"Britain is too tolerant and should interfere more in people's lives, says David Cameron"
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Frightening Story of the INSANE at:
Initially sourced from:
People can only shake their heads in amazement and wonder when reality forces them to consider that absolutely insane creatures have been placed into positions of authority and policy-making. When the truly insane are put in charge of running the "ZOO", humanity devolves to the levels of depravity we see around us today.
I am aghast at the import of what this article and this man display. The message and import are sobering, while setting off Alarm Bells across my entire physiology! I consider that THIS is what these Control Freaks are all about, and it triggers my "Fight or Flight" instincts immediately. Wanna see a frightening dystopian world? Look no further than the nightmares of men and women like Mr. Cameron. (Cue Hillary Clinton or any of the other selections offered by the Controllers). {shivers...retching...turning off the lights}.
A dystopia (from the Greek δυσ- and τόπος, alternatively, cacotopia,[1] kakotopia, or anti-utopia) is an imaginary community or society that is undesirable or frightening.[2][3] It is literally translated as "not-good place", an antonym of utopia. Such societies appear in many artistic works, particularly in stories set in a future. Dystopias are often characterized by dehumanization,[2] totalitarian governments, environmental disaster,[3] or other characteristics associated with a cataclysmic decline in society. Dystopian societies appear in many subgenres of fiction and are often used to draw attention to real-world issues regarding society, environment, politics, economics, religion, psychology, ethics, science, and/or technology, which if unaddressed could potentially lead to such a dystopia-like condition. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dystopia
"Orwellian" is an adjective describing the situation, idea, or societal condition that George Orwell identified as being destructive to the welfare of a free and open society. It denotes an attitude and a brutal policy of draconian control by propaganda, surveillance, misinformation, denial of truth, and manipulation of the past, including the "unperson" – a person whose past existence is expunged from the public record and memory, practised by modern repressive governments. Often, this includes the circumstances depicted in his novels, particularly Nineteen Eighty-Four.[1][verification needed] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orwellian
Update 5-15-15: This subject has now crossed Infowars' Radar Screen:
UK Prime Minister David Cameron Proclaims – It’s Not Enough to Follow the Law, You Must Love Big Brother
“The creepiest thing David Cameron has ever said.”
Note: "Cameron is fifth cousin twice removed from the Queen" -- sourced from the following interesting article
Quite interesting info on Cameron here. I suggest you take just the few minutes required to absorb it and watch the 3 1/2 minute video at the end:
It's true that the when looking at the "replacements" that they seem to be far more insane. Talking Blair and Brown as creatures of the system, though kind, it does seem that we tend to forget the absurd rantings of previous administrators. But Cameron like Obama are working on the momentum of Clinton Bush Blair Brown. I doubt behind the scenes the discussions are not similar. Seems the Psy-op is mandated to push the envelope in order to test the masses and collect the twitter/googlplex/FB data in order to determine procedures in this blue project.
ReplyDeleteNothing surprises me, but the apathetic over apoplectic reaction. In the dialectic, this says to me that when talk becomes action, the reaction will not change to much degree. This is when I get chills and cold sweats. I know they tell us exactly what they are doing and that should be pretty much Modus Operandi for the those of us who are not sleepwalking or zombified.