Thursday, September 11, 2014

Hidden 9/11 Pics to be Revealed This Weekend by Survivor

YES!  You should take a couple of minutes to watch this Whistleblower's video -- he states there "were" explosions in the towers, not from the airplanes -- and his pictures will document this fact.  This should be a very important "unmasking" this weekend!

And while the current crop of planted "leaders" continue with the same brand of Lies and Hypocrisy as their forebears, THE TRUTH continues to creep out from under the Cover-Up.

"U.S. Government Denies Claims of Toxic Exposure to 9/11 First Responders"

QUESTION: Have you ever seen a structure collapse creating this gross amount of "powderized" remains? As in one that collapsed top down, without explosives or outside applied energy? Big Clue Here.


  1. Have you come up with the limited hangout they will provide when the proverbial elephant takes a crap? I wish Camus Rebel would drop his elephant pic again. I miss that dude.

    The obvious ISIS creation of a real ISIS agenda elsewhere was a strategy to erase alCIAda 911 and begin a greater threat deflection. Reality is an opposing force to direct and vicarious trauma, but most often no match for it.

    I'll be looking for the pictures Boomer and an update to this. Thanks.

  2. Love this one!

  3. How convenient, aye. Why don't I believe this report? Could it be because the layers of "fiction upon fiction", lies stacked upon lies promulgated by "the controllers, the world improvers, the Tribe" are like diarrhea from this crew?

    And if so, so what? They funded them, They concocted the murderous drama and wrote the script, so what if they blow up the Bad Guy Leaders? I'd like to see Them be blown up or spontaneously combust in an ongoing action of justice and karma. I'll clap for that.

  4. In my CONcept of NWO need warrant opportunity, the benefits and never wasting an opportunity is clear. They are not going to kill ISIS operatives but instead potential threats to the scheme or possible real targets predetermined by intelligence.

    What the WOT true goal was to attain and obtain full spectrum dominance and the only enemy to them are our friends or ourselves who could not sucked in to this mind-controlled Matrix and thus not be players in the committee's vortex.

    This was NAZIONISTS (Fulford) many programs in Paperclip and Germany WWII. SIGINT - HUMINT program which as we know has morphed into a highly sophist program to data mine INTEL while running a similarly high performing program of rhetoric and brainwashing.

    In this case, the TARGET is not the bullseye but the vectors surrounding the center. Just like DARTS to me. The Black Hand ISIS just uses the SIGINT and DRONES to play this game.

  5. Keep up on the Diversions, Disc;osures of 911 and ISIS 811

    Stay focused on America's Transformation and TPP, NAFTA, UNESCO and Total surrender to Agenda 21.


  6. Yessum. ISIS mimics the characteristics of inhuman bloodthirstiness as shown by the Zionists front and center with the Palestinian People. Much gets written these days regarding their Black Hands moving the Black Gloves round the world. We can probably agree they are exceeding prolific in the causing chaos business. They are one of the greatest puppeteers of our time.

    Major Agendas seem to still be on course. This is disturbing, but the machinations and their authors are being revealed to more and more people every second. There is a critical mass pivot point for both sides.

  7. The question remains whether he peeps will connect the tentacles to the main body quietly masquerading as the UN-World Bank. Everything else remains frequencies to distort and divert the masses to the entanglements of chaos and confusion. ISIS is a prime example of intentional disorder and subterfuge based largely on total illusion.

  8. Youtube has replaced the original video with another. Must have had kernels they felt were too true for the sheeple.

  9. Which video got replaced, Puddy? Certainly, wherever MONEY, PROFITS, AND POWER reside, THERE we will find the devil pigs wallowing, and working behind fronts to accomplish their agendas. ALWAYS, with deception and subterfuge and the kinds of criminal deal-making practiced by Their class.

    BANKING is the KEY to their power. Illegal money creation, illegal deals to steal, bribery, fraud, murder, mayhem Incorporated. That's THEM in a nutshell. The secret societies and the planted "leaders" of state, corporate, finance, judicial, pharma, military, and religious acting through these agencies, are the arms and legs connected to the psychopathic minds hidden behind.

    For the most part, people see the smoke and the mirrors and must infer, and look behind and through the propaganda, delusions, and lies to learn the Truth.

  10. ISIS BOMBED and the US should rejoin Britain after we apologize.

    The UN and IMF have agreed on disposal of Assets. The Assets are you and I. The way to dissolve the derivatives debts and toxic ledgers are to rob us and then with swift action kill us. The graphical vectors would intersect with death at the time we are bankrupt.

    Whether the variants of the ebola they weaponized in the late eighties should be working fine. The e-Bola may not be but a anthrax based model to transfer readily from pig, bird, monkey dog and man.

    SKYFALL has the monetary, Airborne and Drones to complete the greatest global purge with no evidence to support NWO conspiracy.

    The ultimate Skinner, Darwin, Mengele game and one that we can expect at the time of their choosing. Banks are stealing real assets as fast as they can. A swift key would be a Wallstreet ,'major correction' just before the chicken little broadcast the event.

  11. Those photos have been posted at

    I don't have the means to put them up here.
