Friday, July 10, 2009

Americans swap homes for hotels as recession bites



Fri Jul 10, 2009 2:28pm EDT

By Jason Szep

CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts (Reuters) - Some Americans are swapping homes for motels as the ranks of the homeless swell during the recession, crowding out shelters and forcing cities and states across the country to find new types of housing.

In Massachusetts, a record number of families are being put up in motels due to high unemployment and the rising number of homes going into foreclosure, costing taxpayers $2 million per month but providing a lifeline for desperate families.


  1. Sadly, the number of homeless across America is growing exponentially, as are these senseless Middle East wars of aggression, which continue unabated. Wars costing billions upon billions of dollars, which could be put to a much better use helping to rebuild AMERICA!

    That'd be a "change" wouldn't it?

    What we're witnessing is disaster capitalism. It is so not American.

  2. This makes me so sad Munich. It makes me want to escape to tvland and get lost in those old reruns of Leave it to Beaver and I Love Lucy when the biggest crisis was the Beav getting stuck in a giant cup of coffee on a billboard or Lucy having some 'splainin' to do to Ricky.

    I'm actually going to post a weird article about how the homeless have disappeared from the streets of Wash, DC. Stranger stuff than we know about is happening in the capitol.

  3. Roger that Jersey Girl. So very sad indeed. How nice it'd be going back to the days of Leave it to Beaver and even Dennis the Menace? etc. Days with values, when the war machine was in it's infancy.

    Rearding the homeless, they're not being counted as part of the unemployed, keeping the unemployment numbers low. Let the sheople "the consumers" believe everything is a-ok.

    "Pay no attention to those homeless people in the tent cities!" And this complicit corporate media is doing what they do best, they're not covering them.

    As you are aware Jersey Girl, as are all of COTO, it is this feckless media's job to create and then to convey this twisted faux reality, one which they believe is similar to that of those pleasant days of Lucy, Beaver and Dennis. A far cry from it.
