Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Planned Parenthood Butcher Shop

[caption id="attachment_27971" align="alignnone" width="194"]Walk-ins welcome. Walk-ins welcome.[/caption]


  1. Steak is higher. Does the real Carbon Economy begin to come into view?

    What can be argued about Zebranomics. The whistleblowers have confirmed CO2 is what sustains us agriculturally and creates oxygen for human life. Zebranomics is death and taxes.

    Obamacare - Tax to death
    Climate change - Death to Tax
    TPP-TTIP - Death to Tax
    Buy-Sell - Tax to death

    All predicated on death. The Dialectic achieves both as cause and effect. Which came first? It does not matter. One feeds on the other. The balance sheet works across the page on assets to liabilities where the conversion of death or taxes profits the corporation. There are thousands of pages and hundreds of loopholes in the tax code

    We also see the vagueness of an organization that operates as a corporation. Planned Parenthood may not actually be profiting from a "direct" sale but it's partners do and then they turn around and pay PP by donation or lobby bribery to the protection rackets known as Congress and WH.

    The real artistry of zebranomics is getting all the money before you die. They hate inheritance unless they are recipients. another artistic design is to receive the tissues for creating our funerals in the science of eugenics. It truly is an art form that even Leo Tanguma would envy.

    Texas AG: Office has received more Planned Parenthood videos


  2. North America – USA | State of Alaska
    Epicenter: 59°54’21.6″N 153°09’00.0″W
    Location: M 6.3 – 71km SSW of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska
    Magnitude: 6.3
    Time: 2015-07-29 02:35:59 (UTC)
    Depth: 116.6 km (72.5 mi) Deep

    Semidi Subduction Activity (Quick Map)


  3. What about MAIN STREAM MEDIA?

    Ed Schultz on MSNBC’s The Ed Show cancelled

    Comcast Killed The Ed Show For Talking About TPP via @wordpressdotcom


  4. MH 370 Found????? NOT!!!
    Boeing and the slimy NTSB are on the job.

    MH370 search: Reunion debris on way to France

    "The object appears to be encrusted with barnacles"
    Just like Bin Ladens Corpse....

    Why on the way to France? [AIRBUS] Why not to America? [Boeing]

    Code Word "Reunion" I don't like this code word at all.

    Does this suitcase belong to an MH370 passenger?

  5. Planned Parenthood [TRIAD PSYOP 6-9-3]
    Humint Jade Helm

    6 Human Domain - 12 videos
    3 releades 9 remaining----HOAX!

  6. This surprises you?

    He got off easy.

    This past weekend this bull of a guy is looking at my work and I engage him, and come to find out he's an "investigator" for the City. He wasn't there on duty, but with his family. He was surprised he hadn't seen me before, to which I replied, "well as you can see I'm not trying to hide."

    He didn't answer me directly when I asked him what he investigates.
