Here, see what we're talking about. If one was to read around on the internet at many of the popular sites ( and especially read down through 'the comments' ) you would immediately pick up on the "pulse" of folks feelings. And -- they ain't amicable!!!
http://www.infowars.com/sandy-hook-commission-aims-to-ban-guns-that-can-fire-more-than-10-rounds-without-reloading/#disqus_thread Read through the comments. See, debunking "False Flags" (er..."The Official Story") has now become a national past-time, after so many of them in-a-row, and internationally. "Banker's Wars" also fall into the same category. History seems to have caught up Real Fast, and now history is being seen as "One Big Lie". Not surprising, but kind of interesting to those still living.
http://www.infowars.com/generals-conclude-obama-backed-al-qaeda/#disqus_thread This is an admonition that can't be good for teleprompters! Generals -- Concluding -- WTF?! Why, figuring out who's on what side has gotten so convoluted for modern man, than they just figure Bankers are funding BOTH sides of the conflicts, the Military Industrial Complex is making Trillions, and politicians and insiders are "getting their cut and revolving door positions handed to them". Well -- it is rather OBVIOUS, no?!
http://www.infowars.com/obamas-gallup-approval-rating-is-lowest-yet-in-year-six/ The sub-title on this article is "Obama's ratings as low as the winter temperatures". Ugh!!! That's COLD!!!
If you notice, I'm just pulling down articles from one site, due to lack of time. Plus, I've got better things to do, like most of us! You, Mr. Reader can easily scroll down through COTO and begin to grasp the gravity of the matter-at-hand, and up your Global IQ all at the same time. You can also find links to many of the favorite sites COTO CREW readers regularly read for information, on the right side of the home page.
http://www.infowars.com/report-turkeys-prime-minister-caught-arming-al-qaeda-isis/ No Shit?! And, the U.S. leadership touts Turkey as an "Ally". We even have an airbase and then some over there. This makes a person wonder "what else is going on?", and "what else are they not telling us?".
We'll end tonight's "Chirp" with http://www.infowars.com/american-sniper-exposed-as-giant-hoax/ We're told the movie grossed like $90+ MILLION over the opening weekend! This statistic tells me the "STATE OF THE AMERICAN MIND". 1) Americans LOVE GUNS. 2) Americans enjoy glorifying "Killing" as a profession. This should bother a lot of people when they actually think about it. 3) People still don't mind shelling out time and money for a good PROPAGANDA film, when they can rationalize it as "entertainment"...even though, the film is supposed to be based on a real American sniper.
Read the comments following the article, maybe you can gain some perspective? The sub-title under the article is "Movie brainwashes the public into accepting war". Since only the elites profit off of war, and the people ALWAYS suffer dreadfully (see Iraq, Libya, Palestine, take your pick of them all), it behooves us all to think deeper about all of the issues this brings up.
Tonight, Infowars will provide live, up-to-the-minute coverage of Obama’s 2015 State of the Union address. Coverage starts at 7 Central as we decipher the propaganda and disinformation and expose the war on the public. (I'm not plugging Alex Jones necessarily, but use your discernment). Don't just sit there listening to a known puppet read from a teleprompter. Look at his record, look at your job, your security, look at the Middle East, Afghanistan, how are those people faring, how are those poppies growing (Biggest crops ever!), look at the lack of accountability for any Bankers who were enriched in 2008 while 10's of millions of Americans lost everything, look at what has happened to your "Unalienable" Rights, Dammit! Yeah, look & learn. Its a Survival Thing.
Barack Obama to be Exposed Live During State of the Union / Save and pass this link to others to see three hours of in-depth analysis and coverage at 7 Central tonight. Alex has a sub-title on one of the Youtube videos there, saying, "Nightly News -- State of the Dictator". That's funny, aye? Like a sniper. Get it?
Time is right for war. It's not by accident what the graph looks like from
ReplyDeleteBLACK HAWK DOWN - 2001 graph goes up to this point and then drops back to pre Kuwait levels. Then post 911 it dipped again. Once the AMERICAN SNIPER came to be it was back to 2001 levels. Set the stage for WAR.
Every station has run war movies at a higher clip over the last year. Reruns of WWII and Korea vintage came and then we got the Cold war run as well. It's been ramping up along with FOX (666) running the "wounded warrior" ads every ten minutes.
The video gaming industry has not been out of the loop as well. Americans are ready for a war. Bring them to a boil with the divide and conquer and they will fight anyone. Guys like Sean Hannity are experts in hate. He can sell a war like McCain or Graham. You can see every time they bring the "British Bob" back for another performance they target another country.
This week it's Japan
$200M ransom? It's a creative way the DoD NATO funds the operations. Idiots don't get it. I keep saying we are paying for our funerals. Does anyone understand this TRIAD and PONZI?
[Speaking in Jerusalem, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe called on ISIS to immediately release the hostages, saying that "their lives are the top priority." Abe is in the midst of a six-day visit to the Middle East, accompanied by more than 100 government officials and presidents of Japanese companies.]
You know Israel and Mossad get a cut.
Tsarnaev's head bashed in in prison: http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2015/01/accused-boston-marathon-bomber-severely-injured-in-prison-may-never-walk-or-talk-again-video-3095550.html
ReplyDeletehttp://www.whatreallyhappened.com says the above story is a "Hoax". We'll see.
Aryan Brotherhood - Didn't I read something back in the nineties that linked Hells Angels and the brotherhood to FBI? We know the Outlaws and others were infiltrated. Seems the smartest way to control whistleblowers or informants, but rule one is always a hoax first. Anything in media is guilty until proved innocent.
ReplyDeleteThis likely was no hoax. Remember this?
ReplyDeleteTwo FBI agents killed in accident in Virginia Beach area
Pilot Online reported that:
[In interviews Monday, the founder of the Hostage Rescue Team and other former special agents called the unit “elite” while outlining the difficult training exercises members must endure.
“It’s the most rigorous training regiment in law enforcement, probably in the world,” said Danny Coulson, a former deputy assistant director of the FBI who started the team 30 years ago and served as its first commander. “They have to be able to do any mission, at any time.”
Among other things, members of the Hostage Rescue Team are trained to rappel from helicopters, scuba dive and use explosives to break down doors and walls. When needed, the team can deploy within four hours to anywhere in the U.S.]