's you and me and anybody else who does not have a 10-figure "portfolio") on behalf of the Fats... well- that's anybody's guess.
If you're looking for a REAL monster, look at the Pentagon... real fucking merchants of death. Alex Jones... who is in the freakout business... has picked up this snippet from Horowitz... who is in the "left"-bashing business... and the result is distracting us from serious global geo-eco scientific issues to turn us into (bejezus... I can't believe I'm about to say this) konspiracy kooks.
Now that I've said that... don't get me wrong... the ONE thing that is the pure gold OBVIOUS unvarnished TRUTH: the Fats will stop at NOTHING to stay fat. If that means chemtrails or putting shit in the water, they'll do it. If that means setting up a "new pearl harbor," they'll do it. But when you read what Holdren writes... which I have been doing for the past 20 years... take off your paranoid hat ( I have MINE on most of the time) and put on your scientist-scholar hat. Just google his work.
The guy has something to say. Some of it is REALLY Draconian... but he has his own paranoid hat as well. We all do. At least he sticks to physics, science and evidence... and does not venture into bullshit "ideology" like crackpot Horowitz.
I'll trust a scientist over an ideologue any day.
Ecoscience is supposedly out of print. Maybe you can find a used copy on ebay. Though I doubt it considering the publicity it's getting.
ReplyDeleteIf only 1/4 of his book smells of eugenics it's too much for me. Besides Waldo, if you think the "fats" rule why the hell would you trust a man like Holdren that they have put in power in the first place? He seems to fit into their little plan quite nicely if you ask me.
Rady, I think the lure of money might cause people to think twice about having more children. I sure like that idea a helluva lot more than I do forced abortions or sterilization through our food and water supply. At least then, people have a choice.
I really find it hard to believe a feminist such as yourself would support the things Holdren does in this book. To me it goes against freedom of choice and isn't that what women have fought for lo these many years? Choice should go both ways.
Btw, if COTO were in power and had to choose who would live or die, I'd quit COTO. I'm highly unqualified to play God.
"I’ll trust a scientist over an ideologue any day."
ReplyDeleteReally Waldo? Even those nazi scientists we imported from germany under the name "operation paperclip"?
Rady, If I were in charge, I'd start by doing away with fertility clinics. There would be no more octo moms or jon and kate plus 8's. If you can't have children, maybe you weren't meant to have them and were meant instead to adopt a homeless child. Same thing with sperm banks In my world, they'd be gone. Does Holdren mention anything about these big money making businesses in his book? I'd think that would be a good place to start.
ReplyDeleteALso, all that scientific fooling around with cloning humans would be stopped pronto. If we already have too many, why do we want to produce more in a lab? Ahhhh science...
As you said Rady, pay people NOT to have children instead of paying them to produce more. Open clinics that offer free birth control, tubal ligations and vasectomies.
Finally, with children being poisoned from birth with toxic vaccines and frankenfood, I'm sure the eugenics program that has already started will continue on and thin out the "herd". That along with the endless wars and the upcoming flu pandemic, will probably make the point of this discussion about overpopulation moot.
JG: Briefly: "trusting Nazi scientists/ Paperclip is a false dichotomy. Would I have "trusted" VonBraun to make a rocket work? Absolutely. Advise on economics? probably not.
ReplyDeleteRady: thanks. I think "eco-science" is largely outdated re: what Holdren thinks NOW. A good place to start would be the external links on his wici page:
...and it sounds like you've read his piece on die-off:
where he outlines the "problems and priorities" fairly well.
I don't know about "forced abortions" and don't really care. Naturally, this single statement is going to cause many to chirp and hop about.
As to "steady-state economics" controlling population... that's irrefutable. That is, where it's an economic disadvantage to have TOO MANY children. Sheesh. What percentage of the population are the "Saudi patriarchs?"
I think Barb is 100% correct on food sources... and that is where it is going to go. The real question is: the "easy" way, or the HARD way. Of course, the "easy" way is not going to be so easy... but the HARD way is going to be harder than any of us can imagine.
The answer the Fats appear to be following is Neo Feudalism. They are setting up their fiefdoms... and are confident that they'll make out (as usual) during the shit-fan collision. They don't need to kill us. They'll let nature do it... and will only kill us in droves if we storm their fortresses. Which we will... once the lights go out/ food becomes scarce.
Food and energy is the key.
Damn... I seem to be caught in the "moderation queue" again...
ReplyDeleteWhat moderation que Waldo?
ReplyDeleteJG: since this is your blog, you may have access to it. It's somewhere on the dashboard I think. I had some links in my response (less than 3), and maybe that's what is causing it.
ReplyDeleteAnyhoo: it was largely in defense of Holdren... who may/or not be merely a tool for the Fats. He is (has been for at least 30 years) VERY freaked out by the cascading effects of bio-geo-social unsustainability... every bit as much as WE ARE by the Fats (ie: "global elite") who seem to be causing most of it... or are indirectly responsible at least. WHY would he want to work for THEM?
Well, first of all, the "govt" (there is no such thing, btw, have I mentioned that?) IS NOT "THEM." They are sock-puppets and errand boys... and many are probably unaware of "them." Unless they do something to piss "them off." Then, most of the socks will take a bribe... and the ones that don't... well- you know.
Game over.
Waldo, I disagree that those that reach the highest seats of power in the "government" don't know who rules. I think they have long ago sold their souls to the devil and were groomed early on.....
ReplyDeleteJG: Maybe so/ not.
ReplyDeleteIn any case, I seriously doubt that Holdren is one of those, nor is "science adviser" a high seat of power.
I DO believe that obsessing on what "the govt" says or does is a huge distraction. I believe most folks do so because they think they have something to do with "the govt" because they "vote" and "pay taxes." Especially the "pay taxes" part.
I imagine some time sooner or later, some man-in-black might have to sit Holdren down and give him the "here's-the-way-it-is-junior" speech. I would guess that anyone who hears this speech has two options: 1) go away QUIETLY, or 2) go-along to get-along.
I would also guess that for most "govt" bag-persons, the HWIJ speech is not necessary... because being opportunists-to-the-bone is what got them there in the first place. Go-along-to-get-along is second nature.
I further guess that most scientists never hear "the speech" because they are merely technicians. I would further guess that MOST "new" Fats hear the speech... one way or another. The Saudi "patriarchs" probably know it by heart.
One can only guess...
Yes scientists in "government" are "technicians" and they are used mostly by the military to find new ways of killing.
ReplyDeleteJG: you sure got that right!
ReplyDeleteMost of the ones I have known are just happy-as-hell that somebody will pay them to perfect their Gyro Gearloose Gizmos, and give nary a thought to how anybody might use it because they're not "politicians." I would say we are ALL guilty of that to some degree.
A study of the Manhattan Project will give ye goose bumps. Nearly ALL of the top-level scientists had that Oh-my-God-what-have-we-DONE moment when they saw the first explosion. Most of them advised the "govt." not to use it on Japanese cities... and surprise... it was published that most of them were in favor of it. The truth was not widely known until recently.
I think we are ALL going to have that OMGWHWD moment very soon.
Yea Waldo we are truly screwed......
ReplyDeleteAnd when, not if that OMGWHWD moment comes, I really hope no one comes to my house wanting to lynch my ami ass. Just saw the movie "defiance" an hour ago. In one scene, the good people hiding/holding out in the woods killed a German soldier. What an ugly scene. The poor fellow didn't stand a chance. He paid for what his country had done. There was no other scapegoat available at the time.
ReplyDeleteHoldren has prolly already had a sit in with the dudes in black. So he wrote some freaky suff in his book way back when. Time has a way of changing people. Just look at Osama Obama e.g. Dude used to have all kinds of great ideas. And now, he's full of shit. What am I talking about? I have no idea. This is all too far away for me to know anything about it.
OMGWHWD, gotta remember that. You do realize we will all be held accountable for the shit our Govt. has done, right? People are not going to believe this white rose crap. They're gonna kick our heads in because we're Americans.
Rady: you're TOO kind! heh heh...
ReplyDeleteChicken and egg: no doubt the Economics wonks have the answer to that one (I have been told by the Bio-wonks that the correct answer is "egg")... but I'm using it as a Metaphor, ie. it really doesn't matter which happens first... one will naturally lead to the other.
I believe the model Holdren was using 20+ years ago was exactly the heart-to-hearts debt/ income ratio you describe. In more subsistence-level populations, it's best to pop out babies like a pez dispenser because 1) you need the extra hands, and 2) not all of them are going to make it, and 3) aint many other forms of entertainment. (Basic Cultural Anthropology)
Thanks to the "green revolution," (Monsanto and Agribiz and petro-farming) food has become absurdly cheap-- and THAT has been the major contributor to the "population explosion," especially in developing nations (ie, places where there is SOME income besides subsistence- level food production... which no longer "pays"). Holdren was accused of being an "alarmist" after dire predictions of "over-population" (30 years ago!) did not adhere to his theoretical timetable... and haven't actualized (in many parts of the world...YET).
If you live in an agro-area (as I do)... any farming family will tell you that to make a "living" farming, you gotta have 600-800 acres... PLUS about $200k worth of equipment to work it. That's totally insane... BUT... that's how we got about 2% of the population producing food for the other 98%... and... get this... the US is now a net food IMPORTER! This is about to crash... for a variety of reasons... Peak Oil is one. Economic pressure is another.
Standard joke around here: what would you do if you won the lottery? Keep farming... until the money runs out.
You got that right, Tony. NOBODY is going to believe our "I vas nicht ein Nazi" shit. Works both ways, tho...
ReplyDeleteI remember the Old Man telling me how the bomber crews at the end of the Weltkrieg were advised to somehow find a way to bail out as far away from the target as possible and try to find some element of the Wehrmacht to surrender.
If the civilians around the target found you, they would beat you to death with their shovels.
Yep... a horror read... so you can IMAGINE how the bullet-heads are going to latch onto this shit (they already have)... I have yet to read anything about "forced abortions," but would not be surprised if it's in there... and if it IS, some bullet-head will find it... and then... Katy-bar-the-door...
ReplyDeleteVooot vooot tweeeeet!!!!! Abooooorthons.... whooooot!!!! Baybeeeeee KILLERS... tweeeeeet hooooooonk!!!! And any rational discussion of "The Meaning of Sustainability- Biogeophysical Aspects" will be drowned out by the bawling cattle.
Just "No weapons of mass destruction" by itself is enough to start a stampede. Mawwwwwww!!!! Surrrrender... to TERRISTS!!!!! Hoooonk- blaaaaaattt!!!!! Leeeeving our braaave troooops defennnnncless... Bawwwwwwww!!!!!!!
That's gonna be the REAL "horror read."
Curt, "defiance" was a really good flick, wasn't it? . I watched it this past weekend.. Makes me want to take all my people and hide out in the woods.........
ReplyDeleteThat scene where they were kicking that German to death was really hard to watch.....
JG: I have yet to see the flick, but have known the story for quite some time.
ReplyDeleteAs Curt sez, the German bloke just represents us "amis," Amerikkkans. Just some poor bloke "doing his job" whose "job" has turned these people into subsistence-level animals... and they aint diggin' it. The rest of the world is going to have a hard time distinguishing between us "Good Americans" and the fascist bullet-heads who have killed their family.
Why do you suppose we spend as much on "defense" (war bucks) as the rest of the world COMBINED? I believe it is because the Fats foresee the day when they might have to engage the "rest of the world" ... just as the Germans did. They are betting that with the combination of superior technology and saturating the Lumpen proletariat with fanatical militaristic ideology ... they can "win," just as the NEW German Fats did.
The results will probably be the same.
Yea Waldo, and all that monsanto frankenfood will also help thin the herd as well. That is unless our bodies adjust to fake food and we mutate into a whole other species...