Sunday, March 22, 2015

"Government's Have a "Human" Problem; or, Humans Have a Government Problem?"

"RUNNING OUT OF TARGETS?", by Jim Kirwan 3-21-15 / Source:

This is the lower portion of his article Mirrored Here.  Go to the link above for the entire article /\

The international bodies have defended every criminal endeavor for the last fifteen years and there are no real forces working to change anything about this blatant attack on 95% of the world’s current population—so what will ‘we’ do about this; so that there actually is a tomorrow that anyone who is not an outlaw can actually live in?

Apparently no one ever considered that there might come a time when “they” would run out of targets and loot at the same time?

Larken Rose had this to say: “Statism is the most dangerous Religion”

It’s the right, that certain people have the right: It’s legitimate that certain people have the right to control others. Belief in Government is a purely faith-based indoctrinated belief… This is not an analogy, it is a religion in every way. It has a super-human deity: Government that has rights that mortals don’t. It isn’t restricted to the rules that apply to mortals. It issues commands and if you disobey you’re a sinner and you deserve to be punished. The faithful, the true believers, they have great faith in these bizarre rituals; elections and legislation then appointments: They dress up and then they say “Ta-da!” now I represent ‘government”…

I’m allowed to demand your money and boss you around and hurt you, if you disobey me: I’m acting on behalf of “government” and it has commandments called laws and these laws” aren’t just the threats of humans, they are decrees from something “super-human”…”

godzilla78The doctrines people are ‘taught’ are just patently absurd. Like “consent of the governed”. There isn’t (any) such thing. If it’s ‘consent’ it’s voluntary. If it’s ‘being governed’ it’s not. The actual given excuse is: “We have the right to rule you because you decided we did, even if you didn’t vote for us and even if you oppose everything we do to you and well “they represent us”. Okay they represent us by doing lots of things that we don’t have the right to do. And they represent us by bossing us around and taking our money. But to me the most insane thing is “We are the government”, which you hear everywhere.

And I asked somebody, “Wait do you really not notice that there’s a group of people “over there”? They issue threats and they call them laws and they issue demands for money and they call it taxes, and if you disobey they send men with guns to hurt you. Now are you really incapable of distinguishing between yourself and them?

One of the biggest giveaways that the belief in government is a complete blind-faith religious belief is the way people respond. For instance can you give somebody else a right that you don’t have? ~ Well how did congress get rights that you don’t have …”

“… It’s just something they were taught to believe. There’s this thing called ‘authority’ and it’s allowed to do things that humans aren’t and that people have an obligation to obey it, to the point where yeah, it’s “some people”, not gods or anything, some people wrote down some things on paper and then they called it legislation. Then they did certain rituals and then people go around saying “this is law”. There is a lot more to this, the above is about four minutes in the twelve minute video…

The point here is that ‘the public’ has been blinded by abusive authority since long before they were born. And given this artificial worship of something that presents itself as an all-powerful religion, even though they never call their “power” by that name ­ it’s what has kept this population docile and terrified for hundreds of years now. This is what has been at the very root of the “dumbing down” that millions of people have believed in, since this whole nightmare started to dismantle every part of every life in the old United States.

There is nothing behind the supposed “authority” that is driving this nation straight to into hell itself. The entire scheme is nothing but a paper construct that can be shredded in minutes if people here just came to understand that this entire masquerade has never been anything but a giant-global con. Snap out of it!

It’s time to smash the imposter which presents itself as the only all-powerful order behind every life inside Amerika. The instructions for that are contained in the article quoted above…

We collectively let this happen. Therefore it is up to us collectively to kill it wherever it raises its ugly head. This includes everywhere the identical illegal and military forces of ‘government’ are currently attacking every civilization on the planet: This includes all the so-called national and international organizations that were supposedly created to protect people everywhere from international thugs and outlaws that are the uniformed aspect of this fake religion that billions are still unaware of…

Here’s part of what happened in the world when we let ourselves be blinded by the lies that have always stood for Israel and the obscene links between USI & Israel: Senator Marco Rubio ­ Israel First, America Last (Updated)

Have a great weekend and while you’re at it why not practice “How to say “NO”?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Boom, how do like Ted Cruzer? Marco Rubio? Ha. Khazars of the TPP Party. How fucking stupid can patriots be?

    Yep, dumb enough to link up with these Bozo's.

    Here's Ted Cruz's latest clown show.

    Ted Cruz going on Obamacare

    Cruz’s Wife Heidi to Take Unpaid Leave From Goldman
