Sunday, May 31, 2009

Obama Youth ("City Year")

When I heard Obama’s speech, in July before the election, where he uttered these words .. “We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security goals we’ve set. We’ve  gotta have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong,  just as well funded. “  I felt chills.  Not in the “yes we can”  sign me up to help out our country kinda  way.  But in an, oh my god, this sounds just like Hitler youth  kinda way.   That speech has always haunted me.  Now, here we are today just months after the inauguration and we have Obama Youth, better known as “City Year”, already in full swing in cities all across the country.

Videos included

Think about what’s happening for a minute.   There are so many Americans out of work and so many young  people graduating from high school and college looking for jobs that aren’t there.  Where do you think they will turn to find employment?  Up to now, for many,  it’s been the military.  But they have a choice to either fight for the U.S.  in wars for empire or join the tattle tale  civilian national security force which will welcome them with open arms.  Make no mistake,we’re talking about neighbor spying on neighbor here. Am I paranoid?  Maybe.  But I think the similarities are alarming.  This administration has already expanded domestic spying and is  now making noise about limiting what we can or cannot have access to on the internet.  There is also no doubt that we are being incrementally enslaved by the ever encroaching police state.  (More on that later)

I found these excellent videos on youtube that perfectly illustrate my point.  Pay particular attention to what the red jacketed girl that speaks for “City Year” says in Part I.  The movie “the Wave,” from the 80’s is used as the backdrop.  (There are two parts)


  1. Yes, we have a slow, creeping, police state. Subtle, without notice, by those not paying attention (most everyone). I think a careful study of Hitler from his first day in power to his demise will reveal many other similarities to the US. Remember, it was Operation Paperclip that provided the Nazi personel to train the US on spying, secret police, and "intelligence gathering". The US gov't is a living, breathing...sleeper cell...

  2. Absolutely, and let's not forget those scientists known for their "human experimentation" in Hitler's death camps that were brought over under "operation paperclip" as well.

    The military knew they were guilty of gruesome experiments but waved them through to work on chemical warfare projects. After all, the more devastating the weapon to human life, the better. Who better to oversee such a project than those guilty of crimes against humanity.

  3. eerie.
    never heard or saw the wave before, maybe IT needs some publicity!

  4. It is quite eerie oz. The person who put those video clips together did a damn good job of pointing out the similarities.

    If you can find it, watch "the Wave" in it's entirety It's a very good movie. It's based on the book by the same name by Morton Rhue, which in turn is based on an actual experiment called "the Third Wave" by a teacher named Ron Jones in Palo Alto, California.

  5. [...] very first article I wrote for Coto had to do with this very subject.  I used a 2 part youtube video to illustrate the point that Obama’s City Year is the new Hitler youth or E German [...]
