Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Crooks Get Cash While the Poor Get Screwed

chasing moneyBy Chris Hedges

truthdig.com - Innocence and guilt are funny things in America. If you are rich and guilty, if you have defrauded banks and customers and investment firms of billions of dollars, as AIG or Citibank has, if you wear fancy suits and have degrees from elite universities, you get taxpayer money. You get lots of it. You maintain the lavish lifestyle of jets and spas and million-dollar bonuses. You live a life of unchecked greed and have too much in a world where most have too little. If you are moral scum in America we take care of you. But if you are poor, you are in trouble. No one comes to help you. You don't get a second chance. This is what being poor means.

read article

1 comment:

  1. I find this article is as much a picture of what is to come for us all as it is about poor vs. rich. The anarchy I mean. I presently live in a pocket of relative peace and safety, but the cards seem stacked against us, brothers and sisters. The rotten corruption has metasticized through all the strata of society. When just one bully can get all the attention and disrupt the peace of a whole community, what effect, what hope for sanity, compassion, tenderness remains when the streets are crawling with soul-less predators, from the subways to the penthouses? This ship is on the rocks. Too late to save it. Find a lifeboat if you can.
