Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Obama Delivers Peace to Mid-East



  1. Good one M. Mr President's feigned outrage at Iran's "stolen election" is quite transparent, isn't it?

  2. http://koalice.wordpress.com/2009/06/23/article-19-universal-declaration-of-human-rights/

  3. keystone, is that you?!! Welcome !

  4. The only thing more obvious than the COMMITTEE's secret meddling campaign and Obama's halo is that brain dead McCain and his Lieberman soft serve ratchet up for air strike nuclear issues on Iran.

    Getting Mousavi in would have been giving up peacefully. Instead it will be plan B. alse intelligence, lies and another invasion scenario.

    They took Iraq for that purpose anyway. So what there was financial gain for the COMMITTEE. That was just gravy. It was Iran all the time. Iraq was the outpost and Afghanistan the access to the pipelines and now Iran is literally surounded by these tactical operations.

    When Iran falls to the NWO and Chavez is gone the final pieces in this Risk board are just incidental.

  5. A pix is worth 1,000 words...

    Right on the money!
