Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Earth Losing Atmosphere Faster than Venus, Mars

Irene Klotz, Discovery News

June 2, 2009 -- Researchers were stunned to discover recently that Earth is losing more of its atmosphere than Venus and Mars, which have negligible magnetic fields.

This may mean our planet's magnetic shield may not be as solid a protective screen as once believed when it comes to guarding the atmosphere from an assault from the sun.


  1. Sure, but you can't make that an excuse to deny the choosen their profits !!!!!!!!!

  2. Munich, how do you think this applies to the global warming theory presented by Al Gore? This would be an excellent discussion to get going !

  3. Jersey Girl I don't know what to believe about the Global Warming theory. There have been so many mixed signals. As Flakstopper has duly noted, there are those who are profiting from it.

    Perhaps this planet is in peril, and it is the primary reason for the Chemtrails? I do know this, lately I've been finding little tiny round washer type pieces of metal in our house and in the back yard. They're very small, and are no doubt coming from the sky. In fact, several have come through our skylite. I would asssume they're now putting this metal into the upper atmosphere as a protective layer against perhaps future Solar storms? If one such storm did reach Earth, it could wreak havoc upon the electric grids, computers and gadgets etc.

    Lastly, I've read recently that the Sun has been very quite, and this has Scientists very worried. They claim it hasn't been this way since 1928. But then again, are we being told the truth? There was a Solar storm that reached Earth back I believe in the 20's.

    Cloudy and light rain again today J G. Probably the same in NJ? Amazing! As a result of this lack of Sunlight (in many parts of the Globe) it equates to vitamin a D deficiency. Or so they say?

    Oh, wait! I think I see the Sun ?

  4. (”Free carbon tax credits for all my friends!” – Obama 2009 – (paid for by the American taxpayer) – Gore says “Yippee!” as his venture capital company cashes the checks from last months hearings)

    I consider this when I think about Global Warmning:

    1. Gore in his testimony before congress recently said he "can't remember" if Ken Lay of Enron helped him layout the carbon tax credit plan back in 1998-99...

    2. Gore's personal wealth has increased by as much as a factor 27, as reported in many places... certainly his work on Global Warming has made him millions and his Venture Capital company is going to profit even more now that this is going through.

    3. There are many credible scientists on both sides of the issue

    4. The carbon tax credits were ONLY going to work if they cost these big-time polluters serious money, thus the nature of the corporation would FORCE them to fix the problem... now, congress has modified the plan and they will GIVE 85% of the 680 billion dollar carbon tax credits away to some of the biggest polluters and force the smaller companies that compete with the big guys to pay for theirs...

    5. The creation of the carbon tax credit plan is basically another derivatives type system. People will be, in effect, buying and selling "Pollution Futures", while the American tax-payer shells out billions more to the Venture Capital company run by a guy who created the entire thing and who can't remember if Ken Lay helped him think the whole thing up?

  5. Oh yeah, I almost forgot...

    6. This whole thing comes from a man who kept bringing down the gavel on one member of the Black Caucous after the other when they were begging in 2000 for just ONE SIGNATURE on their petition from a senator that would have stopped Bush from taking office in an obviously rigged election.

    Gore even made snide comments and jokes about them as they walked back to their seats.

    Since that day, Gore has literally raked in the money.

  6. I think we are on the same page here scott. I fell for the "inconvenient truth" at first. But for the past few years I've watched all the corporate scum jump on the bandwagon and collect the profits. Those lovely energy saving lightbulbs they're trying to push on us, contain mercury. More soft kill?

    Beware of the carbon taxes coming down the pike along with more restrictions on we the people regarding what we drive, how much heat & a/c we use and how much water we consume.

    Meanwhile, whatever factories are left here will continue to spew poison into the air and water without penalty. Mountaintops will be blown off to extract more dirty burning coal. The wealthy will continue their jet setting extravagant lifestyles and laugh at the proles as we live in dim lighting, drive tuna cans & have our electricity and water rationed.

    Yea, no doubt the climate is changing but the shysters found a way to make it a booming industry with endless profits.

  7. Munich... wow, I haven't seen those metal disks yet. I think HAARP & chemtrails has everything to do with the strange weather. I think HAARP & chemtrails may even be connected though I haven't really researched that yet.

    They have been experimenting with the watehr for years. Their object, in my opinion,is to weaponize it. Need a flood, tornadao, hurricane to wipe out an area and it's people ? Done !

  8. i agree--however they are global dimming---when the planes leave for a couple of days up here in wis--the sun is intence--but when you dont have it around for weeks at a time i guess we would feel that way---however things are wrong on so many levels up here trees dieing way to fast -and most just dont look full--can see right through them--very thin leaf crowns------spring before last when the planes were flying on the front of one of our last snow storms--i think they screwed up cause what we got was basketball orange snow---no shit---the news stations said --DONT WORRY IT IS POLLUTION OF SOME KIND --WE DONT KNOW WHAT KIND THATS MIXED IN THE SNOW TO GIVE IT THAT COLOR, BUT IT IS SAFE----now if they didnt know what caused, it how could they say it was SAFE????--some chem trails are for magnetic amplification of haarp--which disrupts our magnetic shields--in alaska news papers they now say the ski glows green at night---not the aurora--this is a never ending dim light way up-what i read of haarp is mind boggling--some places i read is they can amplify earths magnetic up to 60,000 times---why--i dont know -they say they can lift the upper layers of the earth and let in massive radiation---so weapon grade chem trails are for sure also-----LIVING IN THE REAL WOODS I KNOW YA DONT FUCK WITH MOTHER NATURE--SHE CAN BITE LIKE A SON OF A BITCH

  9. A FARMER I BY MY CORN FROM TO FEED MY PET DEER HERD SAYS THEY ARE GOING TO PUT A 50 DOLLAR CARBON TAX ON CATTLE SOON---i do think al gore is sincere about global warming being true-but i know he is drooling now on profits caused by the fear--my uncle george is 85--and he says the weather is really different up here since he was a kid--we are definetly much warmer --not near the same snowfall--in fact snowmobiling is now hit or miss seasons now---i think --i know--if they stopped the big planes spraying their shit we would cook---

  10. Wily and Jersey,

    OMG. I hate that green-washed, corporate asshole Al Gore.

    I am an environmentalist and I remember watching Gore's cute little movie An Inconvenient Truth. I am convinced that global warming is a very serious threat and reality.

    Analyze the movie from this perspective though.

    The answer to global warming. Not by holding GE and all the other corporate polluters accountable.

    Nope. The solution, according to Gore is us, little people all changing light bulbs. When I point that out people say "oh yeah, you are right. I never noticed that."

    And that pompous, rich asshole making money off of it.

    Yeah, Gore and election fraud too. Hell, what that coward did STILL makes me mad. Sadly, John Conyers has turned into a jellyfish too.

  11. Skiidogs, what you've said pretty much dovetails with what Jersey Girl has noted about using the weather as a weapon.

    You can't F' with Mother Nature and not expect things to still remain intact, i.e. our planet’s magnetic shield. Could the use of HAARP be effecting it? I don't ever see ABC, NBC, CBS or CNN ever looking into that possibility. This is why I don't listen to them. It's all garbage. They only report on what they are told we should know.

    If they're toying with the weather for nefarious reasons it cannot be good.

    Weather as a Force Multiplier:
    Owning the Weather in 2025

  12. True Munich and depression is greatly enhanced by D-Deficiency. 60 days of rain and drizzle here in NC. Yes I am depressed as well. The dogs too.

  13. another point to make --i have been seeing chem trails in a lot of movies when they shoot outside scenes---now i have never --never seen 1 in an older movie--dont have to hit me on the head to know this is NOW-
