Sunday, May 31, 2009

OpEdNews: klown kar kontinues

First-   jut a chance to introduce this image:


courtesy of Tony Forest

Second:  to emphasize what Ladyums has said:  "you can have all the free speech you want as long as it is not effective speech."

Third: to point out this thread before it is taken down-- that klown-kar-Kall introduced and will not go dormant (so far) because he is so desperately trying to spin his snake-oil salesman self-interest spot in cyberland as anything other than Vichy "spin-the-story."

Take, for example, Kevin Gosztola's post... as fine a young writer as I've ever seen... and please trust me on this-- I "manage" young writers for a living.  Look at the votes of confidence on Kevin's post... versus the votes on the flak "suits."  Furthermore, some sycophant weasel "flagged" it:

"This comment has been flagged
Reason: (Inappropriate Content) -promotes link to another site -gives message of banned member."

And if that weren't enough, "they" jinked with his links... so readers can no longer connect to this website and hear the "other side of the story," whether they agree with it or not.

So there you go, Kall... Mr. Snake-Oil-Salesman.  COTO has put your shit on Front-Street.  You can no longer masquerade as mister "tough" or "progressive,"  You are just another money-grubbing opportunist.  You are neither "tough" or "progressive."  You are wimpy and regressive.  How do you like that, you kiss-up-to-advertisers toady fuck?

Fuck Rob Kall, his sycophants, and the horse hey rode in on.


  1. klown car kall... Hey I like that moniker. Perfect picture too Waldo. Speaking of our brave, young man Kevin,.I'm worried about him. Has anyone heard from him since that was posted?

  2. And now for something completely different . . .

    "You have been banned from logging in."

    So much for free speech at OEN.

    Perhaps I should ask why I was banned?

    I'll say

    OEN ain't gonna be the same without the usual suspects.

  3. I really like that Waldo.

    (the man is a visionary though. Didn't you know?)

    Talk about a sleaze, Rob Kall takes the cake. Did you guys know about his other side gigs?

    The guy sells Biofeedback "Stress Control" tapes, Bio Q Biofeedback Ring, the Digital Electronic Temperature Biofeedback unit (D3000), and of course the high dollar GSR 2, the Calm-Biofeedback sensor with "finger groves"...

    He has a link to this site on his bio and it appears every time his name comes up. It's a who's who of sleazy, pseudo intellectuals with phony degrees peddling snake oil dressed up as "Biofeedback and Neurofeedback" treatments.

    It's unbelievable.... (also looks like he got the same person to do this website in a 2for1 deal with OpEdNews...) Oh, you might want to investigate a little...


    Aside from that, you should all check out his RobKall (dot)com

    Seems he is the same thing as that Saturday Night Live skit where the motivational speaker comes out and yells "I live in a van down by the river!"

    Kall is apparently also a motivational speaker...

    "Optimal Functioning Coaching, Consultation, Training & Supervision"

    "Coaching: Rob offers coaching to individuals who want to function at a more optimal level-- whether it is going into some aspect of the mind, body, heart, spirit, business, or --if you want to learn more about how to function more effectively and optimally in your life, incorporating self awareness, Positivity, self responsibility and self control.
    Fee: $200 for four 25 minute phone coaching sessions"

    That's right, you can talk on the phone with Rob for $50 for 25 minutes. He will "coach" you to being a better person...

    He also talks about using you guys as well...

    "Rob has extensive experience in PR, (including getting PR with a very low or non-existent budget) getting international coverage for his own work."

    He got a lot of PR for no money, in fact, he got you to pay him.

    Then, at the end, he lays it all out for you just in case you don't know the greatness you are dealing with... he calls himself a "visionary"...

    "I think this combination gives me some unique abilities to function as a "practical visionary." Rob Kall

    Rob Kall, the snake-oil-slinging visionary!


    heres the link. cus I know I can't make this shit up...

  4. why did my comment go to the spam bin?

  5. Munich. It's for the best. If you stayed any longer you may have picked up that nasty brain disease from the living dead that now wander the pages of oen......

  6. will someone please get my comment out of the spam bin?

  7. (thanks for the help)

    I really like that Waldo.

    Talk about a sleaze, Rob Kall takes the cake. Did you guys know about his other side gigs?

    The guy sells Biofeedback "Stress Control" tapes, Bio Q Biofeedback Ring, the Digital Electronic Temperature Biofeedback unit (D3000), and of course the high dollar GSR 2, the Calm-Biofeedback sensor with "finger groves"...

    He has a link to this site on his bio and it appears every time his name comes up. It's a who's who of sleazy, pseudo intellectuals with phony degrees peddling snake oil dressed up as "Biofeedback and Neurofeedback" treatments.

    It's unbelievable.... (also looks like he got the same person to do this website in a 2for1 deal with OpEdNews...) Oh, you might want to investigate a little...


    Aside from that, you should all check out his RobKall (dot)com

    Seems he is the same thing as that Saturday Night Live skit where the motivational speaker comes out and yells "I live in a van down by the river!"

    Kall is apparently also a motivational speaker...

    "Optimal Functioning Coaching, Consultation, Training & Supervision"

    "Coaching: Rob offers coaching to individuals who want to function at a more optimal level-- whether it is going into some aspect of the mind, body, heart, spirit, business, or --if you want to learn more about how to function more effectively and optimally in your life, incorporating self awareness, Positivity, self responsibility and self control.
    Fee: $200 for four 25 minute phone coaching sessions"

    That's right, you can talk on the phone with Rob for $50 for 25 minutes. He will "coach" you to being a better person...

    He also talks about using you guys as well...

    "Rob has extensive experience in PR, (including getting PR with a very low or non-existent budget) getting international coverage for his own work."

    He got a lot of PR for no money, in fact, he got you to pay him.

    Then, at the end, he lays it all out for you just in case you don't know the greatness you are dealing with... he calls himself a "visionary"...

    "I think this combination gives me some unique abilities to function as a "practical visionary." Rob Kall

    Rob Kall, the snake-oil-slinging visionary!


    heres the link. cus I know I can't make this shit up...(can't give you the link, it'll go to spam and rot there apparently)

  8. Well said Barbara.

    I enjoyed reading your work at "the other place" (as I'm sure I will here)
    where, if you now disagree with the status quo, you'll be banished and off you go. No reason why.

    That's progressive?

  9. You guys are great! It's nice to be in good company for a change. I got a new name for kall's rag...robed. They guy's got some real control issues. And debating the shills and trolls was getting wearisome. Esp steve the lesser and tremblidiot. Leser even lied in rob's pitty potty eulogy, saying only a half dozen people were booted from the site. We all know that was a lie. Oh well, it will be fun watching oped go down that path to mediocrity. You noticed how it's comment section dropped off on every article? Even the shills like tom murphy have no one to lock horns with :) Bummer, huh?

  10. wow things are zooming here, I went away for one day..and am happy to see how its filling:-)
    Like Barbara, I had no idea whatsoever what COTO was, an IN joke I thought, but I liked the pithy and informative comments, and I said so
    Cinderman rob(b)ed is good!
    I was noticing that for many stories no ratings and so often I was the first and sometimes only commenter, had me feeling sad for the writers( as myself) not knowing how what they said was understood, or even read.
    From what we see now,..:-) a lot of cutesy back slapping, but where??? is the guts and glory and where?? are the comments on the REAL issues.

  11. next step is him in fishnet tights standing on a corner! maybe he should plug into some of his own anger management and feed back tapes?
    and while he is plugged in someone could throw some very cold water on him!!
    shocking experience, one hopes:-)
    $2 a minute? hmm he needs to talk to the phone sex ladies, they could give HIM some good advice:-)

  12. Oz;

    You know what we should do? Take up a collection and call that hotline and chat with him about whatever the hell he talks about. I would LOVE to get one of his "coaching" videos! Man, watching him up there yelling "I LIVE IN A VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER!" heeheehee
