March 21 2016 One of the most important videos you will ever see
"This technology existed in the 1990´s but all evidence was apparently buried until this video surfaced. This video proves that all you need is a picture or video of someone's face, and you can use it to fake that individual saying anything you want.
Back in the 90's the technology was good enough to take a still photograph, a short sample of a person's voice, and from that you could type anything you wanted and the picture, would talk, move, and say anything you typed in that person's voice. The example they used was Kennedy, they sampled the "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country" quote and used it as the sample base to produce a video of Kennedy saying the words "I did not inhale", and he said it in his own voice and it looked like he really said it.
This video here which I have linked proves they can take any video of Trump and make him say whatever they want, and it will look real. Ditto for everyone else, this is a MUST WATCH.
All videos posted on this web site can be saved by right clicking the link. This one will probably get buried again, so I suggest you save it because it proves that anyone you meet online could be completely and totally fake, and look real, anyone on TV can be completely fake and look real, WATCH THIS.
This video is more than critical, it is vital info, to watch it click this link, to both save it and watch it, right click this link and save it. Then you will have it to watch and show people, or re-post to your youtube channel".
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