Monday, February 29, 2016

Rockefeller Commission Report in 1975; Removed Section on CIA Assassination Plots


White House Aide Dick Cheney Spearheaded Editing of Report to Dampen Impact

New Documents Cast Further Doubt on Commission’s Investigation, Independence

National Security Archive Briefing Book No. 543

Edited by John Prados and Arturo Jimenez-Bacardi

Posted - February 29, 2016

For more information, contact John Prados:
202.994.7000 or

Washington, DC, February 29, 2016 – The Gerald Ford White House significantly altered the final report of the supposedly independent 1975 Rockefeller Commission investigating CIA domestic activities, over the objections of senior Commission staff, according to internal White House and Commission documents posted today by the National Security Archive at The George Washington University ( The changes included removal of an entire 86-page section on CIA assassination plotsand numerous edits to the report by then-deputy White House Chief of Staff Richard Cheney.  read more...

All the usual suspects, all the usual techniques and the introduction of EMR, Heart Attack and Drone technology.
The White House took a different tack. A steering group of officials working on the political crisis of the “Year of Intelligence,” proposed that President Ford issue an executive order (E.O.) to govern intelligence agencies and operations, and that the order include a prohibition on assassinations. Senator Church objected that anything a president set by fiat could be changed by fiat as well, by means of a future executive action. Besides, the Ford executive order, issued in February 1976, lacked the definition that would have been supplied by the Church Committee-recommended statute. President Jimmy Carter issued his own executive orders on intelligence, in a preliminary form in May 1977 and in a reworked version in January 1978. The assassination prohibition would be widened somewhat, by removing the word “political,” which the Ford E.O. had used as a qualifier (as in “political assassination”), and by extending the ban beyond government employees to anyone working for or on behalf of the United States. The Carter ban would be repeated verbatim in President Ronald Reagan’s E. O. 12333, issued on December 4, 1981. Every subsequent president has continued the ban, and the Reagan E.O. itself remains in force.

The solution was so simple. Outsourced to CIA, Mossad, MI6  affiliates known as Gladio, al-qaeda and ISIS.


DOCUMENTATION at the end of article

How much dirt does Hillary have?  Henry Kissinger and Dick Cheney know. Bill Clinton is family but Hillary I am not so sure. Henry likes her and she worships him. I'd expect her to have some insurance though.  I imagine she has enough classified information to protect herself. She may have enough to guarantee her presidency, a "political assassination" and some very generous donations to the foundation.  I expect Dick and Henry can provide her with much information on how to live well and safe as bonafide war criminals.


From JFK to Scalia, it's like a long running Day of the Condor where the US and Foreign nationals who have refused the bidding of the Global Crime Syndicate have found the Kiss of Death to be lethal.



  1. Bohemian Grove, Pedo Hunting Parties and Rent Boy Ranch

    "Violent pedophile’ Justice Scalia

    According to a first hand witness, USA Chief Justice Scalia was a Luciferian and a violent child rapist. David Shurter ranks Scalia as “one of the top three worst” pedophiles who abused him throughout his youth. So when news broke of Scalia’s strange death, the monster’s former victims got talking. News spread fast among this group that Scalia had in fact been murdered by a 13-year-old boy at a Texan ranch. The child apparently took a dislike to Scalia’s approach to rape, was triggered – and slit his perpetrator’s throat."

    This is a perfect 'disclosure" to throw into the mix to deflect the real agenda. Sure it's possible considering the Catholic Pedopriests and Vatican coverup, but I just can't see the 79 year old diabetic, overweight Justice having a pervert junkit unless he succumbed to an overdose of Viagara and horny goat. But it is interesting if wasn't for the facts of why his death benefits certain agendas.

    This looks like a Sorcha Faal story.

  2. boomerangcomesbackMarch 1, 2016 at 6:33 AM

    Hah! And you ended your comment referencing "Sorcha Faal". I just read this blurb by the supposed "White Hats" report which throws dirt (earned) on SF -- take a look --

    Anyways, We the People are continuously surfing the Disinformation Waves created by corrupt TPTB. What's new? But, even the Disinfo stuff will provide tells and nuggets that hint at real truth. Just by reading between the lines, or reading the lies, WE can infer the Truth is in the opposite direction.

    Whatever Scalia was, WE can infer that the rest of the corrupt SCOTUS "is", is a group of "appointed" creatures whose game is to protect TPTB and the Status Quo. How can WE say this? WTF have They done to turn over the corrupt apple cart? Nothing! They are not an august body of judicial pros bursting with wisdom, moral backbone, and extraordinary insight, qualified to "decide and make law" at the highest levels in the Homeland (sic).

    No, Hell No!

    They should be viewed as an appendage of "The Creature", waved around to provide a semblance of judicial authority and security standing for the interests of The People...but, rather a standard bearer of the status quo corporate gov't. That Clarence Thomas has just (for some reason) made asked his first question in 10 years on the bench, is freaking joke. Like ALL of them.

    We can only imagine the skeletons in the closets of all of these SCOTUS creatures.

  3. boomerangcomesbackMarch 1, 2016 at 3:57 PM

    Hey, wanna laugh at something?

    Read this "Sorcha Faal" piece. Its like the guy was sitting in the loo and crapped out this turd of a piece. His aspersions and ad hominem on Trump are the lamest, plus, he pastes in a few Masonic regalia pics, detours on JFK, and plop! Out comes this supposed "HIT!" piece on Trump.

    Disinformation ain't what it used to be. ho hum.

  4. boomerangcomesbackMarch 1, 2016 at 3:58 PM

  5. boomerangcomesbackMarch 2, 2016 at 5:13 AM

    Large shallow Indonesian Earthquake last night (8.2)

  6. They are over the target. 10km deep. definitely an assault by the N-Team, Navy, NASA, NSA, NIST team.

  7. Interesting take if the Trump camp wasn't Mossad.

  8. "I'd like to spend some time in Mozambique" .... said the CIA

    I'd have rather spent some time in the cargo hold of MH-370
