Charlie Hebdo Police Chief commits suicide while writing report
Police commissioner investigating Charlie Hebdo attack commits suicide while writing report
Police commissioner, who had been investigating the attack on the Charlie Hebdo magazine committed suicide with his service gun on Thursday night.
BREAKING – Police Chief Helric Fredou Investigating Chalie Hebdo DIES MYSTERIOUSLY! Suicided?
Hollande asked Netanyahu not to attend Paris memorial march
Absence sought as part of attempt to keep Israeli-Palestinian conflict out of European show of unity; After Netanyahu insisted on coming, French made it clear Abbas would be invited as well.
US to boost European contingent with 3,000 troops, 150 tanks in 2015 – report
The US plans to send 3,000 more troops and over 150 tanks to Europe by the end of ear to bolster its presence on the region, a top commander announced.
The US, which already has around 67,000 troops in Europe, expects over 3,000 soldiers to arrive on the continent between March and the fall, Lt. Gen Frederick Ben Hodges, Commander of US Army Europe
Related:France to make a choice between NATO and Russia
France says ready to strike extremists on Libya border
Russia to get refund, penalties in case of Mistral contract repeal – Military Industrial Commission
France to deploy aircraft carrier to fight ISIS—report
Charlie Hebdo? What Have We Learned, Charlie Brown
Connect the dots COTO and tell me if it's a ducky or a horsey.

Cold War, Hot War, ISIS armed with Libya Rockets, Tanks in Europe, F35 Raptors flying over Syria and Russian subs on the Gibraltar Straits. Meanwhile Gas is cheap and that's good for war and the elite economy. It's not good for human beings. THE WAR BEGINS SEPTEMBER.
Why 70,000 troops? Wildcard 7.
ReplyDeleteWhy use raptors for ISIS attacks? Thats like using a brick as a flyswatter.
Why has John Boehner crammed the Big Blue Omnibus bill funding the enemies of human beings to wage war on people?
Why did Obama get to Hawaii and make phone calls for two weeks in December?
Why did media report China talks regarding phony global climate change?
Was it the Fog of War climate change?
Why the convenient OPEC charity?
Why are the stagings pitting islam vs christianity?
Is Charlie Hebe-dough going to run the gamut to WW III.
Stay tuned for the TPP proxy by war and just like WW ii expect intermittent blackout during bombings of the internet. Remember to find shelter in one of many MSM Psyop bunkers. Be careful because words will surely kill you. Spies and saboteurs will be dealt with harshly.
I may move prediction for False Flag to Joo-Lie 11.
transmission out-
Before I figured out the vortex for NASA time in both Islamic and Gregorian calendars I came out with 2012 predictions. The prediction for the French Connection is based upon 10 and not 11. It jumps and additional 3. A 6 instead of three was my error.
ReplyDeleteSARKOZY was my guy for the event but now it's Hollande for certain and 2012 became 2015. It's 6 and not three. Change for 9 (2009) was key but the data I used was in err.
The Joo-Joo-Bees are MI6 Mossad. Ukraine may as well be Poland and France the Vichy for ISIS.
I am reposting the 2012 as the alignment is right. Small moves in the vortex run concurrent with the larger. The difference is three.
As a teaser I want to show you this from the Apotheosis. Pourquoi you ask?
1. It's the safest place on earth at this moment
2. You'll never see a larger group of Mafia all in the same place in the open.
3. It's Sar kozy to see the absence of Barry Soetoro and Vlad the impaler
#AllScam Elites Leading Paris March? Hiding on side street Dodgin #WarCrimesCharges