June 28, 2014
Meet your soon-to-be new United Nations Governor. He orchestrated the Gulf crisis and now he will be "managing" the border crisis. [1]Meet the ultimate insider. Soon, every American will know his name.
In Part One[2], I detailed how the United Nations is posturing to seize American guns as a prelude to martial law. If you have not read Part One, it will be helpful to do so before reading the rest of this article.
Any police detective will tell you that it is sometimes necessary to look at the facts of an old crime in order to solve a new crime. If one wants to understand the forces at work which are posturing to enslave America, one has to first take a summary look at the forces behind the so-called Gulf Oil Spill because many of the players, one in particular, will prominently figure in what is coming.
The Genesis of Our Present Demise
Before we can solve the soon-to-be-crime in which the UN completes its pre-positioning of its assets and moves to seize American guns and impose martial law under the umbrella of a completely manufactured crisis, we need to take a retrospective peek at what happened in the Gulf Oil Spill.
Shortly following the Gulf Oil Spill, I wrote a seven part series which exposed the conspiracy, which in part, blew the lid off the event by demonstrating the money movement prior to the explosion was orchestrated. Yes, I am saying that this was a false flag event. Proving this assertion is as easy as counting 1-2-3. The players involved in the Great Gulf Coast Holocaust were the following:
1. British Petroleum was the owner of the oil being removed from the floor of the Gulf. BP CEO Tony Hayward sold 40% of his BP holdings in the weeks prior to the spill and paid off his mortgage on his estate in Kent, England, avoided staggering losses. And true to form involving the pattern of perpetuating a false flag event with media complicity, on June 8, 2010, less than six weeks following the oil spill, BP bought Google and Yahoo Search Terms, related to the oil spill, in an obvious attempt to conceal as much of the truth as possible from the public.
The Chaos In Iraq Is By DESIGN
IN FACT -- LET'S JUST LIGHT UP THESE BASTARDS! The article just below from provides many names of the guilty/responsible for the IRAQ debacle, as well as these criminals also played their parts in 9/11 before, during, and after. They're still at IT!
Source: Washington's Blog: "The Real History of the American Strategy for Iraq and the Middle East"
"The people who planned, agitated for, and executed this war are the very same people who have advanced Israeli interests – at America’s expense – at every opportunity. In “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm,” a 1996 document prepared by a gaggle of neocons – Perle, Douglas Feith, James Colbert, Charles Fairbanks, Jr., Robert Loewenberg, David Wurmser, and Meyrav Wurmser – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was urged to “break out” of Israel’s alleged stagnation and undertake a campaign of “regime change” across the Middle East, targeting Lebanon, Libya, Syria, Iraq, and eventually Iran. With the exception of Iran – and that one’s still cooking on the back burner – this is precisely what has occurred. In 2003, in the immediate wake of our Pyrrhic “victory” in Iraq, then Prime Minister Ariel Sharon declared to a visiting delegation of American members of Congress that these “rogue states” – Iran, Libya, and Syria – would have to be next on the War Party’s target list." Don't forget the entire mal-administrations during these treasonous murderous time frames.
ALSO SEE: "The European Union prepares the ‘solidarity clause’ framework for military use against citizens"
Plus, here's more evidence of the WAR-MAKING insiders funding BOTH sides of conflicts for profits. While they bill and kill the citizens on both sides. It IS a sick game to them. Let's end it.
You are "on track" as usual Puddy. The sleight of hand these daze is quite shoddy, rather like a drunken poker game or lushed out Monopoly game with the players really not caring if their tells show or not. Any COTO mate can discern the Truth bubbling up, and often cavorting right across the stage, making the "actors" look like the hacks they are.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, add Pelosi to the latest Boehner mis-erection.
Rodney Dangerfeld? J/K.
ReplyDeleteMy God that has to be one of the biggest stories to break in decades and not a peep anywhere about it! Mass graves of children! And what is it with Belgium? First Dutroux, now this. That country is pure EVIL. I wouldn't doubt if that Mother of Darkness castle (Chateau des Amerois) is the headquarters of THE worldwide satanic cult.
ReplyDeleteTook a look at the FB link. I don't know who she is Puddy. Not up on everything. Rather difficult these daze to follow the bouncing balls...
ReplyDeleteJust a google diversion should you look up the real Holly Greig. If you can buy search terms and hierachy you can eliminate the traffic from finding the real information. You have to be creative when looking for right info and go around the expected search terms and get efficient on advanced searching.
ReplyDeleteHere we see a mild form of The People standing up against criminal policy-makers. This depiction shows a crowd of "citizens" SWARMING the villain.
ReplyDeleteThat's my new coined term for The People in defending their Rights, Freedom, and Liberty -- "SWARMING".
It is apparent The People will have to stand up for themselves against tyranny, and remove it from their midst. The "tactic" of SWARMING will be used as a herd/tribe defensive measure against Bad Cops, Politicians, and corrupt individuals everywhere who are stomping on the faces of The People. SWARMING can be used effectively with alt-media, with personal communications devices, anywhere and everywhere. Raids on neighbors? The entire block will come out and make sure things go down with justice.
I see SWARMING coming our way in America and elsewhere. It will be an effective deterrent to the lawless perpetraitors operating against the interests of humanity.