The name Fergus is derived from the Gaelic elements fear ("man") and gus ("vigour", "force", or "choice"). 396693396693.........n
I posted the connection between Obama Golf Latitude and GPS synchronization for the project [Change] Transformation. To better illustrate the concept of TRIAD and how TPTB is actively beta-testing the rollout of what we call NWO it is important to break down the components. The terms we use are not critical as are the terms they use. What we do know now is it is all based on code. Alphanumeric designations and symbols are Wingdings and surface scratches in the enterprise system and coming CLOUD GIG ( global information grid)
We have spent much time linking CIA, NSA, DoD, Darpa, MIT, and their corporate counterparts. The TRIAD works on the same three principle of NEED WARRANT OPPORTUNITY where they utilize the main objective (need) the government laws and three branches (warrant) and the private sector, foundations, NGO's and corporations. The opportunities are boundless. The complexity of these relationships and connections are complicated enough to make the sanest man go mad. Yet simple vortex mathematical concepts, proficiency in decoding via the meta googleplex and and base fundamentals can make anyone effective in decoding.
To connect one matrix to another may take some time but the reverse engineering principal works best. Other tools like vortex math and Casting out nines are helpful as well. Everything is Evidence. Just like the bogus Grand Jury anything can be used as evidence.
DEMOS Think tank - In the late 1990s, Demos was conceptualized by Charles Halpern, President of the Nathan Cummings Foundation (1989–2000).[citation needed] Halpern wanted to create a counter-argument to the growing influence of the many right-wing think tanks and establish a multi-issue organization that would focus on progressive policy development and advocacy. David Callahan, a Fellow at the Century Foundation, and Stephen Heintz, Vice-President of the EastWest Institute, joined Halpern in helping to found Demos. Founding Board members included Arnie Miller, of Isaccson Miller, an executive search firm; David Skaggs, a Colorado Congressman; and Barack Obama, then an Illinois State Senator.
People related to Demos:
Mark C. Alexander - trustee
Benjamin Binswanger - trustee
Gina Glantz - trustee
Jay T. Harris - senior fellow
Van Jones - trustee
Wendy D. Puriefoy - trustee
Janet Shenk - trustee
Adele S. Simmons - trustee
Ruth A. Wooden - trustee
Demos past relationships:
American Federation of Teachers - funder
Annie E. Casey Foundation - funder
S. Decker Anstrom - funder
Benjamin R. Barber - senior fellow
Samuel R. Berger - funder
Communication Workers of America - funder
David & Lucile Packard Foundation - funder
Maria Echaveste - trustee
Ford Foundation - funder
Foundation to Promote Open Society - funder
Jehmu Greene - trustee
Wade Greene - funder
Stephen B. Heintz - chairman
Arnold Hiatt - funder
John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation - funder
KPS Capital Partners, LP - funder
Kresge Foundation - funder
Marguerite Casey Foundation - funder
John Morning - trustee
National Education Association - funder
Open Society Foundations - George Soros - funder
Steven L. Rattner - funder
Rockefeller Brothers Fund - funder
Rockefeller Family & Associates - funder
Service Employees International Union - funder
David E. Skaggs - trustee
Paul Starr - trustee
United Auto Workers - funder
United Federation of Teachers - funder
W.K. Kellogg Foundation - funder
Affiliate - OpenDemocracy Transformation
The Sandy Hoax Model aka the Connecticut Model
Scott A. Corzine
Senior Vice President
Scott is a Senior Vice President and member of the Board of Managers of Risk Solutions International responsible for firm’s strategic planning, marketing, business development and technology delivery activities across its emergency and crisis management and business continuity practices. He has focused his 35 year career on roles with early and growth stage software, IT and business services companies. Scott is experienced in consulting, early phase restarts, interim and crisis management situations. Before co-founding Risk Solutions International he was President and Chief Executive Officer of Design2Launch, Inc., a product lifecycle management software company focused on the information management and product development processes in the consumer packaged goods and advertising industries. As Principal of Strategic Alternatives, LLC, an independent business development consultancy, Scott delivered engagements in wireless and online services, network optimization, storage technology, gaming and voice authentication biometrics. He held senior management and business development positions with InteliData Technologies Corporation, Broadcast Data Systems, Prodigy, CUC International (Cendant) and WestPoint Pepperell. He received a BS in Business Administration from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and an Honors MBA in International Marketing from Pace University.
Duane A. Lohn
Executive Vice PresidentDuane is an Executive Vice President, Managing Director and co-founder of Risk Solutions International, and a member of its Board of Managers. He focuses on day to day operations of the business, business development, insurance industry relationships and centers of influence, along with client engagement delivery. Duane also manages the firm’s international desk related to inquiries and opportunities through our global resource network of qualified providers. A veteran marketing and consulting practitioner, he was previously Risk Consulting Client Development Practice Leader at Marsh a unit of Marsh & McLennan Companies in New York. Duane was responsible for sales, client development, delivery and engagement management of several service areas that included business continuity and disaster recovery planning, emergency and crisis management, claims accounting and forensic assistance, loss control, product recall, and intellectual property - across all industry sectors. Prior to Marsh, he was the Consulting National Practice leader at KPMG LLP in the Consumer and Industrial Markets sector focusing on manufacturing, retail and consumer product organizations. Duane has lead engagements at organizations domestically and in the United Kingdom, Canada, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, France, Italy and the United States. Earlier he held various executive positions at Senn-Delaney Consulting, Bromar, Inc. and Campbell Soup Company. He received a BS in Business Administration from the University of Phoenix. Duane has published articles, white papers and risk management videos, and has produced large scale conferences in risk mitigation. He participates with the Risk and Insurance Management Society, Inc. (RIMS) and the University Risk Management & Insurance Association (URMIA).
______________Sandy Hook
School district to create emergency plans to prepare for worst
By Matthew J. Malone
Staff Writer
Published February 8 2006
STAMFORD, CT -- The school district is creating emergency plans that include an assessment of each school's vulnerabilities and evacuation procedures. The emergency planning began this fall, before neighborhood shootings last month resulted in rumors of violence in city schools. Many high school students stayed home from school Jan. 27 because of rumors there would be retaliation for the death of Flanegaine Joseph, 19, who was shot on the West Side on Jan. 21.
In September, the board awarded a $116,000 contract to Risk Solutions International, a New York risk management firm, to conduct the review. Raj Cholleti, who is overseeing the work for the school's facilities department, said schools have emergency plans of varying quality. The new plans would formalize the response in each building and would be updated regularly through an Internet-based emergency
management system.
_____________Sandy Storm
City looks at disaster planning
A consulting company will analyze the strengths and weaknesses of city operations should a disaster strike.
Monday, July 18, 2005
Journal Staff Writer, The Providence Journal
PROVIDENCE -- What would happen to crucial municipal functions in a disaster, natural or man-made?
Would public safety officials still be able to communicate with one another? Would the city still be able to collect taxes in order to
pay its bills? Would city employees even be able to get to work?
"Cities are now waking up, post-9/11," with prodding from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, said Scott Corzine, senior
vice president of a New York City company called Risk Solutions International. "They're looking for all municipalities to really think
this through."
Money to hire Risk Solutions International is coming from an $800,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
___________eBola Model
(December 7, 2007, New York, NY) – Risk Solutions International, the operational risk consulting firm, today announced
that it will co-sponsor with Willis Group a conference on unique operational risks facing airports, along with the American
Association of Airport Executives (AAAE.) The program – Airport Management Workshop: Preparing for the “Right” Threats –
is a roll-up-the-sleeves, participatory event that delves into many aspects of risk that airports should take into account in
today’s turbulent and unpredictable environment.
The Airport Management Workshop: Preparing for the “Right” Threats will include live interactive demos, group tabletop exercises and perspectives on many of the critical, but less obvious operational, financial and physical risks that airport facilities are exposed to every day. These are threats and exposures that airport management may not have had the opportunity to consider in their conventional risk management approach.
Risk Solutions International plans to have top experts in new drug-swipe/detection technology, 3D tactical response mapping, human threat assessment, employee screening and perimeter security breaches. Other presenters will discuss operational implications of a pandemic outbreak, risks imposed upon airports in their role as part of the global supply chain, and critical TRIA and Safety Act updates. Still others will present real hostage and shooter simulations. Presentations and demos will be tied together with a final group tabletop exercise on the impact of disruptive events on the business of running an airport and how preparation for operational resilience by airport executives impacts how they should think about their insurance and financial exposure.
Scott Corzine, senior vice president of Risk Solutions International described the program as a conference specially developed to help airport executives think “outside the box” about significant risks that may not be obvious. “This format invites the airport executive to be part of the program as we review best practices, the nature and source of threats to their operations. We will help them think through effective, practical ways to prepare for and mitigate these threats in the real,
sometimes not-so-pretty world in which they run their facilities and engage the public traveler.”
_____________Sandy Hook
- New Online Training Course -
(November 5, 2007, New York, NY) – Risk Solutions International (RSI), the operational risk consulting firm, today introduced a new online training course from school violence expert Dr. Marisa Randazzo – “Understanding School Shootings.” It is designed for K-12 teachers, college faculty and staff, school resource officers (SROs) and security
personnel, campus police, counselors, and even parents. The course provides an introductory understanding of the behaviors and warning signs that students have shown prior to carrying out school shootings, and addresses steps that can be taken if such behavior is seen in a student today. In the aftermath of the massacre at Virginia Tech, and similar infamous killings from Columbine to the recent Cleveland and
Delaware incidents, RSI believes it is more important than ever for educators, security professionals, counselors, support staff and others who work closely with students, to gain a basic understanding of the behaviors, communications, and other warning signs that often precede these horrific events.
Research conducted by Dr. Randazzo and her colleagues has shown that school shootings are often planned in advance and communicated to others before the attacks occur. Therefore, they present an opportunity – with instruction – for schools and colleges to plan effective intervention strategies before this behavior escalates into the tragic use of deadly force and presents potential legal and insurance liability burdens that districts and institutions cannot easily manage.
Princeton educated Dr. Marisa Reddy Randazzo, President of Threat Assessment Resources International LLC ( and a member of Risk Solutions International’s Expert Advisory Panel, is an internationally
noted expert on targeted violence in schools and on campuses and on the practice of violence prevention. She has served as the Chief Research Psychologist at the U.S. Secret Service where she also co-directed a national study of school shootings that was conducted jointly by the Secret Service and U.S. Department of Education.
Dr. Randazzo has trained over 10,000 law enforcement, intelligence, and security professionals throughout the United States, Canada, and the European Union on human threat assessments, preventing campus attacks, bomb threats, managing threat investigations, navigating FERPA restrictions on information sharing, liaising between school security departments and local first responder agencies, and upgrading policies and procedures to meet contemporary concerns. Her research is used throughout the federal, state, and local law enforcement communities and has been credited in the media with preventing planned attacks. Dr. Randazzo has testified before Congress, briefed Cabinet Secretaries and White House staff, and been interviewed by various major television, radio, and print news outlets for her work on targeted violence and threat assessment. She has published numerous articles on threat assessment and violence prevention and currently serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Threat Assessment.
By collaborating with Dr. Randazzo and the online training experts at Blue Water Partners Global, Risk Solutions International is packaging Dr. Randazzo’s consulting expertise in a highly accessible, interactive online course that anyone can take at home or in the office. RSI has found that, while some police and emergency management officials may be exposed to this topic at schools and college campuses, the information is most beneficial when made available broadly to the people who see kids every day – teachers, counselors, and parents – and are in the optimal position to notice the signs of troubled or threatening behavior early enough to manage effective interdiction.
1-Dec Risk Solutions International (RSI) - Six Key ERM Preparations for the Next Sandy
11-Nov Risk Solutions International (RSI) - RSI's Business Continuity Software Now Available for U.S. Airports
14-Oct Risk Solutions International (RSI) - REMEMBERING SANDY: Is Your House in Order? A Nonprofit Executive Roundtable on Business Resiliency and Earnings Protection
28-Aug Risk Solutions International (RSI) will be participating in the Oilfield Breakfast Forum on October 9, 2013 in Houston. This event is sponsored by Decision Strategies and is held twice per year. The event is attended by Senior Executives and Board Members of all of the major oil & gas companies and related businesses.
27-Aug Duane Lohn, Executive Vice President & Managing Partner of Risk Solutions International (RSI) will be speaking at the Danish American Business group event being held in NYC on September 10, 2013. The event will feature a cocktail reception followed by presentations by Duane Lohn and Ira Tannenbaum from the NYC Office of Emergency Management. The presentations will focus on resiliency planning, disaster recovery and public and private partnerships.
26-Aug Risk Solutions International (RSI) will be participating and sponsoring with their Latin America partner, GRUPO CP (Interproteccion) on the 2013 Edition of the ERM and Business Continuity Planning Conference. The event will take place at the World Trade Center in Mexico City on October 3-4, 2013. RSI and GRUPO CP (Interproteccion) are currently working together on an international consumer products company with operations throughout Mexico and the U.S. The combined team is developing business continuity, crisis and emergency management plans for this organization.
26-Aug Risk Solutions International (RSI) will be attending the International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) event in Reno, NV on October 26-29, 2013. The RSI team will also participate in the National Higher Education (College and University) symposium on Saturday and Sunday.
26-Aug Risk Solutions International (RSI) will be attending and one of the sponsors of the Historic Naval Ships Association (HNSA) annual conference on September 18-19, 2013. The Intrepid Air, Sea and Space Museum in New York City is a long term client of RSI and a member of the HNSA. RSI provides the Intrepid Business Continuity and Emergency Operations Planning services and tools.
26-Aug Risk Solutions International will be attending the annual URMIA (University Risk Management Insurance Association) conference in Phoenix, October 12, 16th, 2013.
24-Jul Risk Solutions International - RSI Creates a Business Continuity Solution for U.S. Airports
18-Jul Risk Solutions International - URGENT SOLIDARITY - Washoe County Earthquake Preparedness Exercise Series 2013
18-Jul Risk Solutions International - Washoe County Full-Scale Exercise "Urgent Solidarity"
26-Jun Risk Solutions International (RSI) has recently been awarded a large Business Continuity Planning project for a Fortune 500 retailer. RSI will be implementing a web-based BCP tool that meets fourteen global BCP standards. The scope of work includes all aspects of the organization
26-Jun Risk Solutions International (RSI) has been awarded a Business Continuity Planning project for a New York based Not-for-Profit. The new BCP plan will assist the organization in its operational recovery capability. The detailed scope of work includes all business functions of the organization
24-May Risk Solutions International - Urgent Solidarity is a Nevada Department of Homeland Security & Division of Emergency Management jointly funded exercise series, focusing on earthquake preparedness for Washoe County schools -Ericka Artz Ferguson firefighter
07-May Risk Solutions International developed a new enhanced situational awareness module that can be added onto your emergency management plan website
12-Mar Risk Solutions International - Duane Lohn, Executive Vice President and Managing Director will be attending this special event in Houston.......
13-Feb Risk Solutions International - RSI Testifies at Connecticut School Security Task Force
___________ericKa artZ (811),-MS,-MEP
Exercise Planner
Erica Artz
Risk Solutions International LLC
Erika Artz, MS, MEP - FireRescue1 Academy Expert
It appears RSI has been very busy in 2013 prepping for the crises of Obamacare. They have no press releases for 2014. I guess just no time to get it updated with the succession of events we have had over the Transformation of Obamacare.
RSI has removed Artz from the website but her fingerprints are still there. The connections are there. Here are the Mucketies of the clan. Another Goldberg?









It only requires about three degrees of separation, six max to link the conspirators to this event in Ferguson. This exercise along with looking at the staged effects of the ground game should be enough to gather the process by which Agenda 21 is being orchestrated in weather, financial, social and psychological engineered triads. The FEMA, NLE exercises, DHS Crisis management teams, main stream media and banker/foundation financing is always transparent as long as the internet and truthers are able to broadcast and record the events. The hoax is confirmed, the enablers exposed, the administrators identified and the connections to the top tiers of Rockefeller, Soros, Trilateral and CFR ultimately completed.
Whether I can convince you of Project Bluebeam, Genesis Transformation, or 811 science of Full Spectrum Dominance by MK-Ultra should not dissuade you from realizing the vast depth of the conspiracy and the 1000 points of light who administrate of entire world. There are people inside the box who have no idea they are a tool for this leviathan, but none the less they are an issue for global populations who are in the sights of the 29 - 33 degree core committee.
This winter will be brutal in all the disciplines from weather to EMP infrastructure, cyber, biothreat, financial and other human staged events. OCCU-PI and agenda 21 dictate the time and the vortex dictates the place. Obama, the force for transformation The Botswanan globalist is getting ready to add an additional 3000 regulations to US businesses and move forward on the Trans Pacific Partnership and seal the deal on our demise but he still has a broad base of operatives working hard for him. Whatever the Schumers or Grubers say is for show. Its designed to make you think you are winning. Sorry to say your stack is dwindling very fast and this AG21 deflection only shows the kind of fraud and crime to come next year. When the SHTF for real it will not be demos.
Like we might suspect -- Deflection & Con, and a Whammo!
ReplyDeleteEO, EO, EIO, Old MacFondled has a Pharm -- With Everyone Focused on Ferguson, Obama Quietly Passing 3,400 New Regulations Before Thanksgiving.
Puddy, check out this article:
Hi buddy. I mentioned this at the end of the article. :)
ReplyDelete[Obama, the force for transformation The Botswanan globalist is getting ready to add an additional 3000 regulations to US businesses and move forward on the Trans Pacific Partnership and seal the deal on our demise but he still has a broad base of operatives working hard for him.]
It's a backdoor into the TPP. What the Botswanan is doing is creating the global model right here in the bankrupt USofA. Once the MICC moves to UN-NATO the treaty will get the guns. Once the guns are stowed, the financial collapse will bring the rest of the Malaise to the table.
What connects the Malaise(enmod), Ukraine(pipeline to kremlin), I$I$(TPP Trade treaty), eBola(Africom) together is the force of fear of complete social decay by design.
China gets a pass.
Entropy of systems and atrophy of will are the forces of order. Risk Management models have already run the necessary beta test in micro-versions. Once the global trigger with the US Dollar Bomb occurs the Lords of Committee will Save the system by introducing the carbon credit hunger game lottery system. Those in the 22 will bow, then bend over for the 33 while the 11 will wither and return to the earth at ground zero.