Monday, July 20, 2009

Obama picks Goldman Sachs Vice Chairman for State Dept Post


Well lookee here.  Robert Hormats, another bankster that helped pave the way for Obama's presidency and the looting of our nation has been picked to be the State Department's undersecretary for economic, energy and agricultural affairs.   He served during the 1970s as an economic adviser in the White House to former national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski.   Of course Mr Hormats is a member of the CFR & Trilateral Commission... 
Former Goldman employees currently head the NY Stock Exchange,  the World Bank,  the U.S. Treasury Dept and the White House staff.  Talk about a fascistic revolving door! ~~ jg

Read the wall street article here

With thanks to Munich for finding this gem of  a Max Keiser video:

Max Declares Goldman Sachs are Scum !


  1. The vast majority of apathetic Americans Jersey Girl, they could care less about this pernicious bastard banker, Robert Hormats. If it doesn't envolve their local sports team (the Phillies and Eagles) or isn't one of the inane shows that they watch each week (you know which ones) well, they just don't care about the fascism and tyranny that is ruining our country. It's the American way.

    Don't forget Jersey Girl "we're number one!, "we're number one!"

    Max Keiser takes offense to Goldman Sachs

  2. Scroll down and read some of the comments on Max Keiser takes offense to Goldman Sachs

    Especially Dave Iles Jul 18, 2009 at 10:22 am

  3. Omg Munich. Don't you love Keiser? Goldman Sachs is scum !!! And then he mentions Bldg 7 and how the files were destroyed and Max says...."how convenient" What a great video. Thank you !

    We need more Max K's. Would you mind if I embedded this in this article so everyone can be as thoroughly entertained as we are? It goes so well with it.......Or even post your own article with vids attached :)

  4. Munich... Dave Iles gets it.... too bad all the sports fans don't.. rah rah rah

  5. Indeed Jersey Girl.

    Hey, they Phillies won tonight!

  6. Indian/Browns fan here... but haven't watched a game since ...... maybe 20 years ago?

    Thanx Munich. Max K rocks. and Dave Iles is absolutely spot on. He speaks very clearly what this is ALL about.

    I, for one, ain't gonna be 'holdened' to the company store. I'll burn the damn thing down first. And the rat bastards who own it. Mike Rivero's right .... 'Eat the Rich'.

  7. Too many people Richard could care less about the tyranny. Sports are much more important.

    What's most sad is that many of these incongruent sports fans don't have a pot ta piss in. Meanwhile, the players are receiving millions a year and laughing their way to the bank.

    I use ta like watching the Browns, back during the Brian Sipe years.

    By the way, is it Goldman or Coleman Sachs?

    This, one of my favorite movies and scenes

  8. Er, I did tell you all exactly this some time ago. Perhaps I was a little too discreet, or those days your still had your blinders on.

  9. I also told you that finance has never been other than a total swindle to rook the rest for the whole five thousand years of its invention and infliction, and that the only sensible thing is to abolish it, but you just don't listen.

    By the way, though brought up on Faulkner, I'm still unable to grasp what Keiser - another good old American name, hey? - raspingly recommends at second 34 of the second slice. - Can anyone translate for me?

  10. I also told you of the crash of '09 still to come and the collapse of '10, the first from the effect of the 58 trillion US credit card debt, the second by the effect of the quadrillion derivatives debt promoted via the Rothschilds' Goldman Sachs. And I told you that if you don't know about the Rothschild-Rockefeller combo you know nothing of the artificial world of finance, let alone about the real world.

    These two herberts are just arguing for the continuation of the same financial-banking swindle that now exists, as they are both part of that way of life.

    To the block with the lot of them.

  11. flak, you aren't telling the three of us here anything new. We already know who rules. Even though Max is part of the machine, what I like about this video is that someone, ANYONE, is publicly calling goldman sachs scum, out loud on the teevee.

    Mea culpa for taking a little pleasure from this debate. Contrived and fake as it may be it still did my heart good to hear GS smeared. THese days such thrills are hard to come by......

  12. I LIKE Max Keiser! calls it as he sees it, and he sees it Clearly!
    way to go!
    I am sending the link around.

  13. Max baby, you are COTO to the core! Hop aboard!

  14. Indeed, he is mark. I like the guy.
