There was something flying under the radar for months. The ongoing event known as Andrew Tahmooress, the PSTD Sargeant from Florida who took a wrong turn and wound up in Boystown Tijuana, Mexico and on to jail in Tecate.
Mysterious is the keyword here. I have followed it and been forced to watch Greta Van Simpson on Fox News to keep up with this program of this very strange event. At every turn this theatrical event by the blue team psy-operators made me scratch my head. There were obvious political aspects of this that made the weirdness seem logical. Obama's failure to own it in anyway was obvious. The Blue teams political attack on the administration, as a tail runner to Fast & Furious was obvious as well. But the event itself and the slow motion of the seven months was somewhat surreal. The immigration issue seems as old as the Mayan Temples, yet this issue seems to be the top issue of contention for the battle on the hill.
Some snippets from the googleplex:
Reports of what happened leading up to Tahmooressi’s arrest are mixed, and the Marine’s story has also varied since the date of his arrest. Originally, it was reported that this was the first time he had ever been to Mexico. Later, it came to light that he had been to Tijuana on at least six occasions before. Many people have called the marine’s credibility into question, while his mother and U.S. Congressmen Duncan Hunter and Scott Peters claim that regardless of Tahmooressi’s prior visits he did not have mastery of driving around the border area and that it was an honest mistake. - See more at: http://www.sandiegored.com/noticias/52955/Debunking-Media-s-Coverage-of-Andrew-Tahmooressi/#sthash.zyeJYFcx.dpuf
The twenty-five-year-old has maintained that he missed the last exit back to the USA and entered Mexico by accident along with more than four hundred rounds of ammunition in addition to the three [3] weapons. Some of the guns were reportedly readily available to the driver, loaded, and ready to fire. At Wednesday’s hearing, the Mexican officials’ statements of what occurred on March 31, along with what one would hope is well-documented evidence (including video footage of Tahmooressi’s arrival into Mexico), will be presented to the presiding judge. - See more at http://www.sandiegored.com/noticias/52955/Debunking-Media-s-Coverage-of-Andrew-Tahmooressi/#sthash.zyeJYFcx.dpuf
Tahmooressi’s mother claims that her son was recently diagnosed with PTSD, and is suffering from severe directional dysfunction. If that is the case, shouldn't that lead to questioning as to whether he should be transporting weapons at all, and especially in close proximity to the border. Also, leaving loaded guns inside a pick-up truck, in a parked vehicle, with other items such as a ladder in clear view does not seem like proper and safe storage. One would argue that a former Marine has a higher duty of care to the general population, and that he should have carefully navigated his route, and properly stored his weapons and ammo. - See more at: http://www.sandiegored.com/noticias/52955/Debunking-Media-s-Coverage-of-Andrew-Tahmooressi/#sthash.zyeJYFcx.dpuf
Several weeks after Tahmooressi’s arrest, a 911 tape of a call that he made to his mother was released. What is surprising about the tape is the fact that it was made at approximately 11:30 pm, an hour after he reportedly entered Mexico (not immediately after as many media outlets report). Also, his choice of words seem strange coming from somebody that is reportedly concerned about trying to return to the US. In the tape, Tahmooressi explains that he missed his exit and that the Mexican officials are “trying to take my guns from me.” When the operator affirmed that if he was in Mexico she couldn't help he said “so, they have the right to just take my guns.” It seemed like his main concern was being left gunless, rather than figuring out a way to get back in to the US. - See more at: http://www.sandiegored.com/noticias/52955/Debunking-Media-s-Coverage-of-Andrew-Tahmooressi/#sthash.gG0Gdw1G.dpuf
The Marine sergeant arrested for carrying loaded rifles into Mexico contemplated suicide during a harrowing 214-day imprisonment that included beatings, chains and being stripped naked for hours at a time, he said Thursday during an exclusive interview with Fox News' Greta Van Susteren.
"I was vulnerable, feeling very vulnerable," Andrew Tahmooressi said of his initial days inside the La Mesa prison in Tijuana. "I know there are some messed up people in this world, and prison's a good place to find them."
___________[7-7 months]
The Marine sergeant arrested for carrying loaded rifles into Mexico contemplated suicide during a harrowing 214-day imprisonment that included beatings, chains and being stripped naked for hours at a time, he said Thursday during an exclusive interview with Fox News' Greta Van Susteren.
"I was vulnerable, feeling very vulnerable," Andrew Tahmooressi said of his initial days inside the La Mesa prison in Tijuana. "I know there are some messed up people in this world, and prison's a good place to find them."
US Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi recounted his attempted escape from the Mexican prison he initially was housed at, after he learned of a possible attempt on his life by fellow inmates.
"I felt extremely afraid," Sgt. Tahmooressi told FOX's Greta Van Susteren, "I felt like it would be the last night of my life-- and that these guys would kill me."
"I had maybe climbed over four barbed-wire fences, and scared away a few dogs.." he said of his escape attempt.
Hmmmm again.
Sgt. Tahmooressi later explained that, upon his recapture, prison guards beat him and handcuffed him to a bed for an extended period of time.
Later, Tahmooressi, who faced the prospect of being jailed for 21 years, tried to kill himself by smashing a light bulb and stabbing himself in the neck, though guards discovered him and brought him to a prison hospital in time to save his life.
Tahmooressi eventually was moved to a safer prison in Tecate, where he remained until a Mexican judge ordered Tahmooressi freed on Friday on humanitarian grounds after he’d spent seven months behind bars. Tahmooressi, who had been living out of his pickup in the San Diego area while he sought treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder when he was arrested, returned to his family in Florida on Saturday.
Although Tahmooressi’s supporters have blasted President Obama for not doing more to get him freed, several politicians, including former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, members of Congress Duncan Hunter, R-Calif.; Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Fla.; Ed Royce, R-Calif.; and Matt Salmon, R-Ariz., were among those who worked to secure his release.
"The totality of diplomacy, the judicial process, the legal strategy and the importance of the American-Mexican relationship resulted in Andrew's release," Richardson said after the announcement. "And now we have this great outcome. Andrew's coming home."
Richardson told Fox News Tahmooressi is seeking privacy and still needs to receive treatment for his PTSD, something that wasn’t available in Mexican prison-- a key argument put forth by defense attorney Fernando Benitez
Double Hmmmmm.
Seven Months no SSRI's for his PTSD, his flippy-flop stories and the facts don't add up. Where was he going really? When did he decide to leave Florida? How much time in So. Calif? Seven months of trauma and programming? You can watch the interview here at I have heard this man on the phone and earlier interviews five months ago. Watch his interview and listen carefully and look closely.
Two tours in Afghanistan and seven moths in Mexican hands. I know Mexican jails I was in one after a wild night in zonas de tolerancia Matamoros. Hmmmm. I wonder what will happen with Sgt. Tahmooressi. I HOPE he will be okay but you know hope.
Worsening Condition
The longer this ex-Marine stays incarcerated, away from the treatment he was seeking when he wandered across the border, the worse his condition will become. PTSD does not necessarily lead to violence, according to medical experts. However, jail time itself is a new trauma and only serves to keep someone already traumatized in shock. The consequences on Tahmooressi's chance at a peaceful life could be devastating. http://www.answers.com/article/1212607/10-things-you-should-know-about-andrew-tahmooressi
There was a full interview over the weekend and expect it will be available shortly.
“I was like this is going to bring our family closer together and this is hopefully going to bring Americans closer together and America and Mexico closer together.”
"I'm going to be OK, everyone. I'll be just fine, I promise you."
- Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi
Children of Men - The Barren World Order
Obama vows to use executive action on immigration before new GOP Congress is sworn in http://fw.to/63XckQU - Washington Times
ReplyDeleteIRS head warns of 'miserable' 2015 tax-filing season: http://rt.com/usa/202991-irs-warns-tax-season-delays/
This may not exclude some bluebeam specific targeting and other beta testing for the EVAN network full scale assault. Internet, Grid , ELF, Energy focused plasma weapons as well as enough electromagnetic radiation capable of melting human eye tissue, and causing breast cancer, childhood leukemia and damage to human fetuses, let alone impacting wildlife in the area.
ReplyDeleteNavy Plans Electromagnetic War Games Over National Park and Forest in Washington State http://truth-out.org/news/item/27339-navy-plans-electromagnetic-war-games-over-national-park-and-forest-in-washington-state